Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 664

When Locke wanted to go to Murphy forest, Christine, the most restless, quarreled later. The girl\'s fighting strength was stable at a high-level attendant, and the level of a magician was a quasi level magician like her aunt grace.

Christine may be distracted by her dual cultivation of two powers. You know, her talent is not as good as her Lafite. Now she is also a quasi order knight.

Finally, taking the floating boat, Locke took Christine and Angelina\'s magic pet scorpion dragon to Murphy forest.

In the digital plane, because of the special geographical characteristics of the dark region, there are many digital animals with dark attributes, which is also cheaper for Angelina\'s magic pet scorpion dragon. The little guy has been fed a lot of high-level digital animal bones by Locke in the past two years.

Locke didn\'t dare to feed the corpse of the second-class digital beast. He was afraid to burst the little guy. Instead, it was the corpse of the first-class digital beast. The scorpion dragon Anji didn\'t eat less.

Now the scorpion dragon Anji, whose physique is close to nine meters, has reached the limit of quasi level Warcraft. It is possible to break through the shackles of life and achieve level Warcraft at any time.

It\'s not a little guy.

"But many years ago, when I just took you out of the Murphy forest, you were still an egg. It was so big in the blink of an eye." Locke touched Angie\'s forehead and sighed.

"Yes, Angie has changed a lot. How can she grow so fast? Fei Mo is his brother. How can he not grow as big as Angie." Christine also rode on Angie\'s back and sat side by side with Locke.

"Don\'t worry, Fermo will usher in a period of rapid growth next." Locke said.

Before leaving Princeton, Locke gave Bili a space ring. In addition to his harvest in the digital world and ready to be handed over to Bili\'s family, there are a considerable number of first-class digital animals\' flesh and blood. These are Fermo\'s rations.

Fermo\'s background and accumulation are much greater than Angie. Even Locke predicted that Fermo, rather than Anji, is the first to be promoted among the two scorpions.

The floating boat was parked outside the Murphy forest. Locke and Christine came in on Angie the scorpion dragon.

Locke doesn\'t need to release his pressure. The momentum of quasi order scorpion dragon alone makes many medium and high-level Warcraft in Murphy forest dare not move.

In the center of the forest, Locke also felt the breath of scorpion Lord Adams and his spouse.

Not seen for more than ten years, Adams was more powerful than before. Locke found that this first-class Warcraft scorpion dragon had half stepped into the category of super class Warcraft.

With purple scales covering more than half of his body, his back wings cover the sky and block out the sun, and his physique has grown to 15 meters. It seems that he has been quite comfortable in Murphy forest these years.

Next to it is its spouse Shiva. This level Warcraft scorpion dragon with blue scales is about to be smaller. It is only 12 meters high, but it is also very powerful.

Angie\'s return home made the scorpion dragons very happy. They are cold-blooded animals, but they have wisdom and family affection. Locke had some ideas when he saw several order Warcraft scorpions playing and twisting together.

The strength of the scorpion dragon family in Murphy forest is self-evident. Not to mention Adams, who is about to break through to the super level Warcraft, only his spouse Shiva, the first level Warcraft, and five quasi level peak scorpions, which is a large amount of combat power.

Moreover, the growth limit of the scorpion dragon family is higher. Locke found that the five brothers and sisters of Angie and Fermo, although they are not as strong as the two of them, have also reached the critical point of breaking through the highest level of Warcraft one by one.

If you can accept these scorpion dragons, it will be an eight headed level Warcraft and a super level Warcraft in the future.

Locke has a weak foundation in the omore Empire and the knight palace. Although he has many friends, he has no men.

Before the digital world, the plane war also showed clearly that under a local knight, there are often many first-class knights. They do not belong to the local knight, but they at least obey the orders of the local knight in wartime.

It\'s better to use your own. Locke wants to take advantage of this period of vacation to cultivate some minions.

Moreover, on the other side of the omor Empire, the Bili family\'s business is getting bigger and bigger. It can even provide Locke with nearly ten first-class energy essence every year. This is not a small number. I believe this share will be greater in the future.

Locke also needs a number of deterrent forces to be placed on the side of the Bili family in case of jealous curfews.

Although the scorpion Dragon Lord is about to break through the super level Warcraft, he doesn\'t dare to underestimate Locke at all. The bright ground Knight\'s authority on Locke scares Adams in his heart.

Better than Faustin\'s Roma knight, which is Adams\'s judgment of Locke\'s strength.

I can\'t believe that this human being can reach such a degree in such a short time.

Under the shock of his heart, Adams said in a deep voice, "Knight Locke, how long are you going to stay in foster? And my sixth son, why doesn\'t fermos see it?"

The longer Locke stays, the longer Angie stays in Murphy forest. Scorpion Dragon Lord still cares about his little daughter.

And fermos was its youngest son, and Adams was worried about it

"I\'ll stay in Faustin for a year. It\'s still in the omor Empire, but don\'t worry, it\'s doing well now." Locke laughed.

Fermo is not only doing well. In order to tie the heart of this powerful Warcraft, the Bili family eats and drinks every day. It also provides it with dark Warcraft ingredients regularly, and fattens Fermo a lot.

"How about I make a deal with you, Adams?" Locke flew into mid air and talked face to face with ADAMS.

"Oh? What deal?" With two huge vertical pupils open, Adams looked at Locke in front of him with great interest.

"I\'ll help you promote to super level Warcraft. How about you leading your family to work for me for 100 years." Locke said that there are many secondary dark attribute digital animal bones in his space ring, which are of great benefit to Adams\'s promotion to super level.

On hearing this, the scorpion Dragon Lord shook his head and said, "with another ten years of accumulation, I can be promoted to a second-class creature. How can I catch the 100 years of freedom of family members for the sake of only ten years?"

Well, after hearing this, Locke also found that he was really naive. The scorpion dragon family lost money in this deal, and Locke couldn\'t force the scorpion dragon family.

Because in the three western islands, Warcraft above any level, without a criminal record of serious harm, are protected by the rules of the holy tower and the knight\'s palace. They are all standard creatures and are also protected by the plane law.

After contacting the law several times, especially talking with a micro plane will, Locke understood the mystery more and more.

In short, if the native creatures in the standard plane are hunted and killed wantonly, the plane will also bear great harm, which involves the passage of laws and the construction of complex species system.

Since you can\'t force it, Locke has to sit down and continue to bargain with the scorpion Lord.

"What if you help your children to a higher level?" Asked Locke.

His harvest in the digital world is not enough for seven scorpions to advance, but with Kaila\'s harvest, it is almost the same. The gains from the war between the two second-class giants are astronomical for creatures below level 1.

Since Kayla is her own woman and pregnant with her own child, Locke certainly doesn\'t have to be polite to Kayla. This guy always has a weak concept of property between husband and wife. Anyway, yours is mine and mine is yours. It\'s extremely rough.

If Kayla\'s is not enough, Locke may have to go to the holy tower or the knight\'s palace to trade some.

Locke, backed by two huge forces, the holy tower and the knight palace, has a much wider way to collect resources than the scorpion Dragon Lord Adams.

"If so..." The scorpion Dragon Lord was deep in thought. Locke\'s conditions this time were very attractive. A mere 100 years was only one tenth of his life for the scorpion dragon family with a life span of thousands of years.

It\'s a good deal to trade these years of freedom for the promotion of the whole family. Most importantly, through the growth of Angie and Fermo, Locke is reliable and won\'t pit them.

Seeing that Adams was still hesitating, Locke gritted his teeth and took out his killer mace, "I don\'t know if you are interested in this thing."

A black heart with more than half necrosis was pulled out of the space ring by Locke.

This is the heart of the zombie Tyrannosaurus. After the vast majority of the essence has been flowing into Rock\'s body, the heart of the corpse Tyrannosaurus has not been of great value, leaving only some research value.

Locke originally intended to give this thing to assar magician for research, but now it\'s good to trade it with ADAMS.

At the moment of seeing the black heart, not only Adams opened his pupils, but all scorpions who felt the strong dark energy looked here.

Angie, the scorpion dragon, walked to Locke with heavy steps and rubbed Locke in the air with her slender neck. The scales on the scorpion dragon\'s neck were the most dense, so Locke only felt an itchy slip Greasy, with theout any diaphragmatic feeling.

The meaning of begging is self-evident.

Look at Angie\'s action, Locke in the sky can\'t cry or laugh.

Zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex also belongs to the top among the three-level digital beasts. Even if its energy core loses seven or eight tenths of its power, Locke will not give it to Anji casually.

Looking up at Adams, the vertical pupil of the scorpion Lord was still staring at the black heart in his hand.

Seeing this, Locke was happy. It was stable.

After leaving Murphy forest, Locke took a pile of useless digital animal bones and the heart core of a zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex in exchange for the 500 year service of the scorpion dragon family, which made him very satisfied.

Yes, it\'s 500 years, not 100 years.

That\'s the heart core of the level 3 Top Digital beast, and it\'s also the dark attribute power source that most matches the scorpion dragon family. Facing Locke\'s lion\'s big mouth, Adams LIS hesitated for a moment, but still gritted his teeth and recognized it.