Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 639

Several demigods soon fought together. Because of the unparalleled power and energy leakage of the demigods, closed and independent medium-sized war zones were formed near the main peak of the death cliff.

In each theater, the turbulent elemental energy and the threat from top creatures make it difficult for any creature below level 3 to get close.

If you get a little closer, you are in danger of being accidentally injured by the battle afterwaves of demigod creatures.

Jos warned Locke, Keira and others to stay away from the battle area in order to avoid unnecessary injuries.

In the eyes of demigod level individuals, they are only level I and level II, and their life energy is comparable to that of an ant. In the process of dangerous battle, those top creatures have no time to take care of their low-level creatures.

Moreover, this may also be the last general assembly war of the three western islands in the digital world. The intensity is much more intense than before. Coupled with the variable of level 4 digital beast clown king, the risk factor is only not lower than that of rainbow forest.

After Jos, brand, azir and others confronted their own enemies, the four level magicians Panama and Gaia, who represent the most high-end combat power here, also found the clown emperor in front of the main peak palace.

"Look, what a weak life, digital beasts, hum ~" the dark clouds have pressed directly above the clown palace.

The battlefield covered by dark clouds covers an area of hundreds of square kilometers, which is very different from the influence area caused by several demigods. The field produced by Panama alone almost covers more than half of the main peak of the Joker\'s death cliff.

In this black cloud, slave creatures become more violent and bloodthirsty, while digital beasts show varying degrees of weakness. The lower the strength of digital beasts, the deeper the impact.

In contrast, knights and magicians have a small increase, but magicians have increased their casting speed and casting effect by more than 20% with the blessing of Panamanian masters.

The influence of this level-4 magician on many creatures on the battlefield is enough to add a heavy weight to the final victory of the four directions and three islands.

The increase effect of knights mainly lies in the blessing brought to them by the golden light on Gaia, a level 4 knight. All creatures exposed to the level 4 Knight\'s anger gain hard skin and absolute concentration in a short time.

This is the law power understood by Gaia, a metal fighting user. Among the three level four knights on the three western islands, Gaia is not the most aggressive or the fastest, but he is the most defensive.

Again and again, as the most handy partner of the Panamanian master, he killed more level 4 creatures with Panama than the other two level 4 knights.

The increase effect of Knight Legion brought by Gaia is also the area that can reduce the death rate of knights among the abilities of the three level 4 knights.

Not to mention anything else, it can be seen from the fact that the Gaia knight has many demigods. His power is stronger than Odyssey and zekray.

The growth areas of Panama and Gaia fell into the vast battle area below, representing the four sides and three islands, and officially launched a general attack on the cliff of death.

A large number of slave creatures rushed to the front and withstood the most powerful attack of the digital beasts. The knight Legion immediately behind is the backbone of the battlefield and the executioner of harvesting life.

There are fewer magicians in the last place. The total number of magicians in the three western islands and three continents is there. Over the years, the holy tower has continuously sent level-1 and level-2 magicians to teach in various empires on the three continents.

However, the number of apprentices trained and the number of first-class magicians promoted are only barely equal to the number of magicians consumed in the level war.

Today, there are about 20000 level-1 and above magicians gathered here. Except for a small number of magicians left on the three western islands and other slave planes, these level-1 and above magicians are actually all the details of the holy tower.

Twenty thousand magicians above the first level are standing on this battlefield. The elemental fluctuations of light per minute and second are enough to cause the elemental tides of a micro plane.

The magic energy like a tsunami is raging in this sky. Magicians are explaining what is the true meaning of power to this stupid digital beast aborigine.

At the main peak, Panama and Gaia have successively released their strength in the field. As a class IV creature on the side of the digital world, the clown king has also followed the footsteps of these two powerful opponents and completely released his own field.

"Masked square!" A strange energy was emitted from the clown emperor\'s mask in a wave shape, covering the battlefield in all directions.

Masked square is the core field of the clown emperor. In this field, the clown emperor can read and obtain all the abilities of digital animals in his field. In the power system of the wizard world, it belongs to the power of mystery department and summoning department.

This is also the original power that Panama has been curious about the clown emperor. If we catch the clown emperor and understand its original power, it is impossible for Panama to attack the level 5 magician.

In addition to these magical abilities, the clown emperor in the masked square attacked his enemies 100% from anywhere. At the beginning, Panama was badly hit in cooperation with the emperor\'s throwing knife in this field.

Such an attack capability with an inevitable nature was unheard of in Panama\'s tens of thousands of years of life, so he was so eager to get the clown emperor\'s body.

Unlike the field of Panamanian masters and Gaia knights, which brings benefits to the whole battlefield mountain knights and magician corps, the field of clown emperor\'s masked square is obviously a special field that absorbs the capabilities of other digital animals for its own use.

Although this field will not bring too many side effects to the digital beasts, it can be seen at a glance that the field that absorbs the abilities of others and the field that Panama masters bring benefits to others.

In the final analysis, natural selection and the survival of the fittest have prevailed in the digital world for too many years. There is no clear country and law here. Under the primitive society where the same race lives together, the clown King understands this type and is normal.

"Still these old-fashioned things, can\'t I give me something new? Jie ~" Banama\'s sneer came from the dark cloud.

In the face of the cynicism of Panama, the clown emperor wearing a black-and-white mask still stood quietly in front of the main peak of the death cliff.

"If only this power wants to destroy my dark area, I\'m afraid it\'s not enough." Under the mask, the clown\'s whisper reached Panama\'s ears.

"Just in front of this? No, no, no, you know nothing about our power and influence!" In the hysterical laughter, a black magic wand penetrated the dark lacquer cloud, and the tip of the wand pointed directly to the northwest sky.

Beyond the void of the plane pointed by the tip of the Panamanian magic wand, another war platform with incomparable breadth and volume comparable to the Space Fortress above the death cliff has already appeared its outline.

"What... What?!" The clown King\'s incredible scream resounded through the main peak of the cliff of death.

The appearance of another space fortress seems to have exceeded its psychological endurance limit.

As the Panamanian Master said, as the supreme power of the digital world and one of the famous four emperors, the clown emperor knows nothing about the basic information of his opponents.

Where do these invaders come from, what are their races called, and what are the levels of the strongest among them.

Fighting with knights and magicians on the three western islands for so long. The clown emperor only knows that these invaders come from the wizard plane, and there are only uncertain battlefield information. How sad it is.

The wizarding world often calls other creatures as indigenous. The word "indigenous" contains derogatory and disdainful meanings. Now it seems that this word is very appropriate.

In contrast to the angry scream of the clown emperor, the bottom digital beasts on the battlefield are pessimistic and desperate after the arrival of another space fortress.

After semi evolution, the Beedo beast with great momentum has just supported some brave blood gas for the digital beast army.

Unfortunately, this fighting spirit is so weak after the higher-level forces leave the station.

The low-level plane is the low-level plane after all. I think the wizard world also experienced such a war with other powerful and medium-sized planes.

At that time, how many knights and magicians threw their heads and shed blood to tenaciously resist these ectopic invaders.

When the invaders approached the wizard world, they aroused the fierce resistance of all creatures in the wizard world.

The war between the two medium-sized planes is much more serious than the "small fight" in the digital world.

Panama, which has a life span of tens of thousands of years and has personally experienced many faceted wars, is not surprised by the response of the digital beasts in the digital world.

It can be said to be expected.

Panama enjoys the fear of the weak. The digital beast army in pessimism and Despair makes every cell and energy factor of Panama, hidden in the thick dark clouds, jump and cheer.

Unlike Panama\'s morbid preferences, Gaia, the golden armor giant, lacks interest in the performance of digital beasts.

As a knight who breaks through himself in the battle, Gaia, like other level 4 knights who pursue the extreme, is a real war addict.

The pessimism and despair of these bottom digital beasts did not disturb Gaia\'s belligerent heart. His eyes focused on the clown king on the top of the cliff of death.

The extremely powerful life body not only brought infinite pressure to Gaia, but also made the fighting blood of Gaia Knights boil.

"Since the Centaur injured my left arm 27 years ago, you are the first opponent to hurt me again in recent decades." Gaia in gold armor said indifferently.

Gaia, a level 4 knight who is famous for his defense, can ignore the attacks of most demigod strong men.

If you can break his defense or even hurt him, the opponent of Gaia knight must be a level 4 strong man of the same level.
