Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 653

Today is a good day. This is Locke\'s second relationship with Kayla since the Riyan desert.

Different from before, Kayla is awake today, and from the behavior between the two beds, Kayla doesn\'t show any dissatisfaction.

Today\'s success means that Kayla finally completely accepted Locke.

What makes Locke more excited is that he knows that his first child is a daughter.

"The next life must be a beautiful little princess." Lying in bed, Locke said.

Kayla nestled in Locke\'s arms. Locke touched Kayla\'s stomach. He was feeling the activity of the little life inside.

Only a year later, Kayla\'s body didn\'t show her mind. On her flat stomach, if you don\'t pay attention, it\'s difficult to see a slight bulge.

Especially wearing magic robes, outsiders can\'t find anything different.

But this is temporary. When we return to the three western islands, we will be pregnant for two years. At that time, we will not hide the attention of the people around us.

"How are you going to explain to Angelina when you go back?" Leaning in the arms of a man who is 200 years younger than herself, Kayla can\'t tell how she feels at this time. Anyway, her face is burning with panic, shame and anger.

"Be frank. I haven\'t cheated Angelina for so many years, and Angelina hasn\'t cheated me." Locke said. He has no good way. He doesn\'t want to deceive his sweetheart Locke. He can only hope that Angelina can forgive herself.

"I really can\'t. I\'ll talk to her. It\'s a big deal to give up my old face." Kayla couldn\'t help saying that she couldn\'t let her daughter have no father.

One side is her apprentice and the other is her father. Kayla still has a clear weight.

"Where are you old? Show me?" Pinched Keira\'s tender face, Locke smiled. He reassured Kayla, and Locke also believed that the feelings he had cultivated with Angelina for decades could withstand this test.

"It\'s all your fault. You\'re so lecherous. Even your wife\'s master won\'t let go." Thinking of her identity, Keira pointed to Locke\'s nose and smiled and scolded. This woman experienced the moisture of Locke all night, and her character changed a lot. This self mockery was absolutely unspeakable to Kayla in the past.

"Hey, hey, hey." Locke was not ashamed, but proud. He smiled at Kaila for a long time and welcomed Kaila\'s beating.

The year of returning from the space fortress is the most comfortable year Locke has spent in recent ten years. There are no fierce battles, no dangerous tasks, only plain life and his warm family.

Accompany Angelina every day and help Kayla do an experiment. When the experiment is free, you can listen to your daughter\'s heartbeat, not to mention how happy Locke is.

A year later, the Space Fortress docked in the outer space orbit of the wizard world, which is directly above the three western islands. From above, you can see the following three very close strip-shaped continents.

The middle one is the hometown of Locke and Angelina, the mainland of Messia.

The docking port with a space fortress on the outer space orbit, the port that can accommodate such a large space fortress, or the void outside the ruling plane, Locke, who saw this scene for the first time, was indeed shocked.

Is this a bit of power shown by the wizard world? Only a corner of the three western islands has such a powerful power. The digital world is not wronged.

"A medium-sized plane at its peak..." Looking at the floating ships in and out of the outer space port, Locke sighed silently. I wonder if it is possible for me to personally experience the development of my mother world to a large plane in my lifetime.

"Large plane..." Not to mention the large planes, Locke still doubts whether there are medium planes as powerful as the wizard world in this world.

Large level That\'s too far away.

The maintenance notice in the Space Fortress also indicates that Locke and others need to take a floating ship to return to the three western islands.

When a space fortress returned, more than 8000 people came to the wizard\'s plane in more than 100 large floating ships, which attracted the attention of many top powers in the wizard\'s plane.

"That\'s the people of the three western islands. Which plane did they invade this time?"

"It\'s like a small world plundered in cooperation with those warlocks in the north."

"Panama is restless. He has nurtured several aspects of the mother world over the years. It is said that even several guardians have praised him."

"In the future, we can cooperate with the three western islands."


In the void, across a vast area with a medium-sized plane, they can speak freely through spiritual power. These old friends who speak are strong people above level 4 in the wizard world.

Panama has a life span of million years. In their opinion, it is still a backward generation, so they don\'t worry about making Gaia angry.

The status of knights in the wizard world is always one head lower than that of magicians, especially in the main continent with the most prosperous magic power.

Even if the main continent has the beren Empire representing the strongest Knight Power in the wizard world.

This is the malpractice and dross inherited from the development of the plane since ancient times - the caster is always noble than the knight who uses fighting spirit.

Such unequal treatment was, is and will be.

Not to mention these, besides, Locke, who is landing on the three western islands by floating ship.

We can go back to the Santa tower tomorrow. After repeated ideological struggle today, Locke finally decided to showdown with Angelina.

Kaila\'s stomach was obvious at this time. Unless she applied a layer of masking magic to herself for a long time, others could see her at a glance.

After several discussions with Kayla, Locke finally decided to say it by himself.

What he does, he must have the courage to bear the consequences. Locke is not afraid of death. How can he be timid because of this.

"Angelina." Locke whispered.

"Well? What\'s the matter, honey." Angelina asked strangely. Locke seldom calls his name directly.

"I... me and your mentor..." Locke doesn\'t know how to speak.

"What happened to you and my mentor? Did you make my mentor angry? Don\'t worry. After getting off the floating ship tomorrow, we\'ll say goodbye to our mentor anyway. I\'ll help you out then." Angelina said to herself that she didn\'t notice Locke\'s abnormality at all.

"I..." Locke took a deep breath, crossed his heart and said, "I have a child with your mentor."

"Have a child?" Angelina blinked her big confused eyes. She didn\'t respond to the meaning of Locke\'s words.

Seeing Locke\'s dignified expression, Angelina was stunned and ran Locke\'s words through her head again.

Have a child?!

"Boom!" Angelina\'s mind went blank.