Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 647

A week later, Locke and his party, who exterminated the last two tarantula tribes, also received instructions to return to the space fortress for standby.

On the whole, the task process for more than half a month was perfect. Almost no knight or magician died. Only one reckless knight was inadvertently invaded by the highly toxic toxin of a growing tarantula. After cutting off the bitten arm, he somehow saved his life.

Slave creatures lost a little more. Locke almost gave the task of exploring the way and tackling difficulties to slave creatures. Ten first-class slave creatures survived, and only four of them survived. Lower class slave creatures below first-class were killed and injured more.

This is the sadness of the weak.

"Return to Space Fortress tomorrow!" Beside the campfire in the temporary camp, Locke said to the surrounding knights and magicians.

After a burst of cheers, Locke walked next to Angelina.

"What\'s the matter, worried?" Locke asked strangely. Angelina has been like this since yesterday, which makes Locke who has been haunted a little uneasy.

Pretending to look around casually, he actually glanced at Kaila and saw that Kaila and Ashar were chatting together. It seemed that there was no difference.

"I feel a little weak and can\'t keep up with you." They are old husbands and wives. Angelina doesn\'t play any riddles with Locke, so she says directly.

"During this period of time, I was basically protected by you and your tutors. Even those growing tarantulas, one-on-one, I am not an opponent." Angelina\'s tone was full of depression.

"After all, you\'ve just been promoted to the first level. Digital beasts are born to fight to grow up. It\'s normal to fight them." Locke kissed Angelina gently on the forehead.

I thought Angelina knew something. If it was just because of this, Locke said she didn\'t have to worry at all.

Angelina has been promoted to the first level for less than five years. She basically just broke through to a formal magician on the west coast and came to this digital plane with the Santa tower army.

After coming to the digital plane, Angelina works in the most secure space fortress. Speaking of her combat experience, even her mentor Kaila, the light element division, is not inferior.

Kayla still has more than 200 years of experience and experience. Angelina is called Xiaobai.

"After returning to the three western islands, you should specially train my practical ability. I don\'t want to be a drag bottle." Angelina grabbed Locke\'s chin by the beard and said.

Speaking of, Locke hasn\'t shaved since he came to the digital world from the plane of the earth. Now his beard is a little scrawl and publicity, but it can be regarded as a kind of man\'s charm.

"Good, good!" Locke laughed and pricked Angelina\'s white neck with her beard, which made Angelina giggle.

Their identity is no secret in this team. Everyone knows that they are husband and wife. When they see such intimate fighting in public, the first-class knights and magicians below just smile with understanding and envy.

Most of their relatives and lovers are still in the three western islands of the remote wizard world. All of them look forward to returning home to meet their relatives after the end of this plane war.

By the campfire, not everyone was so calm. One person\'s face was a little strange.

"What\'s the matter with you? Is it uncomfortable?" Ashar, who was just discussing the problem of energy conduction in compound magic with Kaila, opened her mouth and asked when she saw that Kaila looked strange.

As we all know, assar\'s character is a little lonely, and lonely people are generally straight.

She looked at Kayla, then at Locke and Angelina over there. Ashar frowned and said, "did that boy annoy you? I\'ll teach him a lesson!"

Although Ashar\'s tone of voice is very blunt, in fact, she is comforting her sister and giving Locke an excuse.

Assar has a good sense of Locke, especially Locke often consciously helps her with various magic experiments. There is no better experimental assistant than a land knight. Assar really can\'t do without Locke\'s help for some difficult experiments that require a lot of physical strength.

It is said to teach Locke a lesson. In fact, it is estimated that Ashar will only verbally warn Locke not to provoke her sister.

Lonely people generally take a deep view of the few close people around them. Ashar can only be regarded as a close person now. She is only a close sister of Kayla. Ashar, who is indifferent to everything at ordinary times, actually cares about her sister very much.

"No, it\'s okay." Kaila was surprised. A faint bead of sweat appeared on Kaila\'s neck, which was scared out.

Extremely worried about what Ashar would see, Kayla hurriedly pulled Ashar back to the problem they had just discussed.

Sure enough, as soon as she returned to Ashar\'s field of expertise, the unspeakable female mage talked about her knowledge and opinions on compound magic.

"I think that in the composite magic, the greatest impact on the energy conduction efficiency is not the performance of the conduction material, but the type of composite magic. Different composite magic, such as water element and soil element, water element and wood element, constitute different optimal magic guiding paths..." The assar magician talked with great eloquence.

It\'s just that Kayla has been a little absent-minded.

"If you are tired, you can rest early and go back to the Space Fortress tomorrow. There must be a lot of trouble at that time." Ashar stopped and said.

For her, as long as she doesn\'t do the research she is interested in in in the laboratory, other things are "troublesome". In essence, this assar magician is a real magician and scholar.

For the research of magic power and the exploration of knowledge, assar has the quality that those top magic masters should have, that is, the desire to pursue the truth.

Seeing what Ashar said, Kayla nodded and said, "it\'s time to rest. There\'s still a long way to go tomorrow." But when she said this, Kayla\'s tone was a little low, and she unconsciously touched her stomach.

Ashar wanted to ask herself what happened to her sister, but her character and withdrawn style developed for a long time made her swallow this sentence, and she also saw that Kayla was hiding something from herself.

"I\'m going to arrange a magic guard. I hope there will be some unsightly digital beasts to send them to the door and add some specimens to my collection!" After leaving a word, Ashar drifted away. She had planned to find a chance to knock Locke and see what happened.

After Ashar left, she leaned back against a huge stone and surrounded by light elements. Keira sighed softly.

She doesn\'t know what\'s wrong with herself. When she performs her task these days, she seems to hold her breath and feel flustered whenever she sees Locke and Angelina show intimacy.

Especially now in public, Locke and Angelina are in love, which makes Kayla have the impulse to stamp her feet.

These two people, one is the father of her baby and the other is her apprentice, but she doesn\'t dare to say anything about her relationship with Locke. She is the only one who has suffered.

Touching her stomach, only the existence of the little life inside can make Kayla get a moment of peace in this irritable day.

She now has strange feelings for Locke, some feelings between men and women, some feelings between elders and younger generations, and more from the bond of children in her belly.

For Angelina, Kayla still focuses on the tutor\'s love for her disciples. She is a little jealous and uncomfortable, which is only caused by her unhappiness in a short time. When she calms down, the unhappiness disappears.

Kayla doesn\'t want her child to be born without a father, and doesn\'t want her incest relationship with Locke to be made public. She\'s very confused now.

"Why don\'t you apply for a long-distance long-term mission after this mission?" Kayla thought to herself.

She was out of sight and planned to stay away from Locke and Angelina.

As for what to do after the child is born four years later, we\'ll talk about it at that time. Anyway, half of them need Locke to have a headache.

After making up her mind about this task, Keira, who applied for a long-term assignment abroad, came back to her senses and just turned to the face when Locke talked to Angelina.

"Hum!" Turned around and gave Locke a face, which embarrassed Locke who didn\'t know why.

Locke breathed a sigh of relief when he secretly observed that Angelina didn\'t find anything strange.

This kind of dark day under the light is too hard. Locke is considering whether to find a chance to confess to Angelina.

He didn\'t want to deceive Angelina, nor did he want the child in Kay\'s diarrhea to be unclear.

"When the plane war is over and you return to the three western islands, confess." Locke muttered.

It\'s still a war. It\'s too early to let Angelina know that it may lead to unforeseen consequences. If Angelina and Keira have something wrong in the war, Locke will regret to die.

Two first-class knights were supposed to be in charge of the patrol task this night. Somehow, the two first-class knights were driven back to the camp by Ashar, and she and Locke kept watch.

Just pulled out of the quilt by assar, Locke dare not show any dissatisfaction. Sleeping and resting for two days a day is nothing to the first-class knight. A second-class Knight like him is even more a piece of cake.

If you don\'t sleep for a week, your body can withstand the integration of digital animals.

"My sister Kayla is very strange recently. Do you know why?" Ashar\'s clear voice reached Locke.

As soon as the body was tight, there was no fluctuation on the surface, and even the breath was peaceful. In fact, Locke beat a drum in his heart. Locke was surprised and asked, "is it? Is it master Kayla? She hasn\'t had a good rest recently."

Everyone can know, but Ashar can\'t know.

Locke dares to guarantee that if he lets Ashar know and sleeps her sister, Ashar is expected to hunt him down in the whole three western islands.