Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 665

With Adams\' talent, this level-3 zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex\'s broken heart core is in its hands. The promotion to super level Warcraft is natural. Not to mention, it is more important to help it move forward to a higher level.

Scorpion dragons have a strong talent, but there is a limit.

Scorpion Dragon Lord Adams is confident to be promoted to level 2 super level Warcraft, but he doesn\'t have much confidence in Level 3 semi divine beasts.

The temptation to be promoted to the third level was so great that Adams was finally drowned by rockra.

After leaving Murphy forest, Locke spent his most stable and peaceful year in flor city. Many things also happened in the quiet days of this year.

Kane came to flor with his family and Hans\' descendants. They needed Locke to take care of them.

Neighboring countries learned that foster added a second-class knight and a first-class magician again, and the surrounding areas of foster became dark tide.

These matters are handled by his majesty kensell, but there are still some sensitive meetings that need the participation of Locke, a second-class knight and Prince of the kingdom.

Another of Faustin\'s knights, Roma, is still out on a mission. Now Locke is Faustin\'s most powerful combat power and external deterrence.

As for uncle kensell\'s final decision on which kingdom or alliance to attack, he doesn\'t need Locke\'s brother-in-law to worry too much. He just needs to shine his muscles at the critical moment.

There are no strong men at the same level that Locke needs to pay attention to around foster.

One thing happened this year, that is, the fat Viscount Melson, Locke\'s old friend in flor, died.

Last year, Melson and his majesty kensell met Locke at the gate of flor. This year, the fat man gave up and caused Locke to sigh and melancholy.

After a full year in foster, Locke took the lead in returning to Princeton with grace and other women. Angelina didn\'t leave for the time being because she wanted to accompany her brother for a while. She only returned to Princeton when Locke\'s birthday this year.

This year is an important and memorable day for Locke. He will celebrate his fiftieth birthday this year!

Before leaving, Locke didn\'t forget to take all the scorpion dragons in Murphy forest.

In addition to Angie staying with her master Angelina in foster, other scorpions followed Locke to the omor empire.

Along the way, accompanied by seven scorpions and dragons, it\'s really windy. Unfortunately, Fermo\'s brothers and sisters still stay at the quasi level of Warcraft without raw meat wings, otherwise it will be more spectacular.

The entry of the seven headed scorpion dragon is very troublesome. Fortunately, this is not the first time. Locke has experience. Finally, he was allowed to enter the country by the omor empire after taking the relationship with the knight palace.

Locke has signed a magic contract with the scorpion Dragon Lord. The magic contract was made by Angelina. Under the constraints of the power of the contract, Locke can have the rule of the scorpion dragon family for 500 years.

It was this contract that made the scorpion Lord agree that Locke would put all of them into the dimensional bag.

It\'s unrealistic for scorpions to swagger into Princeton. Fortunately, Locke has a Hellfire giant pet and a lot of backup dimensional bags. A squeeze can still hold seven scorpions.

After returning to Princeton, when Locke released the seven scorpions and gave them to Bili, she was stunned by Bili.

Rao is based on Bili\'s experience of more than 40 years. She can\'t figure out where Locke caught so many scorpions.

In particular, the momentum of scorpion Dragon Lord Adams and his spouse Shiva pressed Bili out of breath.

"They will be handed over to you and Shaxi. I think you can expand your business to the northern countries of the omor Empire and the east coast across the sea." Locke said.

This year, from Bili, Locke got another 15 first-class energy essence, which is a precious cultivation resource he got without doing anything. Locke admired Bili and Xia Xi\'s business mind. At the same time, he also recognized that this is a way that can develop for a long time.

"OK." There are seven scorpions and two first-class Warcraft in Bili\'s eyes. Bili can once again expand the voice of their family in the major provinces of the omor empire.

"By the way, here you are." Locke took two yellow, one blue and three potions from the space ring.

"Break through the senior apprentice as soon as possible. I don\'t want to lose your friend again." Locke sighed that these three medicines were refined by Angelina this year, which can help intermediate apprentices break through the bottleneck.

The medicine refined by a first-class magician is very valuable. It is difficult to see at least in the general market of Princeton.

Holding the three potions handed over by Locke in her hand, seeing Locke waving away, Bili bowed her head and muttered, "friend..."

Three months later.

Today is an important day for Locke. Under the management of grace, Xia Xi and other women, Locke\'s 50th birthday was held in the mansion on shanschel street.

On Locke\'s 40th birthday, several women were not with him. How could they let Locke go on such an important day as his 50th birthday.

Not only Angelina hurried back from foster, but Keira, who was informed by Locke in advance, also came to Princeton from Santa tower.

Although they had said hello to several women in advance, they still felt strange when they saw master Kaila, who was once regarded by them as an elder, entering the gate of the mansion with a big stomach.

Grace and Christine all had the experience of studying in Santa. Kayla also took care of them at that time. Although everyone was Locke\'s woman, it was difficult for them to match each other\'s sisters.

After all, master Kayla is old enough to be their great grandparents.

The only one who showed calm was Locke\'s sister Leah.

Compared with that human relationship, Leah paid more attention to the child of Locke in Kay\'s diarrhea.

Knowing that Locke\'s first child was a little princess, Leah took care of Kayla these days.

It\'s funny that Kayla is a secondary element master. She doesn\'t need a senior apprentice to take care of her. Looking at her sister busy, Locke doesn\'t know how to persuade her with a bitter smile.

"The child will be born in about a year and two months." Magicians are professionals. Kayla has counted everything well.

Those who came to Locke\'s house to celebrate Locke\'s 50th birthday, as well as the brothers he knew in the knight\'s palace.

They are basically older than Locke, and they have all experienced the lively scene of their 50th birthday, so they are not shy at all. They provide 70% of the lively atmosphere in the mansion.

"Locke, who is that magic master?" During the banquet, Shelley and HALS came over and asked Locke. Naturally, they asked Kayla.

Looking at Angelina and Leia, she leaned in front of Keira and whispered something. Locke coughed twice and said, "cough, that\'s my wife, too."