Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 651

The return time of the first space fortress is next month, so Locke must stick to it for another month in the digital world.

In this month, Locke was not completely abandoned. There are many strange resources in the digital world, which are scarce precious resources in the three western islands and even the wizard world.

Like the strong western three islands who want to make a fortune in this position, Locke often goes back and forth to major trading areas and alchemy shops in this month.

The cultivation resources given by Jos are only enough for Locke to touch the threshold of the heavenly knight. Locke is not alone. He still has a large family to support. Naturally, he can\'t sit back and eat nothing.

Angelina\'s alchemy is much more skilled than before. She often refines some gadgets suitable for first-class knights and magicians, which is enough for Angelina to harvest her basic cultivation resources.

In her words, she doesn\'t want to rely entirely on Locke. In her bones, Angelina is also a proud person.

In the last month, Locke was summoned by master assar. The master harvested many strange things from the shadow rift valley. This time Locke helped her not to dissect the corpse, but to study two plant materials called black burial flower and dark energy grass.

Black burial flower has the effect of confusing people. All creatures within 30 meters from it will fall into illusion. This is an extremely rare spiritual magic material, which can replace many other precious materials to refine drugs to increase spiritual power.

The reason why Ashar studies this thing is not that it can increase his spiritual power, but to try to find out the energy spectrum generated when the black burial flower pulls people into the illusion, so as to create a more effective witchcraft.

Dark energy grass is relatively simple. As its name suggests, it is a magical material containing a large amount of dark elements. This magical material is made into medicine, which greatly promotes assar\'s absorption of dark element energy.

While busy making money and helping assar magician, Locke didn\'t forget to continue his training.

In a month, Locke took out at least one-third of his time to lead the team to carry out the trial mission issued by the knight\'s palace.

After being promoted to level 2, Locke received more tasks in the face of the war than some lone Rangers, such as the leader of the bottom knights and slave creatures.

Plane war is not a stage for one person, but a battle place for all knights and magicians. As a higher creature, Locke should also take proper care of some low-level guys when solving his opponents at the same level.

After all, the future of the three Western Islands belongs to the younger generation. The owners of the holy tower and the leaders of the knight\'s Palace are very aware of this fact. Only when fresh blood flows in and grows up, the three western islands will become more and more powerful.

During these days, Kaila was the one Locke rarely contacted, because many people knew that a space fortress would return. Knights and magicians tired of the war on the ectopic side wanted to take the first "shuttle bus" to leave. At this time, the number of space fortresses increased explosively compared with before.

There are many people with mixed eyes. Locke only goes to see it once in a while.

With the end of this ectopic war, Locke\'s harvest is not all good news, and the bad news has made Locke\'s heart a lot heavier.

Bosh, the first-class Saint tower magician who once made magic armor for Locke and participated in the activation goblin plane war, fell in this war.

The time of the fall was the second year of the plane war, that is, two years ago. Locke didn\'t know the news until a few days ago, when he saw another "acquaintance" mage Leona in the Space Fortress, he learned from the master that his old friend bosh had fallen.

Mage Leona was also one of the leaders of Locke\'s Santa army when activating the goblin world.

Only twenty years later, Locke grew from a knight attendant to a second-class knight, which made Leona magician very sad.

Since they are all old acquaintances, Locke did not put the spectrum of knights in front of Leona magician. The real magician respects not those who are stronger than himself, but those who are more knowledgeable than himself.

The Leona magician is not strong, but he has a lot of knowledge. Making friends with such a formal magician will help Locke broaden his contacts in the holy tower in the future.

"By the way, I wonder if you have heard about babrina?" Mage Leona asked Locke in his spare time.

Babrina was the first-class magician who introduced Angelina from Princeton Royal College to Santa tower. Angelina once called her grandma and the mentor of Locke and Angelina\'s friend Diane.

However, since the plane war of activating the goblin world, the first-class magician applied to stay in activating the goblin world. Later, he had no contact with Locke and Angelina.

It seems that he has been in the activated goblin world and has not returned to the holy tower.

"Two years ago, babrina also came to this position, but she disappeared in a battle. Not long ago, Santa tower rated her life information as dead." Leona sighed.

One by one, his old friends fell into the war on the throne, which made the rare Leona magician feel older, not his body, but his heart.

Maybe becoming a research magician is not a disadvantage. Fighting and killing is really not suitable for magicians with his character.

Hearing that babrina also fell in this position, Locke\'s heart was heavy. He was not only remembering the elder, but also wondering whether he would bury an ectopic bone in the future.

Magician bosh still has a body. In the future, the remains will be transported back to the three western islands and buried by his descendants, and the holy tower will give good care to such families.

However, babrina, who was first assessed as missing and then determined to fall, can\'t even find her body. How can it not make people feel melancholy.

Angelina\'s eyes turned red when she heard the news told by Locke. If Kayla played the role of her mother in the Santa tower, bablina, who gave Angelina such a great opportunity to join the Santa tower, was her bole and benefactor.

Angelina\'s "grandma" that she used to call babrina was a heartfelt respect.

"Grandma babrina, she has no descendants, which I knew when I was at Princeton Royal College." Angelina said.

"After this ectopic war, when we return to the holy tower, we have to go and see Diane. Without the protection of her mentor, she will have a hard time in the holy tower." Angelina said.

Thinking of Diane, the water element magic apprentice, Locke remembered that he and Angelina had just arrived at Princeton Royal College more than 20 years ago. At that time, there were partners such as Joaquin, Billie, Bob and Chris. After so many years, I don\'t know what happened to those old friends.

Years make people grow old. Touch his bearded chin. Locke suddenly thought that he was almost 50 years old. If you add the lost two years when crossing the space window, in terms of the time of the wizard world, Locke should be 48 years old now.

"Forty eight..." Looking at the not old face in the magic mirror, Locke said, "it\'s time to shave tonight."

A month later.

The return of the space fortress was finally raised in the spotlight.

The Space Fortress returning to the three western islands this time is a large space fortress that has been fighting in the digital world for nearly four years.

There are countless scratches on the surface, which are left by the powerful digital beasts with sharp teeth and claws in the digital world. Many external magic guided guns have varying degrees of damage. After returning to the three western islands, the Space Fortress will certainly have a major overhaul.

To Locke\'s surprise, there are not many knights and magicians who want to return to the three western islands first like them.

The total number of people carried on the whole space fortress is less than 6000.

"Now is the final stage of the war between the wind continent and the digital beasts. The remaining extreme and complete digital beasts are targeted by the holy tower and the knight palace. The risk is at least three times smaller than a year ago. It is normal for so many people to stay in this position and continue to plunder." Said the mage Leona.

The wind attribute magician became a little depressed after two old friends fell one after another. He simply left this low-level plane that impressed him with the first batch of returning troops.

"If you want to pursue a higher level of truth, knowledge and magic, you can\'t just have the power of research. You also need to match the corresponding strong strength. With your current state, you have little hope to go further in the future." The assar magician who came to see him off said impolitely to Leona.

At least they worked together at the level of activating goblins. They also had nodding friends in the holy tower. Seeing that mage Leona is so depressed, Ashar, who is usually silent, said a few more words today.

With a wry smile on his face, Leona knew what Ashar said was reasonable and didn\'t refute anything.

It can\'t be said that Leona is completely depressed. After a few years of cultivation in the holy tower, maybe he can regain his original heart of pursuing truth, knowledge and magic.

Moreover, judging from the frequency of plane wars on the three western islands, the plane invasions of the Centaur world, the activated goblin world and the digital world have been completed in less than 30 years, which is beyond the established practice.

In the next 20 years at least, it is estimated that the three western islands will not fight outside. The lost knights and magicians need time to make up for it, and the little guys at the bottom also need time to grow up.

In fact, 20 years is less. Judging from the cautious character and rigorous style of the Panamanian master who owns the Santa tower, the three western islands should rest for 40 years.

Moreover, 40 years is enough for the three western islands to gradually digest their gains in these low-level levels, making the growth of the three western islands more dynamic and uplifting.