Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 640

From Gaia Knight\'s words, we can also see his recognition of the clown emperor\'s strength.

The clown emperor\'s four skills: Emperor brand Throwing Knife, clown trick, masked square and flying sand and stones. What brings the deepest trouble to Panama and Gaia is its must kill skill: Emperor brand Throwing Knife.

The mysterious attack force, combined with the inevitable hit effect brought to it by the field of masked square, is confused and interfered by flying sand and stones. Even gold fighting users such as Gaia, who has the main defense ability, are not willing to face the clown emperor\'s imperial brand Throwing Knife.

"Hum!" In the clown emperor\'s cold hum, there was a trace of reluctance and a trace of decadence.

Even though it is the most powerful digital beast in the digital world and the head of the four emperors, it feels weak today when it is besieged by three strong men of the same level.

Not to mention here is another space fortress that even his existence can threaten.

The powerful wind element energy surged above the death cliff in the dark area of the digital world. Under the power of unparalleled high-level creatures, a 100 meter high "giant" wearing blue and purple armor appeared on the battlefield.

"Crackling!" The lightning shrouded around the giant, and the powerful thunder element energy fluctuated, calling out the law ability mastered by the fourth level Knight all the time.

Thunder fighting spirit! The fighting Qi used by the fourth level Knight zekray is a rare thunder attribute fighting Qi among all fighting Qi skills.

The thunder fighting spirit, which is famous for its burst and rapidity, has the speed of wind fighting spirit users and the power of fire fighting spirit users.

Among the three level-4 knights on the four sides and three islands, it has been said which knight has the strongest strength.

It is generally believed that it is an odyssey, because this fire fighting user\'s irritable character and dazzling yaoyang body have burned many ectopic gods.

But they ignored the zekray knight, who had always been relatively low-key.

The thunder element is added, and a thunder spear shines in the hands of zekray after opening the real body. The degree of energy element caused by instant time has exceeded the strongest Panamanian master here.

"Shua!" Like a sharp sword across the sky, the thunder spear struck directly at the main peak of the death cliff where the clown king was located.

"Boom!!" The main peak collapsed, the rocks fell, and the debris of countless palaces was washed away by the angry thunder element at this moment.

A thin figure appeared in the sky, wearing a black-and-white mask and a red cloak, with four long swords crossed behind him. Zerek\'s ready attack did not seem to have any impact on the clown emperor.

"This speed..." Next to the new space fortress, thunder giant zekray exclaimed in a low voice.

Only he, a powerful level 4 creature with extremely fast speed, can see that the clown emperor\'s ability just like blinking is actually an illusion caused by the extreme speed.

"No wonder Gaia and Panamanian masters are helpless. This level 4 digital beast is really interesting." His hands were open, and the thunder elements gathered from the clouds into zekray\'s hands.

The dark area is dark all the year round and lacks rainfall. The content of thunder element in the clouds is very low. Unfortunately, it limits the field power of zerek knight.

However, for level 4 creatures, the field is only a part of their own strength. In the face of opponents at the same level, the field is more to give the bottom knights and magicians an increasing benefit. In the confrontation at the same level, it is more the highland where both sides master the law and the strength.

The light collecting column of the Space Fortress, like pouring rain, covers the battlefield on the cliff of death.

The results of the joint strike and cross fire of the two space fortresses have approached the indigenous digital beasts captured on this battlefield in the past half a month in just a dozen minutes.

The three western islands are limited by their geographical location, the total amount of resources and the number of the four strong. They have only two space fortresses all the time.

This time, the Panamanian master opened another fortress that remained in the outer space of the three western islands of the wizard world all year round. His determination to win this position can be seen.

"Go and help the little Knights below. Don\'t let them lose too much. They will inherit the future of the three western islands." Thunder giant zekray turned and said to the nearby space fortress.

The main passageway at the bottom of the space fortress was soon opened, and teams of Knight legions were ready to go.

This is the family property that zekray has accumulated in the three western islands for nearly 10000 years. A total of 80000 official Knights have taken out zekray\'s old background.

"Yes, my Lord!" The one who answered zekray\'s words was a demigod knight with the same strong breath.

This time, zekray\'s troops came to the digital world with a total of two demigod knights. In addition, there are more than ten third-class sky knights.

Zekray\'s words are actually for these heavenly knights and demigod knights. Below, the demigod and research digital animals on the three western islands are in full swing, showing an overall advantage.

At this time, the icing on the cake is not as good as sending charcoal in the snow. I don\'t know how many bottom knights are about to fall under the claws and teeth of the ferocious digital beast on the whole battlefield. They can save a life, that is, they can strive for more future for the three western islands.

It\'s impossible to say that among the first and second level knights who survived the plane war, there will be semi gods and even fourth level creatures in the future?

In addition to these righteous factors, zekray also has his own selfishness. There are three demigod individuals, including slave creatures, who have fallen in the digital world on the three western islands.

The demigod level is not a Chinese cabbage. Every time he cultivates one, he will become the right hand of the fourth level knight. Zerek doesn\'t care about the death of the third level sky knight. These two demigod level men can\'t do anything.

Let them pick up the soft persimmons and pinch them. Zerek has no burden in his heart.

Moreover, with the self-esteem of semi divine knights and magicians, most of them are not willing to have their own strong players intervene in the process of fair confrontation.

Just like Jos, who has not yet recovered his strength, insists on facing the semi evolved BIDO beast alone. The semi divine strong are a group of arrogant people.

The knights in the sky, like dumplings, fell to the ground and joined the camp of the three western islands.

With the support of the powerful magic source of the Space Fortress, the plane barrier of the digital world is still too fragile to stop the joining of half points, a sharp weapon of terrorist war.

The fourth level Knight zekray, after giving the attack order, hurried to join the battle between the Panamanian master, the Gaia knight and the clown emperor.

"Huang brand Throwing Knife!" The clown emperor\'s voice was obviously angry.

It still has cards, but in the face of three opponents at the same level, no matter how strong the cards are, the clown emperor can hardly have space and time to play.

Not to mention that zekray is still a knight with extremely fast speed and not low attack power. His joining has greatly made up for the shortcomings of Panama and Gaia.

The field strength of the three people is integrated, which not only brings great pressure to the clown emperor, but also brings considerable growth to other knights and magicians on the battlefield.

Death cliff, blood jungle.

It has been four days since he entered the blood jungle. Every day, Locke can infer the tragic situation of the main battlefield from the high air of the cliff of death.

The powerful element turbulence has had a great impact on the meditation of first-class magicians such as Angelina. Few first-class magicians in the team sit in meditation these days, and most of them are interested in the precious specimens of the blood jungle.

Another blood colored camphor was collected and made into a specimen. Angelina carefully stored it in a special memory. After returning to the Space Fortress, she began to study it.

"I didn\'t expect a second space fortress to come to the digital world." Locke looked at the main peak of death cliff in their northwest and scratched his head.

He doesn\'t know how many such war weapons there are in the three western islands, but looking at the scale of the space fortress and all kinds of incredible powers, Locke also knows that the three western islands can\'t have too many high-power war platforms.

The "destruction beam", which represents the highest energy level of the Space Fortress, has fallen three times in a row in four days.

It is said that this level of attack can kill demigod creatures. It can release the destruction light column at such a fast frequency, which shows the danger degree of the main peak of the death cliff.

"How far is it from the six clawed tarantula tribe?" Rocla asked a first-class magician.

"There are still a hundred kilometers. If you hurry, you can arrive tonight." The first-class magician with full magic smell of earth element replied respectfully.

The identity of the knight of Locke and the actual leader of the team make this first-class magician have to deal with it carefully.

Nodding, Locke inspected the rest of the team.

Six clawed tarantula belongs to the dark attribute digital beast. It has the level of first-class creature in the growth stage and second-class creature in the mature stage.

Tarantula may have been the leader of the whole and research level for a long time, so this powerful digital beast tribe has always pursued a matriarchal clan society.

Female tarantulas have the highest status in the tribe. Male tarantulas are mainly responsible for predation and patrol. Female tarantulas are responsible for childbearing and leading the relocation of ethnic groups.

"Don\'t forget to cut the white hair on the abdomen of the female tarantula. That\'s our task completion certificate!" Before entering the underground cave, Locke reminded again.

When the voice of promise came from the team, Locke looked at Ashar and took the lead in entering the underground cave.

In the whole team, they are the strongest. Naturally, they are also responsible for exploring the way and identifying the enemy.

In order to encourage the high-level knights to protect the low-level knights, too many first-level Knights will be lost in the task completion, which will eliminate or even deduct the task reward of the leader knight.

Everyone comes from the first level, and Locke is willing to help these first-level Knights reduce the dangers and difficulties within his ability.


I can\'t carry it. I\'d better supply you in the next two chapters tomorrow morning. Good night, QAQ