Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 663

Locke first went to the courtyard on the left.

In the evening, the smoke curled up, and the family should have started cooking dinner.

A trace of familiar breath was found by Locke, who endured the excitement in his heart. Locke took Leia to the courtyard step by step.

Pushing open the half closed wooden door, Locke, who had just entered the courtyard, heard a familiar voice.

"Cough, xiaomia, my grandson, come to Grandpa." Although the voice became old, Locke recognized Kane at the first time!

In the courtyard, an old man was playing with a seven or eight year old child.

On the inside of the house, Locke also felt the breath of two young lives, which should be his children.

The strength of Locke\'s Knight and the level of Leah\'s senior magic apprentice made the people in nongcurie not notice their arrival. Until Locke was seven or eight meters close to Kane, the scout who had been on the battlefield suddenly looked up and looked in the direction of Locke.

"Who!" Kane looked up and asked.

Looking at this former comrade in arms and brother, Locke felt a little sad and melancholy. Kane should be one year younger than Locke. Kane, who is only 48 years old this year, is already an old man with gray hair and almost lost all his teeth.

The only thing that Locke is familiar with is that Kane\'s momentum and look have not changed from that year, especially the question just now.

Seeing that the stranger who suddenly entered his house didn\'t answer, Kane pushed his grandson back, tried to straighten up his bent waist and walked slowly to Locke.

Kane is too old. Judging from the average life expectancy of 40 years for ordinary people in Faustin, Kane is already a real longevity. The strength of first-class soldiers in Faustin no longer exists, but only the strong momentum cultivated from the battlefield.

Kane is a man of fighting spirit. At this time, Locke can still find the thumb sized vortex entrenched in Kane\'s abdomen.

"Middle rank attendant..." Locke sighed. It\'s no surprise that he lived so long with the strength of Kane\'s middle rank attendants.

"My friend, my brother, look carefully, who am I!" She gave Leah a look to stay here. Locke went to Kane and tried to ease his momentum all the way so that he didn\'t mean any harm.

"You?!" Kane also found that the man in front of him was somewhat familiar, and tried to open his old eyes and look at Locke.

"Are you... Are you... Are you brother Locke?!" A voice of doubt and disbelief came from Kane\'s mouth.

Had it not been for Locke\'s appearance at this time and the last face he saw with Kane when he left forstein, Kane would never have thought that a person has not changed in more than 20 years.

Kane\'s dazed old eyes were soaked with muddy tears.

"Yes, it\'s me, Kane, my brother. How have you been these years?" Locke was also touched by the scene, and a tear emerged from the corner of his eye.

After that, at Kane\'s strong invitation, Locke and Leia had dinner at Kane\'s house and talked about each other\'s experiences over the years.

First, Kane.

When Kane and Hans refused Locke\'s job in flor City, they returned to kaiduoqi together.

There is a hint from Locke to those local nobles that Kane and Hans have been doing well these years.

When Kane was young, he was knighted.

However, it is a pity that Kane\'s son has a congenital hidden disease and can\'t cultivate fighting spirit. Therefore, the knight Title inherited by fighting strength can\'t be inherited.

However, with the care of viscount kaiduoqi and many old comrades in arms in mining town, Kane has had a good life in the past 20 years.

Locke took a look at Kane\'s son and daughter-in-law. Kane\'s daughter-in-law was a native of mining town. When Kane\'s wife was just pregnant, this guy booked a baby kiss with several old comrades in arms in mining town. Anyway, it\'s just a pair of sons and daughters in the next life.

Kane\'s son, Locke, paid special attention for a while. Under his mental detection, he found that there was a congestion in the lower right spine of Kane\'s son. No wonder he couldn\'t practice fighting Qi, his meridians were blocked, and he couldn\'t even do the most basic fighting Qi operation.

"Do you often have low back pain on rainy days?" Locke asked Kane\'s son.

Kane\'s son is a man of twenty-five or six years old. He may see that Locke is younger than him, but he is his father\'s big brother. At this time, his mind is still a little confused.

"You bastard, if Uncle Locke asks you something, don\'t say it quickly!" Kane next to him scolded his ignorant son.

"Yes, it hurts. I\'ve seen a doctor in town before, but the doctor can\'t help it." The man said honestly.

Locke pondered for a moment, then thought about it, gathered the fighting spirit of the wind between the two fingers of his right hand, drew a specific line on Kane\'s son\'s back, and finally stopped.

This series of actions of Locke made other people on the table curious, especially Kane. Locke\'s appearance has not changed for more than 20 years, which is unbelievable.

But Kane was convinced that such a mysterious Locke would not have any malice towards his son, who was the prince of Faustin.

"After a week, the congestion in his body will be drained, and you can teach him Eagle fighting spirit." Locke turned to Kane.

On hearing this, Kane, his son and daughter-in-law were stunned. Only the seven or eight year old child didn\'t change much expression. He just kept picking up the ribs on the table and his mouth was full of grease.

Kane\'s family is in a good condition. It can be seen from their food at the dinner table, which reassures Locke.

Although Kane\'s son can\'t inherit the title, Kane hasn\'t died yet. He also has the title of noble knight. Through understanding, Locke knows that their family has basic stores in the town, which are their property.

"I\'ve struggled so much all my life. The rest depends on the boy." After dinner, with a cigarette gun in his mouth, Kane smiled and pointed to his busy son and said to Locke.

After a meal, Kane and Locke got back to the feeling in the military camp, and they were less restrained when talking.

Kane\'s son Locke also observed for a moment. He is an honest man. To be exact, he is not aggressive enough and has more than enough success. There is no problem to be a middle and upper class rich man in mining town in the future.

Moreover, he can cultivate fighting spirit this time. If he is lucky and can be promoted to a low-level attendant before the age of 40, he can also take over the title of Knight Kane and become a member of the aristocracy from then on.

Kane is much more devoted than Locke. He has only one wife and died in childbirth when he gave birth to this son. Since then, Kane has not married all his life and only left this single child.

Now the old Kane mainly focuses his attention on his young grandson.

Kane\'s son is only 25 years old, but his grandson is eight years old, which is normal in foster Stein. The marriage age here is always very early.

Locke also noticed that there was a faint Eagle fighting spirit in the child\'s body, which should be the result of Kane\'s teaching over the years.

Knowing that his old comrades in arms had had a good life in recent decades, Locke\'s heart was put down.

"As for my suggestion, you should think again, not for yourself, but also for your son and grandchildren." Locke said sincerely that he hoped Kane would go back to the king\'s capital flor with himself.

Even if Locke will leave Faustin in the future, with the care of his majesty kensell and the flattery of the nobles in the royal capital, the future development treatment of the Kane family in flor city will be better than that in kaiduoqi.

With hesitation on his face, Kane is also struggling. He has lived in the mining town for more than 20 years. He has long regarded himself as a member of the mining town. Of course, he doesn\'t want to leave, but he does want to consider for his future generations.

"Let me think again..." Muttered the old Kane.

From Kane, Locke also learned about the Hans family in recent years.

Hans left five years ago. Locke regretted that he didn\'t see the little brother for the last time.

Hans\'s fighting talent is worse than Kane\'s. He can\'t enter only when he is promoted to a low-level attendant. In addition, he can live to 46 years old with the hidden wounds left on the battlefield.

Taking advantage of the last sunshine in the evening, Locke and Kane went to Hans\'s cemetery together.

Several bottles of wheat wine were sprinkled on the loess ground. Two old comrades in arms more than 20 years ago guarded a grave and drank more than once. The two are buried together. It seems that they are back to the scene of drinking after the three won the war together and returned to mining town.

"Hans... Kane... My brother." Holding the mound at the head of the grave with one hand and Kane\'s old body with the other, Locke\'s faint sadness could not be dissipated.

This is the second time Locke has felt such a heavy sadness since his parents died 17 years ago.

The next morning, Locke left with Leah.

Before leaving, Locke invited Kane to go to flor city with him again. Hans died. Although Locke didn\'t know his children, he was after all the descendants of his brothers. Locke promised Kane to take them with him.

Seeing Kane\'s eyes intertwined with two emotions of desire and struggle, Locke was not in a hurry to let him say, "I will stay in foster for a year. In this year, you can come to flor city to find me at any time."

After a final look at Maple Leaf Village, Locke left the place where he was born.

After visiting the tomb with his sister Leia in del Province, he did nothing in the pro Prince\'s house all day. He also had to face a large group of royal nobles to curry favor with and flatter. Some tired Locke saw Angelina\'s magic pet scorpion dragon one day and immediately remembered that he could go to Murphy forest.

Locke\'s favorite Fermo is still in the omor empire. The quasi order scorpion dragon responsible for the external deterrence of the Bili family is guarded by Bili and stationed in other provinces of the omor Empire all year round.

Locke\'s previous stay in Princeton was so short that he didn\'t see the devil\'s pet he hadn\'t seen for many years. He can only get from the induction of the master-servant contract. Fermo\'s still active breath of life at this time.