Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 669

It is not known who will win or lose the war between Locke and assar, because less than half an hour after the battle, the royal family of the Amor Empire and the branch Hall of the knight hall have sent people to stop.

Unfortunately, both the royal family of the Amor Empire and the knight palace miscalculated their strength.

Originally, I thought it was just a struggle between two ordinary second-class strong men, so at the first time, the royal family of the omor Empire sent only two second-class strong men, and the sub Hall of the knight hall also sent only two local knights.

Seeing the battle scene between Locke and Ashar, the second-class strong who hurried to the scene in less than 15 minutes was directly silly.

Is this still the power that secondary creatures should have?

It goes without saying that the female mage who incarnated the magic flame thought that she was the top magician in the holy tower, and where did the knight who turned on his blood come from? Why have you never heard of such a fierce man in the earth Knight before.

"Master herty, who is this magician from the holy tower?" One of the two second-class strong men sent by the imperial royal family happens to be a magician. She is also from the holy tower.

The second level magician herty, who was stared at by three Knights around, dressed in orange magic robes and looked like a middle-aged woman, also had a very ugly expression. She said with a headache, "this dark element magician, if I didn\'t admit my mistake, it should be assar magician."

"Ashar magician?" The three Knights turned their heads to each other. Look at me and I look at you. They don\'t know the assar magician.

Ashar is famous for her eccentricity in the holy tower. Even she, a second-class magician who has been famous for many years, is unwilling to face Ashar, and I\'m afraid she can\'t deal with Ashar\'s power alone.

"This man is really talented. He has been promoted to level 2 for more than ten years. He has grown to such a level." Hetty looked at Ashar in the battle and thought.

As a woman and a magician, Hetty is far inferior to Ashar in both figure, appearance and magic strength.

The three knights on the other side also had a headache for Locke, a new knight.

Not to mention one-on-one, they are not Locke\'s opponents. Even if the three play side by side, they may not be able to beat Locke.

Leaving aside Locke\'s blood and skills are among the top among the land knights, the cultivation materials he digested from Jos in the past two years are enough to push his fighting strength to an extremely terrible situation.

Not to mention reaching the peak of his growth, he has definitely reached an upper position.

Locke, who let go of his hands and feet, really fought. It is also possible to hang the three ground knights with a hammer.

"Who do you know this knight?" Asked herty.

The four secondary strong men know each other because they live in Princeton all year round.

The remaining three Knights looked at each other and shook their heads.

Although Locke went to the knight palace several times after he was promoted to the second level, he mainly contacted his former friends. Only one person who knew his second level strength was Raleigh who was responsible for receiving him at the beginning.

Therefore, the three Knights present did not know this powerful colleague.

"What to do? Ask for help?" Asked one of them.

"What can I do? Ask for help!" Others said angrily.

When the four of them went in, it was estimated that they could not fight, and they had to be hurt by Locke and Ashar. These people are human spirits who have lived for hundreds of years. How could they do such thankless things.

So a large-scale struggle that should have been controlled in more than ten minutes lasted for half an hour. Only when the royal family and the knight hall sent a second wave of people could they control the situation.

"You must punish these two guys!" A knight who arrived here later said fiercely.

In order to fight for Locke and Ashar, the royal family and the knight palace sent a total of nine second-class strong people: two second-class magicians and seven local knights.

The nine second-class strongmen jointly created a layer of fighting spirit and a layer of magic. Under the dual control, they suppressed the energy fluctuation caused by the two people and did not cause losses to the imperial capital again.

The two Santa magicians didn\'t agree with the local Knight\'s anger. Since assar is here, Kayla may also be here.

They just scanned around and really saw the figure of Kaila, the second-class light element master. The only thing that made them wonder was how Kaila magician still had a child in his arms.

Look at Kayla\'s intimacy with the child. It doesn\'t look like someone else\'s.

Since Kayla is here, the two Santa magicians know that this matter is not so easy to solve.

They don\'t have to give Keira face, but the face behind Keira, who is the honorary Dean of Santa college and the famous semi divine strong man.

The two Santa magicians felt it necessary to give some advice to the knights, otherwise they would really punish Locke and Ashar for good or bad, which would not end well.

Half an hour of fighting did not let Locke and Ashar decide the outcome.

However, their strong collision also gave each other a layer of shock and recognition of each other\'s real strength.

To tell the truth from the bottom of his heart, Locke can see that he is a little weaker than Ashar. Ashar flew all the way to Princeton from Santa tower and lost 20% of his magic. In this way, he can draw with him. How can Locke not be shocked.

Assar\'s shock is a shock at Locke\'s rapid growth.

Locke, who is 51 years old this year, is still too young. When assar was in this grade, it was estimated that he had just been promoted to a first-class magician, not long ago.

For the next two days, both Locke and Ashar were locked up in the red leaf prison of the Amor empire.

Red leaf prison is a magic forbidden prison made by the holy tower magician at a high price. As long as it is suppressed inside, no matter you are a magician or a knight, you can\'t mobilize any energy. It is said that red leaf prison can hold the third-class strong!

Although it is a prison, in fact, Hongye prison is located in the corner of the Imperial City in the south central area of Princeton, which is a large palace complex.

Any strong man above the first level is a prominent figure in the three western islands, not a marquis, duke or earl of the Empire in a remote small country, not to mention these two are still second-class strong men.

Locked up in the high wall of the palace and drinking wine and eating dishes every day, Locke didn\'t feel any discomfort. The only pain was that he missed his daughter.

"Cough, master Ashar, you haven\'t eaten for three days. Do you want to eat?" Locke said, pointing to the roast bird on the table.