Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 649

When leaving from the magician Ashar, Locke did not forget to ask about the atomic bomb he had given her.

"I haven\'t used that prop yet. Does it really have level 3 explosive power?" Assar magician still doesn\'t believe it.

"There is absolutely the power of a three-level strong man to strike with all his strength. Master, you must be careful when you use it. Don\'t hurt yourself by mistake." Locke said firmly.

He once suffered a loss. Naturally, he didn\'t want Ashar to rush to his mistakes.

With the defense ability of secondary organisms, it is not far from death to resist the short-range explosion of atomic bomb. Locke was a living example at the beginning.

There are still some doubts in her heart, but Ashar still chooses to trust Locke. She even plans to study the alchemy prop Locke gave her after the mission.

Just as Locke was busy, the news of the fall of the dark region of the wind continent and the death of the clown emperor gradually filled the whole digital world like a hurricane and tsunami.

When they heard this news, they first did not believe it. Then, when more and more rumors said it was true, these powerful digital beasts felt deep despair.

No one understands the power of the clown emperor better than the native creatures in the digital world.

The first of the four emperors, the most mysterious and tyrannical clown emperor, is a terrible nightmare haunting every digital beast before the wizard world invaded the digital world.

The jungle law of survival of the fittest makes it possible for every digital beast to become the next prey of the clown emperor. But now, with the passing of the nightmare, the more irresistible force of despair has come to the digital world.

No matter how moody the clown emperor is, he is also hunting digital animals one by one, which will not do anything to the whole ethnic group. However, the invaders want to strangle and plunder the digital animals in the digital world.

And from the war that lasted for several years, it seems that what these invaders are most interested in is their digital beast eggs. Why doesn\'t this make the digital beasts set off an upsurge of full name resistance.

It\'s just that this upsurge, in the eyes of powerful invaders, is just a small splash. Now the last fig leaf covering the head of the digital world. Their ultimate protector, the four emperors, has died in battle, and they are still the most powerful one.

The future of the digital world is really worrying.

On the land of the moon, over the magic maze, the puppet beast\'s weapon, the wooden cross dart, has been broken. Now it is holding its only weapon, the projectile hammer.

On the opposite side of the puppet beast, a level 4 warlock turned into a giant black man viper. His scales and armor are also broken. At the seven inch position of the giant black man viper, a semi truncated wooden cross dart is embedded.

"Cough, it\'s still a little uncomfortable to be ranked first by the guys from the three western islands!" The snake letter spits out from its mouth, and the huge vertical pupil of the black man Viper silently stares at the puppet beast in front of it.

There is no nonsense. The puppet beast known for its silence is a living wood in the digital world. Only its unparalleled combat effectiveness as one of the four emperors can prove its existence.

"Projectile hammer!" The hammer in his hand swung forward, and the energy in the hammer gathered at one point and hit the head of the black man viper.

From the perspective of personal strength, puppet animals can\'t compare with the clown emperor of the prevailing mainland.

Even its ultimate must kill skill "wooden cross dart" hit the life gate of Heiman Viper seven inches. It didn\'t do anything to this level 4 ancient giant snake. On the contrary, its weapon was broken. Now the puppet beast is just struggling to support it.

"Eating you probably won\'t strengthen my blood power. I\'d better sell you at a good price after defeating you!" The black man Viper screamed and jumped at the puppet beast again.

The expression of the puppet beast has remained unchanged for thousands of years. At this time, it may really die in battle this time.

In the sea area, the blue sea dragon, the Deputy patriarch of the Dragon warlock family who invaded the digital world, also sensed that the clown emperor fell behind and began to attack the steel sea dragon beast.

The sea god division field is almost ineffective for the blue sea dragon. The unique skills such as squeezing by the underworld do not cause so much damage to the blue sea dragon. Therefore, the wave cannon is extremely skilled and dare not let the blue sea dragon try its edge.

The overlords in the two seas are still fighting fiercely.

The same is true of the fire dragon warlocks in the mountain continent. The ancient fire dragon tightly entangled with the mechanical evil dragon beast needs to be careful to deal with each mouthful of dragon inflammation, which is the original life inflammation of the fire dragon.

"Doomsday catastrophe!" Being dragged here by the fire dragon, the mechanical evil dragon beast is obviously worried. It rarely uses the extreme must kill skill. Now it is used towards the fire dragon overhead.

Doomsday catastrophe is the unique skill of mechanical evil dragons and beasts - the advanced form of infinite cannon. It is also fired by two cannons on the back, and its power to destroy everything is twice as powerful as that of infinite cannon.

The doomsday catastrophe energy beam emitting dark gray light hit the neck of the fire dragon. There was his inverse scale, and he didn\'t dare to make a hard connection. The fire dragon spit dragon inflammation at its mouth, opened a layer of flame shield, and circled around the sky, trying to avoid the ultimate killing skill of the mechanical evil dragon beast.

The guardian of the holy angel beast is the place of sacrifice. Today, there are two uninvited guests besides level 5 Earth Dragon warlocks.

"Zachary is seriously injured. I let him stay in the wind land. By the way, look after our little guys on the three western islands, Jie." In the thick dark clouds, the voice of Panama came.

Beside the dark clouds was Gaia in gold armor.

The clown queen who settled the wind continent, the two level Four strongmen of the three western islands, rushed to the Warlocks on the west coast at the first time.

"Those conditions promised to you will naturally be fulfilled after returning to the wizard world. Our dragon warlock family will not break its promise." Level 5 magician incarnated as an ancient Earth Dragon. The huge dragon head opened and said in a loud voice.

"Jie, I can trust the reputation of the Dragon warlock family, otherwise I won\'t plunder this position with you." Panama\'s gloomy laughter came from the dark clouds.

It seems that before that, Panama has talked with the five level dragon about the transfer of interests.

It is precisely because puppet beasts, steel sea dragons and mechanical evil dragons have received help messages from the guardian holy angel beasts.

However, the strength of their opponents makes these three level 4 digital beasts that still survive in the digital world lack skills.

The only mechanical evil dragon beast that has the ability to support can\'t get away for the time being. Only the holy angel beast alone faces the siege of the three strongest!