Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 641

In the dark tide underground compound cave, a tarantula with six claws in front of him was pierced from the abdomen and thrown to the side. The tarantula with blood was thrown away by Locke like a broken cloth bag.

This is the sixth tarantula today.

"Clean the battlefield quickly and try to get to the next tarantula tribe before noon." Locke shouted at the Knights and magicians who were still cleaning up the remnants of the battle in the tribe.

As a growing tarantula at the level of strength, Locke will not even turn on his blood transformation when dealing with digital beasts at this level.

One is to save fighting energy, and the other is to hone your fighting skills without changing.

This is the eleventh day since they entered the blood jungle.

In 11 days, in the underground mines in the east of the blood jungle, the tarantula tribes led by Locke, Keira and others have been exterminated for nearly 20 years.

Tarantula is the middle and lower digital animal race in the dark area. They are insect digital animals. They have amazing fertility. Before the three western islands invaded the wind continent, tarantula provided enough food for other digital animals.

This is a poor race living at the bottom of the food chain.

In the past, it was hunted by other digital beasts, but now it is hunted by Santa magicians and knights in the knight palace.

Moreover, the hunting intensity of the latter is deeper.

The weeds are burning and the spring breeze is blowing again. This time, Locke plundered all the digital animal eggs of the tarantula tribe. There are no offspring to inherit, and there are not enough adult tarantulas.

After this battle, the six clawed tarantula tribe in the blood jungle in the dark region will become a rare and endangered species in at least the next 50 years.

But with such a huge harvest, Locke\'s expression during this period was not much relaxed, but more dignified.

"How many times?" Locke asked a magician at the end of the line.

This magician is a relatively rare space magician. In these ten days, Locke did not let him participate in the encirclement and suppression mission, but kept staring at the movement on the main peak of the death cliff.

"There was another large-scale element turbulence in the early morning of this morning. Counting the previous, this is the 21st time!" The first-class magician answered honestly.

Twenty one large-scale element turbulence covering the whole death cliff!

This is Locke\'s second participation in the level war. In the last level war to activate goblins, Locke was limited by strength factors and battlefield strength. Locke didn\'t know how amazing the fighting strength between level 4 creatures was.

The last battle of demigod in rainbow forest has refreshed Locke\'s understanding of power. This time, although he has not personally experienced it in the main peak of death cliff, he can still feel the element turbulence from such a long distance.

The intensity of the battle is only higher than that of rainbow forest.

"I see. Keep observing." Locke nodded.

A magician is specially set to pay attention to the movement on the main peak of death cliff. One reason is that Locke is worried about being affected by the dangerous battle fluctuation there.

Two serious injuries and dying in the digital world have frightened him. Locke, who was promoted to level 2 and has enough energy resources, just wants to spend the plane war safely without any waves,

To be honest, Locke is just a small man. After achieving his goal, this guy just wants to stay with his family safely and warmly. Locke is not willing to do anything and has no ability to do it.

Other magicians and knights understood the leader\'s cautious move, and some people were relieved of the safety of the mission.

Those who like fighting and fighting are a minority after all.

Even if the Knights need to constantly break through themselves in battle, three years of ectopic war is enough to smooth the edges and corners of these knights.

Like Locke, these low-level knights and magicians now want to go home.

"After quickly clearing this tribe, we will move on to the next task target." Locke turned to the other knights, magicians and slave creatures here.

The total number of digital beasts in the dark area is limited, especially the local digital beasts. Now most of the digital beasts gathered in the main peak of the death cliff are digital beast groups supported by other regions.

The order given by the knight\'s Palace this time is to kill all the local digital beasts on the cliff of death.

With the guidance of a semi divine master, Jose, Locke probably knew why the knight palace and holy tower asked to do so in the space fortress.

It seems that because of the domain relationship of level 4 creatures, the powerful divine domain will unconsciously extract and absorb the ability of these individual creatures for its own use when it provides ability blessing to many creatures on the battlefield.

The local digital beasts in the dark area have countless legal connections with the ruler clown emperor here. Killing all these digital beasts will also have a great impact on the strength of the clown emperor.

This is a two-way bridge. The same principle can also be applied to the four directions, three islands and four level creatures on the intruder\'s side.

If the digital world has the ability to kill all knights and magicians below level 3 who invade here, it will inevitably have a great impact on the strength of the three level 4 creatures.

When the top creatures rely on unparalleled power to radiate and bless the lower creatures, the lower creatures are also supporting the top creatures in an indescribable way.

This is the main body of the plane war. It is always the battle between the first, second and third level creatures at the lower level, rather than the battle between the fourth level strong.

The strength of the top creatures can only determine the direction of the war, and the strength between the bottom creatures is the ultimate factor determining the victory or defeat of the plane war.

The two complement each other.

In the battle of level 4 creatures, the superior side can support its own bottom forces; The bottom creatures scattered on the battlefield can cause some gains to the top creatures within their ability.

The twenty-one terrorist element turbulence, which includes the whole death cliff, also represents the three level Four strongmen of the three western islands. They have had twenty-one strong collisions with the clown emperor.

Compared with the main peak of death cliff more than ten days ago, the terrain and landform of the main peak have obviously undergone far-reaching changes.

The main peak palace complex, once thousands of feet high, is now buried in the ruins. The former glory of the clown emperor is gone. The dilapidated environment here also represents the current situation of digital beasts in the dark area and the current situation of the clown emperor.

"Arrow of silence!" An ink translucent long arrow was shot from the dark clouds and pointed at the seriously injured and exhausted clown emperor in the sky.