Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 654

Today should have been a good day, but Locke\'s face has been crying.

Angelina didn\'t say a word to Locke from the floating ship leaving the space fortress to the floating ship entering the Santa tower docking area.

Or Angelina didn\'t give Locke a good face.

At the beginning, Angelina thought Locke was joking with her. When she went to her mentor Keira with dubious doubts, Angelina was completely stunned when she saw Keira\'s slightly raised belly.

"You... How can you... When did this happen?" Angelina\'s voice of grief and anger echoed in Locke\'s ear.

When Kayla stood up and admitted that Locke went to the rainbow forest to save her, Angelina wanted to die.

After so many years, Angelina doesn\'t care if Locke is flirting outside. What she can\'t accept is that Locke\'s target this time is her mentor!

It doesn\'t make Angelina angry.

Maybe it\'s to help Locke get away. Kayla took the initiative to say that Locke risked her life to save her. She became Locke\'s woman because she was moved. He didn\'t say anything about Locke forcing her in the Riyan desert.

As for the child, it was also the result of their unintentional crystallization.

Angelina has long wanted to give birth to Locke. Therefore, she made a special trip to promise Locke\'s parents to accept Raffi and Christine as her sisters.

Angelina may not be able to have children herself, but the children that Raffi and Christine will have in the future can also be counted as her and Locke\'s children.

After all, she is a positive wife. In the customs of many countries on the three western islands, the positive wife has the absolute custody of her husband and children.

But anyone can give birth to Locke, but how can this person be her mentor!

Angelina, who was in a mess in her head, couldn\'t listen to Kayla and Locke\'s explanation. In a burst of painful crying, she ran to the room of the floating ship and locked herself in it.

With the strength of Locke and Keira, they could break the weak iron door of magic prohibition, but they didn\'t.

"Go and persuade her." Kayla pushed Locke. The appearance of Angelina crying just now softened Kayla\'s heart.

After looking at Kayla and Angelina\'s closed door and biting his lips, Locke went to the door and knocked.

His response was the sound of falling things inside.

With a long sigh, Locke simply sat in front of the door and waited for Angelina to forgive him.

Angelina needs time to digest all this.

Locke also needs time to make Angelina forgive herself.

At Locke\'s strong request, Kayla went back to her room to have a rest. She still had children in her stomach. Locke didn\'t want Kayla to work too hard.

And this is their family business. There are many magicians living on the floating ship. If they know about Kayla and themselves, gossip is indispensable.

So this day, Locke spent it on the deck outside Angelina\'s room.

Time passed quickly. Before Locke saw the beautiful scenery of the three western islands from the sky, the floating ship had docked at the port of Santa tower.

The floating ship was transported by Santa magician, and Locke took the convenience of Kayla and Angelina.

After disembarking, she breathed the familiar air of her hometown. Before Locke could make any emotion, the door behind her opened and Angelina\'s cold hum came.

Her face was covered with snow and frost. Angelina didn\'t want to say a word to Locke, so she walked forward on her own.

Seeing this, Locke hurried forward and pulled Angelina.

"What?!" Angelina asked in a bad tone.

"Er... Do we have to wait for master Kayla?" When Locke said this, he kept looking at Angelina\'s face.

Angelina\'s face was first white, then blue, and finally completely black. She said, "I\'ll wait for you. I\'ll go first!"

Then he said, "pedal, pedal, pedal." Stepping on the crystal shoes to leave, this pair of shoes was bought by Locke in Princeton. There was no magic fluctuation, just a pair of ordinary crystal shoes.

But this pair of shoes contains the sweet past of Locke and Angelina.

Not far away, Angelina again "pedal, pedal, pedal." Walked back.

"I don\'t believe that the tutor will promise each other only when you save him. I know the tutor best, but it must be what happened in the middle. I\'m going to ask the tutor." Angelina said.

Angelina, who is worthy of being smart, found the loopholes in the words of Locke and Keira in such a short time.

Seeing Angelina\'s move to go back to the floating ship to find her mentor, rockra sighed and said, "you don\'t have to ask, I forced her."

After that, Locke roughly narrated what happened between him and Kaila in the Riyan desert.

When she learned that Locke had nearly died under the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex, Angelina obviously had a trace of worry on her face, which showed that Angelina still loved Locke.

But after Locke finished, Angelina didn\'t give Locke a good face immediately.

Don\'t say a good face. If Angelina hadn\'t been a deep self-restraint, she might have slapped Locke, a heartless man.

When she stepped on her foot, the heel of the crystal shoe suddenly broke. Angelina endured the tears in her eyes, wore the broken crystal shoe, and limped off the floating ship.

When Locke reached out to hold Angelina, Angelina had run away.

Looking at the empty hand, Locke couldn\'t help falling into a dull.

"What are you doing? Go after it!" Behind her came Kayla\'s voice. She had just seen Angelina arguing with Locke.

In his heart, Locke listened to Kayla and chased Angelina where she disappeared.

On the fifth day back to the Santa tower, Locke, who sat in front of Angelina\'s door for four days and nights, finally saw Angelina again.

Only a few days later, Angelina\'s face was obviously thin, and Locke once liked the slightly baby fat white Greasy chin, also become today\'s sharp appearance.

Angelina\'s feeling for Locke has changed a lot than before.

"I haven\'t forgiven you yet." Angelina said, "but the tutor is also a victim. I won\'t blame the tutor. It\'s all because of you."

"Yes, it\'s all my fault." Locke nodded hurriedly and said that he had to pretend to be a grandson when it was time to pretend to be a grandson. Locke also wanted to live with Angelina in the future.

Seeing Locke\'s frank and sincere admission of her mistakes, Angelina choked. She didn\'t know how to be angry with Locke.

"Hum." As soon as she tossed her white sleeves, Angelina said, "I\'m going back to Forrest. I haven\'t been back for so long. I miss my brother a little."

In addition to Locke and Keira, Angelina only has her brother king kensel. In the face of this kind of thing, what Angelina needs most now is the care of her relatives.