Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 677

"If you go to the main continent, I suggest you go to the Belem empire." On the 391 floor of the Santa tower, Jos suggested to Locke.

Different people have different suggestions for Locke. This is not that the city of the sky is superior to the Belem Empire, but that different travel regions help people of different identities.

Wesley is from the perspective of his magician to give advice to Locke.

Indeed, for a caster born in the wizard world, the city of the sky can be described as inheriting the magic system of the wizard world from ancient times to modern element system, Mathematical Olympiad system, astrology system, summoning system, magician system and so on.

It contains the wisdom crystallization of the wizard world for hundreds of millions of years, and the city of the sky is a super large floating city with the strongest standard and the seat of level 6 peak wizard Douglas.

Douglas\'s position to the name of the strong is enough to attract countless hot-blooded knights and magicians in the standard.

As for Jos\'s suggestion that Locke go to the Belem Empire, Jos gave his suggestion from the perspective of Locke knight.

The Belem empire is the top force that develops the knight power to the limit from the standard. In addition to the most advanced and practical Knight cultivation system, the strength of the Belem empire is also among the top forces in the whole wizard world.

Moreover, seiffel, the emperor of the Belem Empire, is said to be the strongest knight in terms of standard, with a level 5 peak and a terrorist strength close to level 6.

The six imperial generals under his command: Sun feldspar Glen, moon feldspar Volta, tiger eye stone kaiserda, obsidian Dussel, fluorite Selena, hematite avi. They are all powerful creatures above level 4!

The Beilun empire is far more powerful than Locke imagined. Compared with the Beilun Empire, the three western islands are just a small corner of the wizard world.

Geographically, it is true that the three western islands are just three small continents located in the northwest of the main continent.

"In which direction are you going to travel?" Jos asked.

When Locke was only one level, he already knew that their plane was actually a sphere. Some ectopic planes also called the plane itself "planet."

Whether it is the west coast where the blood warlocks are located or the east coast to the east of the three western islands, in fact, wizards are just two different continental margins of the world\'s main continent.

The main continent in the center of the plane and the "small islands" like the three western islands around the main continent together constitute a prosperous and powerful wizard world.

In other words, the wizard world actually has only one continent, while a continent like the three western islands is actually just an "island".

However, Locke doesn\'t have to belittle himself because of his birthplace. Even if it is an island, the three western islands are definitely the three largest islands in the wizard world. After all, there are four level-4 creatures cultivated here.

"I\'m going to start on the east coast." Locke said respectfully.

Locke has never been to the west coast. Of course, he prefers the east coast with travel experience.

Starting from the east coast, go all the way East, go deep into the main continent of the wizard world, start experience and adventure, and finally go to the west coast at the other end of the continent, end up in the field of blood warlocks, and then return to the three western islands. This is Locke\'s plan.

"What I am more worried about is the hostility between the east coast and our three Western Islands..." Locke said that the contradiction between the east coast and the three western islands has a long history. Even Locke has taken over the task of the knight palace and killed many first-class strong people on the east coast.

"You can rest assured that if you are still a level one, you will naturally not be able to step squarely into the territory of the east coast, but you don\'t need to worry about this when you grow up to level two or above." Jos said with relief.

The wizard world is an organized and regular whole. Although there are geographical and factional divisions, they are all part of the wizard world from the standpoint of the whole level.

The resentment between the three western islands and the east coast is just a contradiction at the level of the four strong on both sides. The radiation of the bottom knights and magicians will only be involved below the first level.

Any strong person promoted to level 2 or above is a valuable resource and wealth in the wizard world. Just as the rules of the holy tower and the knight palace strictly protect the life below level 1, for the creatures above level 2, it is the plane will that protects them.

If the east coast dare to openly attack the secondary strong of other forces, I\'m afraid it won\'t be long before the plane guardian will find their heads.

After hearing Jos\'s explanation, Locke suddenly remembered that no wonder when he was on a mission to fight with the strong on the east coast, the strongest on both sides was only a first-class creature like him.

No matter how fierce the battle between the two sides is, there will be no strong ones above the second level.

Plane will and plane guardian Locke is very curious about what the plane will and guardian of the wizard world look like.

Moreover, he also found from many materials and a few words of a strong man like Jos that they seem to be more than one Guardian of the world.

Because it is a medium-sized plane, does it surpass the small world and the micro world in both details and other aspects. Or because the wizard world has reached the peak of the medium-sized plane, it is only one step away from the super large plane.

Some things can\'t be touched without reaching that level.

For the different suggestions of Jos and Wesley, Locke chose to listen to Jos. Of course, Jos\'s height and perspective of seeing problems are much higher than Wesley.

As a knight, Locke is more interested in the Belem Empire, which is known as the "Knight country". As for the city of the sky, he will pay a visit if he has the opportunity.

"Ashar, she also agreed to travel to the main mainland with you." Before leaving, Jos added coldly.

"Ah?!" Locke was stunned.

A year later, Locke, who was well prepared, was ready to take a boat in the eastern part of the Omar empire.

The three western islands and the east coast have a long way to go, and the endless and wide sea area will be exhausted if you use flight. Considering the tense relationship between the two sides, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, the holy tower and knight palace will not provide floating ships for visiting knights and magicians.

Everything needs them to witness and grow step by step.

Many people came to see them off, including Kayla, Angelina, grace, Leia, Xiaxi and other girls, as well as friends such as Billie and Diane.