Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 650

In the Arctic ice region, Locke and Kayla, who spent two months here, killed four sea lion tribes, and flew to an iceberg for a rest.

The ultimate form of the sea lion is the zudun beast. The zudun beast that once brought a heavy blow to the Hellfire Legion on on the three western islands is still fresh in people\'s memory.

It was a powerful research body only one notch worse than the battle Tyrannosaurus Rex at the peak of the demigod. Many great magicians in the holy tower were very interested in the sea lion, the predecessor of the zudun beast.

Locke\'s mission with Kayla this time is to collect 20 sea lion eggs.

One big difference between sea lions and other kinds of digital beasts is that they have very few members in a group. Basically, there are only one or two mature sea lions with three or four growing sea lions.

As for their eggs, they are even rarer. Four sea lion tribes plundered them. Locke and Kaila collected 12 animal eggs, which is still a long way from the completion of the mission goal.

Today, Kayla is wearing a snow-white animal skin, which Locke peeled from the hunted sea lion and made by himself.

In order to take care of Kayla\'s cleanliness, Locke blew the animal skin with the wind attribute for three days before completely removing the fishy smell.

Wrapped in cotton fur, Kayla asked, "where are we going next?"

With Locke, Kayla is used to listening to Locke\'s advice in everything. This woman has obvious choice difficulty. She is more suitable to stay in the laboratory for research than to fight.

"To the northeast, there is still a large glacier there. There should be a sea lion tribe." Rocla looked up, then down and said.

In order to avoid being discovered by others, when Locke and Keira took the task, they specifically indicated that they did not need the assistance of bottom knights and magicians.

Moreover, in the extremely special environment of the Arctic ice region, even slave creatures were exempted from them. They were the only two on this mission.

"Oh." Wrapping the skin a little tighter, Keira followed Locke and flew northeast.

Looking back at Kayla, Locke asked anxiously, "such a cold climate will not have any impact on our children, will it?"

There were no outsiders here, and Locke eagerly called it \'our children\'.

Hearing this, Kayla\'s face turned red. Locke\'s care and care still made Kayla very useful.

"How can I be so delicate? I\'m also a second-class element master. This cold will not invade the child at all." Kayla said something.

When Kayla said this, Locke nodded reassuringly.

"There was a message in the knight\'s medal yesterday that the guardian of the plane has been killed by several level 4 strong adults, and from the weakened plane suppression, it is true. You can finally go back." During the flight, Locke sighed.

Kayla also nodded, and the news of the holy tower came from her crystal ball, which is exciting and good news for knights, magicians and warlocks fighting in the whole digital world.

"I heard that the holy tower and the knight Palace are already planning the first batch of withdrawal to the wizard world." Locke then said.

"It\'s true. What do you want to do?" Asked Kayla.

"Anyway, there\'s no nostalgia for this position. After this mission, let\'s go with the first batch of troops to withdraw?" Locke suggested.

Thinking for a moment, she lowered her head and touched her stomach. Kayla replied, "OK."

In the plane war in the digital world, the three western islands dispatched all their two space fortresses here in one breath, and even the level-4 strong sent three. Only Odyssey remained, which made the headquarters of the three western islands in a serious empty state.

In particular, the control over the slave position of subordinates has also decreased with the transfer of a large number of third-class and semi divine strong people.

In order to consolidate the dominance of the three western islands in time, one of the two space fortresses must return to the wizard world, and there may be a level 4 strong man to follow.

Locke said that the first group of retreating troops was the group of people who followed the space fortress and returned to the three western islands together.

Locke and Keira\'s child needs four years to conceive, and now it\'s only one year, but both Locke and Keira should consider the birth of the child.

Born in the digital world, this ectopic side is absolutely impossible. Locke didn\'t even think about it.

Returning to the three western islands early is a good choice for Keira to raise her baby and Locke to reunite with her relatives.

After another month and a half, Locke and Kayla, who finally gathered the sea lion eggs, took their floating ship and returned to the Space Fortress again.

The rich reward of this harvest was second. To Locke\'s excitement, he finally contacted Jos.

I haven\'t seen him for several months. Jos looks much better than when they met last time. Locke must be cautious about the semi God\'s power.

"Do you want to go back to the three western islands?" Touching the magic crystal ball at the tip of the white magic wand, Jos was surprised.

"Yes, we have gained a lot from this plane war. Now what we want to do most is rest and digest the gains from this plane war." Locke said honestly.

They are all from their own families. Locke doesn\'t have to hide here in Jos and directly say his own thoughts.

"Well, you and Kayla are promoted to level 2 this time. It takes some time to adapt to the new stage, and Angelina\'s child. This plane war should have a lot of experience for her." Nodded, Jos said.

"Where\'s Ashar? Why don\'t you see her." Immediately remembering that Locke didn\'t mention Ashar just now, Jos asked suspiciously.

Locke looked embarrassed and said, "master Ashar, she still wants to stay in this position for a while. She seems to have found something of interest in the shadow rift valley."

The reason for Locke\'s embarrassment is that assar asked him to stay with him not long ago. Homesick Locke reluctantly rejected assar for the first time.

Knowing that Locke hasn\'t been home for more than ten years, assar, who was rejected this time, was not angry, but understood and agreed with Locke, but it can be seen from Locke\'s expression that the process of asking assar to agree was not so easy.

Locke was caught in the laboratory by her and worked for three days and nights.

"The first space fortress to return to the wizard world will leave in a month. At that time, there will be escorted by level 4 Knight Gaia. I will help you three arrange everything." Jos knew a lot of top decisions and promised Locke directly.

"Master Xie." Locke really thanked Jos.