Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 652

For ordinary people on the three western islands, 40 years represents their life, but for those level 2, 3 and 4 creatures with a long life span of hundreds, thousands or even tens of thousands of years, 40 years is just a small holiday, which will pass in the blink of an eye.

Even for the first-class knights who only have a life span of 200 years, 40 years is not long.

Not participating in the ectopic war does not mean that the Knights and magicians of the three western islands cannot go out of their position.

Just as Locke went to the dark blue prison fire world at the beginning, if they are tired of staying on the three western islands, they can apply for ectopic garrison missions. There are a considerable number of missions in the holy tower and knight palace every year.

After all, there are not many low-level planes ruled by the three western islands.

The upper and middle rest area on the port side of the space fortress is a residence assigned to Locke by the knight hall.

Considering Locke\'s status as a knight, he also has the wife of a saint tower level magician. The residence given to Locke is quite luxurious.

I don\'t know how many times higher than where he and Angelina lived before.

Angelina always wanted to decorate her home in Princeton with her own alchemy laboratory, element pool, cultivation room, meditation room, as well as the cultivation room and practice room of knights, but she failed to achieve it due to conditions and lack of time and energy.

"When we get back this time, we have plenty of time." Locke kissed Angelina on the forehead and said.

He knew that what Angelina wanted most was a magic tower, which was not in a hurry. Anyway, Locke had enough in this position, and the resources Jos gave him. It was still possible to build a middle and upper magic tower for Angelina.

And don\'t forget that the martial aunt, master Michelle, the childhood sweetheart of Jos, is a magic tower designer. It\'s a pity that the level-3 magician is still following Jos in the digital world, otherwise Locke can come and ask for help at that time.

When she was at the rest base last time, Michelle also told Locke to ask her for help at any time.

Locke never wastes this kind of free favor. Besides, walking often is also conducive to his close relationship with Angelina and powerful magicians such as Jos and Michelle.

Because it is the first batch of returning knights and magicians, and the number is not large, this return trip will reduce the number of space jumps as much as possible in order to reduce energy consumption. Therefore, the journey back to the three western islands will take up to one year.

For this result, it is useless for the following people to oppose it, because this order was issued by Gaia, a level 4 knight.

Although the journey home takes a lot longer, the vast majority of people still accept that there is a level 4 strong man sitting in the town for protection.

There is no mistake. Inside the Space Fortress of this behemoth like a small continent, there is a powerful level 4 Knight sitting at this time.

Through the magic glazed windows on both sides of the corridor of the Space Fortress, Locke can see the brilliant star river outside.

Every shining star represents a magical and magnificent plane.

It may be the plane of biological survival, or it may be the broken plane of poor environment that can not accommodate the existence of life.

These planes are waiting for the great wizard planes to attack. Before the powerful planes of the same level are found, the wizard planes are the absolute overlords of the world around them.

The plane is a sphere, which was known when Locke was promoted to the first level. Some remote planes that have also developed to explore the star world are sometimes called "planets".

In other words, if he walks in one direction within the ruling plane, sooner or later, he will return to his starting point.

Locke once yearned to travel around the wizard world one day. Over the years, his footprints only stayed on the three western islands, and only stayed for a short time on the east coast.

For the real face of the wizard world, Locke is actually just a glimpse of the leopard.

As an extremely powerful plane that has developed to the extreme of the medium-sized plane, Locke can\'t imagine the carrying capacity and breadth of the wizard world.

Maybe one day, Locke will go out of the three western islands and leave his footprints all over the wizard world.

Looking at the boundless sea of stars outside the window, Locke, who couldn\'t help falling into meditation and fantasy, was interrupted by the small movements of people around him. He looked down at Angelina, who was only on her shoulder. Locke hugged her in his arms, "what\'s the matter?"

There are few people in the space fortress. 8000 people are scattered into a space fortress with the volume of a small continent. Walking on the corridor, few acquaintances can be seen.

So Locke doesn\'t care about his intimate behavior with Angelina. He will be seen and gossip by outsiders.

"What do you want to do after returning to the three western islands?" Angelina stuffs her head into Locke\'s arms, sniffs Locke\'s strong male breath, and asks softly.

"Help you build a magic tower, guide Raffi and Christine to fight spirit and cultivate, help grace and Leah to be promoted to a first-class magician, and see if there is any way to improve Xia Xi\'s spirit blood..." Locke is both telling and calculating his plans for the next few years.

It can also be seen from the information in his words that Locke is most concerned about the people around him, especially his women.

Including Angelina, Locke has a total of six women. If you add Kayla, who can\'t be released to the public for the time being, it means that there are already seven women intertwined with Locke in his current life course.

A local knight has only seven women. In the aristocratic circles of the three western islands, this is a strange story. You know, even those first-class knights or high-level Knights\' attendants have no less than double-digit heterosexual partners for the sake of family reproduction.

It\'s not surprising that some Knights have hundreds of women. The low fertility rate of powerful Knights makes them have to adopt this way of extensive sowing in order to keep the family prosperous.

Sometimes these things do not need to be done by the knight himself. It is likely that the king of his country will personally arrange a wedding for him. The blood of a powerful knight must be strong, especially for knights above level 1. Their offspring have no mortals.

Under this system, female Knights become the most vulnerable party, because with the ethics and morality of the three western islands and even the wizard world, there has never been a tradition of female Knights having polygamy.

This is why Locke rarely sees female knights in the knight palace.

Those who have the ability to practice fighting spirit are basically aristocrats. Locke\'s experience of practicing fighting spirit from the war is only a few examples.

I\'m afraid most of the ladies in the aristocracy can\'t eat the hardships of Knight cultivation. Even with such perseverance, most of them go to practice magic.

As a result, the ratio of male knights to female Knights above the level I of the three western islands has reached a terrible 15:1. Female knights are sweet cakes. It seems that Locke has joined the knight palace for so long. Only Garcia and Shelley know female knights.

Thinking of Shelley, Locke misses the first-class knights who made friends in the omore empire. How are Shelley and HALS? Are they still mixed up in the knight hall in Princeton.

Holding the beauty in his arms closer and closer, Locke desperately wanted to return to his hometown.

Since the shadow of the plane war has been removed from their hearts, Locke and Angelina began a shameless and impetuous day in their spare time in the space fortress.

Sometimes they don\'t go out for a few days, so they are tired of falling in love in bed.

"Have you been suffocating for so many years?" Angelina\'s fingers drew a small circle on Locke\'s chest, both caring and teasing.

Just after the battle, the desire had been extinguished The fire was provoked by Angelina again. The strong physical quality of the knight gave Locke almost infinite energy.

Locke, who pushed Angelina down and was ready to fight her for 300 rounds again, said "OK." He thought of Kayla. Two months have passed since the return of the Space Fortress, and he and Keira have only met a few times.

I was wondering if I would go to Kayla\'s place tomorrow. The beauty of Angelina has made Locke put aside other ideas for the time being.

Kaila\'s residence in the space fortress is only as good as Locke. This is a noble secondary element master in the holy tower and a senior brother at the peak of the demigod.

Today, Locke came to see himself, and Kayla\'s mood changed a lot.

Locke, who entered the door, saw the open laboratory door in Kayla\'s room. He expected that Kayla must have done her own research in the laboratory before that.

"Can\'t we have a rest when we are pregnant?" Stroking Kaila\'s stomach, Locke said discontentedly.

At present, this degree of intimate contact between the two has been accepted by Kayla. She does not dislike Locke\'s love On the contrary, some people like to have a man around them all the time.

"The space fortress is so boring. What can I do without doing experiments?" Kayla said with both sadness and melancholy.

On hearing this, Locke couldn\'t help kissing Keira and said, "then I\'ll accompany you more in the future."

After rolling her eyes, Kayla pushed Locke away and wiped the guy\'s saliva off her face. Her cleanliness habit was not gone, but much lighter than before.

After pregnancy, Kaila was more mature than before, which made Locke, who was getting closer and closer to Kaila, itch in his heart.

Rudely pulled Kayla into his arms, pricked Kayla\'s neck with his newly grown beard, and took a deep breath of fragrance. Locke asked, "after so long, the child\'s body must have developed completely. Is it a boy or a girl?"

With a slight blush on her face, Kayla whispered, "it\'s a girl."

"Daughter?" Locke\'s eyes lit up.

The fragrance of the beauty in his arms like peach kept attracting Locke. Locke couldn\'t help but bow his head and kiss.

This kiss is dry wood meets fire.