Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 670

Wine is an ordinary drink. If he is imprisoned here, how can Locke expect it to give him good wine.

The dishes are also ordinary. He is used to eating the big fish and meat of the king\'s house. Locke was really a little uncomfortable just one or two days after he was detained here.

He made this burning bird himself. The forbidden magic array can suppress energy elements and can\'t stop ordinary birds flying overhead.

Locke can\'t mobilize his fighting spirit, but his knight\'s physical quality is still there. It\'s nothing to catch two birds.

When I was a soldier, I used to make fire in the wild. As for where the firewood came from, there were a lot of flowers, grass and ornamental trees in the courtyard outside the palace. I just cut them down.

Locke hasn\'t realized it yet. He\'s made a big mistake.

Asked by Locke, Ashar, who was also imprisoned under the eaves of a house for three days, also felt a little hungry.

The physical quality of the magician really can\'t be compared with that of the knight. After losing element energy, assar is almost no different from an ordinary person at this time, but assar also has her own card, that is, she can turn her right hand into black magic flame.

If Locke still wants to fight with her, Ashar is not empty. There is no fighting spirit to protect his body. Once Locke is burned by the dark element flame, the result is hard to say.

He tore off a wing of the roast bird on the table and handed it to Ashar. Locke took care of himself and stuffed most of the rest into his mouth.

The greasy baked wings in her hands made Ashar\'s eyebrows tight. She was not as clean as Kaila, but she was a female magician. Locke didn\'t know whether her hands were clean or not, so she tore them off and handed them to her. Why didn\'t Ashar feel uncomfortable.

But in the end, the hunger in her stomach overcame the unhappiness in Ashar\'s heart. She took the roasted wings Locke gave her and sat at the dinner table, chewing and swallowing gently.

Look, Ashar is quite calm today. After eating, Locke, who has been secretly looking at Ashar\'s state, blinked and said, "master, are you still angry with me?"

As soon as she raised her eyebrows, she threw away the roasted wings with only bird bones in her hand. Ashar didn\'t answer Locke\'s question.

Seeing Ashar unmoved, Locke let out his body, leaned back against the stone chair and sighed, "I don\'t know how my daughter is now."

It\'s hard for Locke. Just after she gave birth, her daughter fought with Ashar and was finally locked up in this ghost place. When she will be released is a problem.

Ashar heard Locke\'s sigh over there, and her body was shocked. She also looked at the little girl for several times that day. She was a little baby carved in powder and jade. If it comes to kinship, the little girl should also be her niece.

Apart from her sister, ASAR, who has no other relatives in the world, suddenly has another niece. Only she knows the feelings.

"Do you still have strength? If you have strength, catch some more birds for me." After a long time, Ashar said impolitely to Locke who was lying there.

On hearing this, Locke stood up and said, "yes, master, wait a minute. I\'ll catch you right away."

Assar\'s usual Yu Wei was there. Although he had a fight with her, Locke was still afraid of assar. Locke naturally did it 100% in the face of assar\'s requirements.

Two days later, Locke, who felt that his relationship with Ashar had eased slightly, asked at night, "master, when do you say it will hold us?"

Since he was locked up in a palace, of course, Locke slept outside and Ashar slept inside at night.

Princeton\'s climate has always been very warm, coupled with the physique of a local knight, Locke did not feel any discomfort sleeping in the open air.

He knew that master ASAR didn\'t sleep at this time.

"I don\'t know!" Ashar\'s cold voice came.

"Ah?!" Outside, Locke looked pale.

Discussions on the disposal of Locke and Ashar have been discussed more than five times in the royal family of the omor Empire and the branch Hall of the knight palace these days.

It even alerted two level three sky knights on both sides.

In essence, the royal family of the omor Empire wore a pair of trousers with the knight palace in the mainland of Messia. It is said that the blood flowing in the body of the past emperor omor came from the master of the mainland of Messia, the strongest level Four Knight Odyssey.

It is no wonder that the omor empire can grow into the most powerful empire on the mainland of Messia, one of the three western islands. The old ancestor of the royal family is the level 4 Knight of Odyssey.

The key point that makes the two families unable to make up their minds to deal with Locke and Ashar lies in their identity background.

If their backstage, Jos, who is known as the strongest demigod in the three western islands, wants to protect them, they can\'t even touch a finger of Locke and Ashar.

This matter is big and small.

It\'s because they openly disobeyed the rules formulated by the holy tower and the knight palace. No matter the life or death of ordinary people, they fought hard, and in places like the imperial capital, the influence was extremely bad!

It\'s small because ordinary people died. Two or three thousand casualties are really nothing compared with Princeton\'s huge population base.

Whether those ordinary people are nobles or civilians, they are ordinary people in the eyes of knights and magicians above level 1.

And now Jos is on the ectopic side. The strong at that level, that is, his Majesty the emperor of the Amor Empire, or the Lord of the sub Hall of the knight hall in Princeton, are not necessarily qualified to use cross plane communication to contact others.

Can you really send a knight of heaven to the digital world to ask joss what he thinks?

So the matter between them was put on hold.

Until the seventh day of detention, the unbearable Locke called in a first-class knight who was guarding them outside and said, "go and call the local knight in charge here. I have something to say to him!"

On the other side, Ashar, who meditated silently on her spiritual power, glanced curiously at Locke, then closed her eyes and continued to meditate in the courtyard.

Locke\'s pager soon attracted the attention of the above. Locke was sent in a secret room where four ground knights were sitting.

Four local knights are here. Locke, who is imprisoned, can\'t turn out flowers even if he has three heads and six arms.

They are the middle and high level of the Princeton branch of the knight palace. At this time, they all know Locke\'s identity and background.

"It\'s a little small here. You can change a place for me and untie the energy confinement temporarily." Looking at the ceiling height of the secret room, Locke said something without thinking.

The four knights looked at each other and moved Locke to the outside yard. They wanted to see what Locke wanted to do.

With permission, Locke, who temporarily untied the energy control, certainly didn\'t burst and hurt people. He opened the dimension bag and released the Hellfire giant AI from it.

"Look at it. What can you see?" Locke pointed to the confused Hellfire giant AI after coming out of the dimensional bag.

The other three Knights did not know what to say. Only one knight opened his eyes and exclaimed unbelievably, "does she have the blood of the bronze man AGUS in her body?!"