Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 642

Besieged by three strong men of the same level, one of them is a level-4 magician with strong attack power and strange ability. The clown emperor can hold on until now without falling down, which is a proof of its strength.

The demon purple blood dripping from the chest and the powerful biological quality brought by level 4 creatures to the clown emperor lost its effectiveness at this moment. It is not that its recovery ability is not strong, but the trauma given to it by its opponent. It is too severe.

The energy with obvious corrosive nature is infecting the God body of the clown emperor. This is Panama\'s proud law of silence.

Put an end to the interference of any element power, and only rely on the body\'s own recovery ability to resist hard. Even level 4 creatures such as the clown emperor have a weak period of power at this moment.

It may take a long time for several level-4 strongmen to fight. The clown emperor was forced to do his best, but he really defended it tenaciously.

But this is just a struggle between trapped animals. People with a clear eye can see that the clown emperor is in a dilemma. He is surrounded by three level-4 strong men and doesn\'t kill them. It\'s just because these old friends who have lived for thousands of years don\'t want to be hurt by the clown Emperor\'s dying counterattack.

Tens of thousands of years of horizontal war experience have made them suffer too many losses.

The clown emperor was not wronged. He not only lost to the powerful combat power of the three western islands leading too many low-level planes, but also lost to the rich combat experience of several level four strong men.

Unlike veteran Panamanians, zekray and others, the clown emperor is still too young and has little combat experience among his peers.

With the original structure of the digital world and the complacency of the prevailing food chain law, the clown king may not have communicated with the same level strong on the ectopic side before, let alone fought.

In the face of various strange means and endless fighting methods of two level-4 knights and level-4 magicians, the clown emperor can only use his constantly injured body to obtain these valuable information.

But everyone knows that if it goes on like this, it can only be a dead end.

Now only the other three fourth level creatures in the digital world and the divine Angel beast, the guardian of the plane, have the ability to save the clown emperor.

The land of the moon, the magic maze where the puppet beast is located.

Once known as the most extensive and unimaginable magic maze in the digital world, it has confused any digital beast in it for life. Today, under the crazy attack of intruders for three years, the magic maze has maintained its indestructibility for nearly 10000 years and has been beaten to pieces.

Among the four kings in the digital world, the clown emperor and the puppet beast are the four strongest ones with the weakest control over the digital beast.

Just like on the land of wind, the absolute field of the clown emperor is only dark.

In the land of the moon, the puppet beast\'s base camp is in the magic maze.

Although for several years, at the call of the guardian of the ruling plane, the digital beasts of the moon continent continued to reinforce the magic maze, the strength of the invaders defeated this proud group of digital beasts.

Raging on the land of the moon is the Blackman Viper giant snake warlock family of the blood warlock family on the west coast.

Invited to the Dragon warlock family, the black man Viper giant snake warlock family, after obtaining a magical world with a digital world and discovering the importance of this world to warlocks\' ability to awaken their ancestors in their blood, the black man Viper giant snake warlock family resolutely chose to cooperate with the Dragon warlock family.

The main battle in the land of the moon was supported by the Blackman Viper giant snake warlock family.

This famous middle-sized blood warlock family on the west coast. Its family leader has the terror strength of level 4 warlocks. In addition to a group of small blood families, he was independently responsible for the attack of the mainland of the moon

Over the magic maze, the puppet beast with a wooden cross on his back, faced with the real black man Viper warlock who opened his blood in front of him, did not lose the wind for a long time.

After opening the real body, he turned into an 800 meter long black black black black viper. From the strength and strength of the real body, this level 4 warlock has surpassed the three level 4 strongmen on the three western islands.

No wonder he dares to face one of the four emperors of the digital world alone. The patriarch of the black man Viper giant snake warlock family is very confident in his strength.

"Hiss ~" the scarlet snake letter spits out from the giant kiss and opens the blood of the real black man viper. The two vertical pupils stare at the front like a puppet beast the size of a grain of rice.

The humanoid digital animals in the digital world have one thing in common, that is, they are generally very low in height, which is very different from the huge physique of other digital animals.

Even if the puppet beast opens the real body of the fourth level creature and opens the field, it is only two or three meters high, which is 800 meters long from the fourth level black man viper.

In other battlefields of the psychedelic palace, some snake shaped blood warlocks are mainly fighting. They are members of the Blackman Viper giant snake warlock family or members of the partial branch family of Blackman Viper giant snake Warlock.

After blood warlocks open their blood to return to their ancestors, they can have nine out of ten abilities of their ancestors\' blood. Basically, the higher the level, the stronger the ancestral ability they have.

Like this level-4 black man viper, who would have thought that he, who is 800 meters tall, is actually a wizard with a height of only 1.7 meters and a warlock on the west coast of the world.

Blinking his apricot yellow vertical pupil, the black man Viper turned his head and glanced at the distant land of the wind, where he felt the strong fighting waves of three old friends.

"Three against one, those guys on the three western islands still like to bully more than less, hum!" The snake kept turning and spitting, and the cold laughter of the level 4 black man Viper spread to every corner of the battlefield.

The west coast is not entirely close to the three western islands. Take the Heman Viper giant snake warlock family as an example. The fourth level blood warlock madvini, the patriarch of this family, is very difficult to deal with Panama, the Santa master of the three western islands.

The reason is that it originated from a dispute between the two thousands of years ago, which is an old yellow calendar.

Twisting the huge snake, madvini\'s huge vertical pupil stared at the puppet beast in front of him, "although I don\'t like those guys very much, their strength is still convincing. How, do you want to continue to stick to it?"

Without answering madvini\'s questions, the puppet beast represented its determination with its own actions.

"Wooden cross dart!" Throw out the cross on your back and hit the seven inch black man Viper with a whirling blow with a strong sonic boom.

"Damn it!" Madevini\'s angry roar resounded over the magic maze.

The two fought up and down for more than ten times in three years, and both knew each other\'s weaknesses and cards. Madvini was angry not at the puppet beast\'s weak defense attack, but that the level-4 research digital beast didn\'t know good or bad.

Originally, I wanted to recruit this powerful humanoid digital beast to the door of their Blackman Viper giant snake warlock family. Now this idea turns into full anger with the puppet beast\'s ultimate must kill skill.

"Die!" A huge snake whip hundreds of meters long was drawn at the puppet beast, and the fierce battle began again.

The sea area of the digital world is the territory of steel sea dragons and beasts.

The Dragon warlock family of the blood warlock family on the West Coast fought against it.

Although it is a partial branch of the Dragon warlock family, the family with a level 5 strong man can easily transfer two level 4 strong men of the family to participate in this level war.

It is a blue sea dragon that fights with the steel sea dragon here.

He is the Deputy patriarch of the Dragon warlock family. Generally, in the blood warlock family with strength as the respect, the strong above level 4 are the patriarch or deputy patriarch of the family and control the power of the whole family.

"The familiar dragon attribute blood has swallowed you. I will certainly go further in the expansion of blood power!" The blue sea dragon with a wingspan of nearly 400 meters roared in the sky.

Different from the warlock leader of the black man Viper giant snake family who delusionally wanted to Zhaoan puppet beast, this sea dragon warlock only wanted to devour the steel sea dragon beast, one of the four emperors of the digital world.

This is also the main purpose of his efforts to urge the family leaders to participate in this level war.

The blood concentration of level 4 dragon Warlock is already very high. If this blue sea dragon wants to go further, in addition to taking a long time to polish the blood essence, the rest can only devour blood creatures with the same attribute, so it is possible to touch the threshold of level 5 in the future.

On the sea, huge vortices appeared one by one, inadvertently injuring the marine digital beasts living here.

The iron sea dragon, known as the king of the evil sea, also suffered a bitter battle today.

Covered with metal, it is the ultimate form of marine digital beast. The metal skin of steel sea dragon beast can not only rebound all physical damage, but also has the fastest moving speed among aquatic digital beasts.

The sea god division is the domain power of the steel sea dragon beast. The squeeze of the underworld is one of the unique skills of the steel sea dragon beast. These forces have not caused too much impact on the level 4 blue sea dragon opposite it. The main restraint is the level 1, level 2 and level 3 small warlocks below.

"If there are too many deaths and injuries among the little guys, the eldest brother will scold me. Well, since the Knights and magicians in the wind continent have started, let\'s speed up the process here." So said the blue dragon.

"Roar!" The huge dark blue ice crystal is ready to go from the mouth of the blue sea dragon. The level 4 blood Warlock is ready to end with the steel sea dragon beast.

"Extreme wave cannon!" The steel sea dragon beast is unwilling to show weakness. It also uses its own extreme killing skills to meet the potential attack of the blue sea dragon.

Mountain continent, above the black iron castle of mechanical evil dragon beast.

The same fierce fight took place here.

The mechanical evil dragon beast, also known as the "infinite dragon beast", is the ultimate body of the Dragon attribute digital beasts in the digital world. Even the blood concentration of the Dragon attribute of the steel sea dragon beast is not as high as its.

The strength of the mechanical evil dragon beast is not as strong as the clown emperor, the ability is not as strange as the puppet beast, and there are not many steel sea dragons and beasts that own territory and occupy all the oceans of the digital world, but it is a level 4 digital beast with the heaviest voice in the digital world.

This is only because its dragon digital beasts have brought unimaginable field growth effects. Moreover, the mountain continent controlled by mechanical evil dragons and beasts is also a continent with the highest cohesion of digital beasts in the digital world.

A fire dragon with a wingspan of 500 meters appeared over heitieshi castle, far away from the mechanical evil dragon beast below.



Please understand the inconvenience caused by the change.

In fact, I wrote 12000 words last night. This is a chapter of more than 3000 words. It can be regarded as a compensation for my late update. I will try to advance the update time tonight.

Sorry again, there are many things at home recently, which has affected everyone\'s reading. I\'m sorry!