Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 648

"Gudu" swallowed a mouthful of saliva. Locke then said, "master Kayla has a deep habit of cleanliness. We have been drilling caves for this time. Maybe that\'s why."

"Really?" With a slight frown, Ashar seemed to be thinking about the possibility of this factor.

After thinking for a moment without results, Ashar gouged out Locke and said, "it\'s all your bad task. The environment is so bad!"

"Well." Locke could only touch his head and smile.

Women love beauty, and female mages like Ashar are no exception. Knights like Locke who often roll in dangerous environments don\'t care about these details.

The moonlight is good tonight. There is only one moon in the digital world, and it is pure white, which is very similar to the wizard world.

Sitting on the trunk of a big tree with his hands behind his head and squinting his eyes, Locke slowly relaxed his body while paying attention to the situation around him.

Below, assar sat cross legged on a boulder, and the faint moonlight sprinkled a layer of silver sand on assar\'s black magic robe.

Exquisite and beautiful.

Assar holds a dark energy essence in her hand. While meditating on her spiritual power, she is still restoring her magic.

Ashar is much more diligent than Locke on the way of cultivation.

Locke\'s pursuit of great power is true, but what he advocates is the combination of work and rest. Locke is too tired during this time. Now he just wants to have a good rest.

With regard to the aggressive war of the three western islands in the wind continent of the digital world, in the fall of the fourth level digital animal clown emperor, a large number of research digital animals fell in the dark area. The war process of the wind continent finally entered the harvest and occupation stage from the stalemate and attack stage in the middle term to the harvest and occupation stage in the later stage.

In four years, the war has been fought to this extent. Judging from the level wars since the past, the progress of this invasion of the digital world is still very fast.

Among them, there are the reasons for the cooperation of three level-4 strong men, and the reason why the three western islands are only responsible for one continent of the wind continent.

Just after returning to the Space Fortress, Locke was entangled in a lot of "troubles".

Yes, it\'s what assar calls\' trouble \'. There are too many tasks!

The dark area is only a small area in the southeast of the wind continent of the digital world. Although there is a four-level digital beast clown king in charge here, although more than 90% of the research digital beasts of the wind continent are gathered here, its area is less than one seventh of that of the wind continent.

The three western islands attacked from the southern coastline of the wind continent.

If we include the occupied southern region, part of the western Riyan desert, and today\'s dark region, barely a quarter of the land of the wind continent falls into the hands of the three western islands.

There are nearly three-quarters of the vast areas left, which need them to send troops to occupy and plunder.

There is no ultimate digital beast in the town, but at most all the ordinary three-level digital beasts remain. Other regions of the wind continent, like a treasure house with open doors, are facing knights and magicians on the three western islands.

Everyone sharpened their knives and was ready to make a fortune again in this position. At the moment, Locke was a little lack of interest.

Now he has no shortage of cultivation materials, and the cultivation needs of grace, Leah and others who are still in the wizard world are also accumulated by him. At this time, Locke is more urgent to be stable.

"Dear knight, there are many suitable tasks for you to choose from. Do you need me to send them to your Knight Medal one by one?" In the mission hall, the staff on the other side of the glass window respectfully said to Locke.

Locke, who had just returned to the space fortress for three days, received the mandatory task required above again. How can he not be upset.

"Is there a garrison mission in the space fortress?" Locke asked directly.

The staff inside were stunned. Now the main force of digital beasts in the wind continent was completely defeated by them. Now, no digital beast without eyes dares to come to the space fortress to find their bad luck. If there is no accident, there are only some injured or scientific research magicians who are not good at frontal combat.

Looking down in the crystal panel of the space fortress to record the mission information for a long time, the staff finally regretted that "there is no garrison mission suitable for knights like you for the time being."

Everyone is actively taking on tasks, and there are also other people like Locke, but they are all a few. The resource richness of the digital world can be regarded as above the middle level in the low level.

This plane gave birth to four level-4 creatures and a guardian comparable to level-4 creatures. Compared with the low-level plane of the Centaur plundered on the three western islands, I don\'t know how rich it is.

Even if only one continent belongs to the three western islands, it is enough for the holy towers and palaces of the three western islands to make a lot of money.

For a moment, Locke finally chose one of the tasks not far from the space fortress to destroy the flower bone beast tribe in the vine swamp in the north of the dark area.

Locke thought of using Jos\'s energy to let him avoid the mandatory task, but unfortunately, Locke could not contact Jos anymore since he returned to the space fortress.

With Jos\'s childhood sweetheart, aunt Michelle couldn\'t be contacted.

"Is the injury too serious, still recuperating? Or planning for promotion to level 4? It\'s all." Locke thought.

Angelina\'s treatment is much better than Locke. She is rated as a research magician by Santa. Her compulsory task is similar to that before. She has a lot of free time left in the space fortress.

However, Locke believes that Angelina will not use these time to rest. After performing a task with Locke and Ashar, she suddenly found that her strength level is too low and has planned to work hard to catch up with Locke.

She was promoted to the first level in her forties. Angelina is already the best among magicians. She doesn\'t have to belittle herself.

But there is a proud Angelina in her bones. She doesn\'t want to be surpassed too much by others, even though this person is her husband.

Angelina also made Locke worry free. What bothered Locke was that he just knew that Kayla had chosen a hunting mission to the extreme northern ice of the wind continent.

Looking for a chance, Locke ran to Kayla\'s residence and asked face-to-face, "what the hell are you doing? You choose such a dangerous task without telling me in advance!"

The more you come into contact with Kaila, the little boy Locke\'s respect for Kaila\'s elders is also gradually eroded. Now Kaila is regarded by Locke as her own woman. Kaila\'s practice of not saying hello in advance makes Locke a little angry.

"It\'s my right to choose what task. I need you to take care of me!" Keira glanced at Locke, picked up her magic wand and walked to the laboratory.

Taking a step forward and stopping in front of Keira, Locke said arrogantly, "can you cancel that task or replace it with another task?"

When Locke stopped her so rudely, Kayla was not angry, but said, "do you think the task issued by Santa tower is so easy to change?"

On hearing this, Locke was a little discouraged. The authority of the holy tower was really beyond his touch as a little knight.

"Then don\'t hurry. After I finish my current task, I\'ll go to the polar ice region with you." Locke thought for a long time and couldn\'t find a good way. He hung his head and said so.

"Don\'t make excuses. The holy tower must have given you at least five days to prepare for the mission so far away from the Arctic ice field. Five days is enough for me to complete the mission of the vine swamp I led." Locke interrupted when he saw what Kayla wanted to say.

Accustomed to the arrogance of this little man, after more than 200 years of ups and downs, Kayla met a nemesis today, but she was hard hearted to refuse Locke.

Even subconsciously, Kayla was a little happy, because if she went to the Arctic ice, Locke would not take Angelina. It was a life of only two people, just like when she was in the Riyan desert, the rainbow forest and the thorn wilderness a few months ago.

Unknowingly dug the corner of her apprentice, and Kayla didn\'t realize it.

Compared with Angelina\'s obedience and Kayla\'s lack of worry, the compulsory task chosen by assar magician is much more normal.

"The exploration mission of the eastern shadow Rift Valley? Master Ashar, are you sure you don\'t need another helper?" Locke understands assar\'s choice, which is always in line with the master\'s character.

The shadow Rift Valley is the only area within the explored range of the Space Fortress where there are signs of the activity of the extreme digital beast. Today, when the semi divine digital beasts have been completely annihilated on the death cliff battlefield, the ghost Rift Valley has attracted the attention of many semi divine strongmen who have not obtained the desired resources in this position.

Especially the two demigod knights who came to this plane with the second space fortress.

It is said that the publisher of this exploration mission is one of the two demigod knights.

"It\'s not necessary. I can execute faster alone, and I\'m very interested in a dark property material growing in that place." Ashar said faintly.

Of course, the mission released by the semi divine knight can\'t only face assar. There should be other magicians and knights who received the mission. The only difference is that assar won\'t form a team and will only go alone.

For the sake of assar magician\'s safety, Locke wanted to persuade again. Before he could speak, assar asked Locke, "I heard you\'re going to the polar ice region with my sister?"

"Ah? Well... Well, yes." Locke replied that he was curious about how Ashar knew about it.

Glancing at Locke, Ashar said, "protect my sister."

"Yes, yes. I will protect master Kayla." Locke nodded hurriedly.