Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 671

The giant Hellfire AI, after absorbing the blood energy of the bronze man Argus and recovering from serious injury, first shrunk for a period of time, and then soared back in the dimensional bag.

I\'m afraid she must be thirteen meters tall now, which can\'t compare with Lord Adams of scorpion dragon and definitely with Shiva, Adams\'s spouse.

The Hellfire giant with only first-class biological fluctuation is nothing in the eyes of several land knights. To their shock, the bronze human blood emitted from the Hellfire giant.

The bronze man AGUS, the only disciple recognized by the fourth level Knight Odyssey, exists in the demigod level. He is a member of the knight Hall of the whole Messian continent. Who knows, who doesn\'t know.

Is there any origin between the knight in front of him and Lord Argus?

The brains of the four knights present were directly involved in the crash.

Locke saved several demigods in the rainbow forest. Several demigods also owe him a favor.

Hellfire giant AI, who was nourished by Argus\' blood, recovered and broke through to the first level at that time.

After all, it was AI who saved several demigods. Strictly speaking, he was carrying a nuclear bomb launcher. He could contribute a drop of his own blood to a slave creature. This AGUS was also a forthright man. He would not despise AI because of his humble origin.

Sure enough, the four knights present were in a dilemma.

The land knight is already the middle class of the knight palace. They can\'t touch the divine power of the semi God Argus at close range, but they have seen it many times from afar.

Few people doubt the authenticity of the blood in AI\'s body. How rare is the blood of bronze people. Argus is the only one owned by the three western islands.

"Well, can you let Ashar and I go back first? As for the losses caused to Princeton, I will try my best to make up for them." Locke asked the first of the four knights.

Locke firmly refused to mention the violation of the rules of the holy tower and the knight\'s palace, and only talked about compensation for the loss.

He also knew that the focus of what he and Ashar did was not how many deep disasters they caused to ordinary people, but that they openly violated the rules of the holy tower and the knight\'s palace.

With a worried face, the local Knight did not give an answer immediately.

It was the two three-level heavenly Knights of the royal family and the knight Hall who ordered Locke and Ashar to be arrested and severely punished. If he really wanted to let them go, it was not his little knight who could make a decision. He must report to the two heavenly knights for decision.

In fact, a few days ago, when the two heavenly Knights knew that Jose was standing behind Locke and Ashar, they were in a dilemma. Now they moved out the bronze man, Lord Argus.

The chief Knight wiped the sweat from his face.

Seeing that the man had not answered himself for a long time, Locke asked, "is the Garcia knight in Princeton now?"

The chief knight felt his scalp burst, pressed down his doubts and said, "Garcia knight is indeed in Princeton. What are you looking for her for?"

Garcia knight is just an ordinary female knight. This identity is nothing in Princeton, but her husband is not ordinary

Could it be that

Under the astonished look of the local knight, Locke said calmly, "Lord Felix and I are old acquaintances. If it\'s really difficult to do this, you can consult Lord Felix."

Felix, the famous level-3 knight in the mainland Knight palace of Messia, is famous not because of his strength, but because his contacts and reputation are the best among all the heaven knights on the three western islands.

Inside the knight palace, I don\'t know how many level-1, level-2 and level-3 Knights have received his favor. Coupled with the gamble more than ten years ago, Felix has twice released the strength of the semi divine peak, making his prestige boil again in the mainland of Messia.

Although he was punished by the Santa tower and handed over to the Gaia knight, and now he is a senior general under the Gaia Lord, Felix\'s contacts in the mainland of Messia are not broken, and his wife Garcia also lives in Princeton all the year round.

This time, the leading land Knight didn\'t talk nonsense. After communicating with the two upper heaven Knights through magic communication, the processing results of Locke and Ashar came down immediately.

But Locke and Ashar must pay Princeton 200 million Golden moles and some other compensation within ten years.

The result of such punishment is no different from not sentencing them, but 200 million Golden moles is not a small number. Converting it into the essence of energy can also crush Locke\'s family.

This is also the knight\'s palace testing whether Locke\'s background is really so deep. If there are several demigods behind him, not to mention 200 million Golden moles, it will definitely be worth ten times.

"Now I\'m in big debt!" Looking at the long list of compensation, Locke smiled bitterly.

I\'m afraid it\'s hard for him to save these things for ten years alone, and it\'s mainly the power of those adults that can be released by the knight Palace this time. Thinking that the Garcia knight is still in Princeton, Locke thought about visiting sometime to see if there\'s any change.

Ashar was also shocked by the list of compensation. This time, the knight palace grafted all Princeton\'s losses to Locke.

"I\'ll take care of the top half of the list." Ashar said coldly that she would not evade her responsibilities if she did things by herself.

"No, I\'ll settle the compensation myself." Locke waved his hand. Although assar\'s strength is stronger than him, he may not be as good as himself in terms of wealth.

Magician is a money burning profession. Locke doesn\'t believe that assar will save any spare money these years.

In fact, Ashar\'s plan is to take the task of the holy tower as much as possible in the past ten years. The benefits of the holy tower to the magicians are still good. If he works tirelessly for ten years, the task reward he gets is also a considerable number and can barely return half of the list.

After leaving Hongye prison, Locke hurried back to shanschel street.

Now shanschel street has been rebuilt by the royal family of the omore Empire, supported by fighting spirit and magic. In a week, the destroyed shanschel street has gradually recovered.

Locke was in such a hurry to see his daughter.

He could understand the mentality of old Locke and TIA when they looked at themselves. It was an unspeakable worry, which came from the deepest fetters of the blood.

A week later, I saw my father again. The baby playing in Kayla\'s arms giggled at the first sight of Locke. It may be a fetter in the blood. The baby doesn\'t recognize life at all.

Excited Locke wanted to go up and kiss his daughter, but Kayla and Angelina refused, "go and wash your face!" "You want to stab your daughter with your beard?"

After the child was born, the relationship between Kayla and Angelina became more peaceful and more mysterious.

Angelina usually calls Kayla a mentor, but when Locke is also present, the relationship between Angelina and Kayla has changed from elders and juniors to peers.

Angelina is Locke\'s wife. Other women of Locke, including Kayla, are slightly inferior in status.

Although several parties didn\'t take this seriously, Angelina can only do so in order to get along with her mentor in the future. Otherwise, their teachers and apprentices will become more embarrassed.

Blame Locke! Whenever she thought about it, Angelina gnashed her teeth at Locke.

"Did you name the child?" Locke asked Kayla and Angelina.

Kayla shook her head and said "no", while Angelina gave him a white eye directly.

The important matter of naming was finally handed over to Locke, the head of the family. Locke, who didn\'t have much ink in his stomach, took several names one after another, which didn\'t satisfy Keira and Angelina.

"How\'s Bev?" Locke\'s mind flashed.

Bev has a short byte, which is very similar to the name of her mother Kayla. It is his limit to let Locke with low education take out such a name.

She frowned slightly. At last, Kayla nodded and agreed to her daughter\'s name. "Well, it\'s Bev."

It\'s a pity that Locke came from a civilian background and didn\'t have a surname, so her daughter\'s full name was only Bev. However, several present were magicians and Knights of noble status. They didn\'t care about the secular world so deeply. If there was no surname, there would be no surname. The name was just a code name.

The appearance of little Bev makes Locke\'s family often have more laughter and laughter. Although she is only one year old, she may have strong blood, high memory, growth and learning ability. In two or three months, you can call Locke dad, which makes Locke very excited.

Another thing during this period is that Ashar has also lived in the residence on shanschel street since she was released from Hongye prison together with Locke.

A fight with Locke, although still angry, also dissipated most of it. Of course, the main reason for her to stay here is the emergence of little Bev.

Assar is very unfriendly to Locke now, but he is good to little Bev. When Locke first saw master assar holding little Bev, the frost on his face disappeared and he looked gentle.

It turns out that master ASAR is not entirely an iceberg beauty.

During this time, the only thing that makes Locke unhappy is that there is more Ashar at home. He can\'t be ashamed and impatient with his women.

As the most powerful person in this family, any trouble can\'t hide from Ashar\'s eyes.

Locke can only spend the night with grace, Christine and other women secretly in recent months. He really wants to open Kayla\'s quilt, but the premise is that he has to ensure that he won\'t be killed by assar\'s dark energy ball.

Angelina\'s Locke couldn\'t open the door. Angelina didn\'t want to open the door when Kaila was there. Now there is more Ashar at home, and Locke doesn\'t even have a way.