Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 638

Coincidentally, after BIDO beast left, Huaxian beast and others looked at the strong man of the wind continent with a black-and-white mask on the throne.

The four swords on the back were buzzing, and the scarlet and strange eyes opened. The clown king said to the three polar digital beasts in the hall, "in order to make you more valuable, become my doll!"

"Clown trick!" The scream echoed in the hall.

Flower Fairy beast, garugo beast and human faced Eagle beast all changed their faces.

The flower fairy beast and the garugo beast are defensive, while the human Eagle beast shakes its wings and wants to escape here!


A week later, the Space Fortress belonging to one of the three western islands, together with millions of slave creatures and a mixed legion of knights and magicians, came to the clown emperor\'s death cliff palace.

Level 4 magician Panama incarnated into a huge dark cloud as dark as ink. This wizard with the title of silent light is famous in the world. Under the oppression of his strong position, countless bottom digital beasts trembled under this dark cloud.

On the other side is Gaia, a level-4 knight with full combat power. The size of the golden armor giant has gradually increased from tens of meters to hundreds of meters. He is close to the main peak of the clown Palace on the cliff of death. Holding a long golden sword, no one will doubt the power of the sword to others.

The larger space fortress, like a small continent, is suspended on the top of the death cliff.

This war platform with the world\'s top magical alchemy technology comes from the sky city of the main continent of the wizard world. It is a holy tower. It was purchased from the sky city at a great cost.

With this space fortress, the three western islands plundered and occupied one powerful plane after another in less than 10000 years.

Countless ectopic creatures surrender to the incomparable power of this vast space fortress.

Around the Space Fortress, there are seven demigods standing suspended on the three western islands: faceless Jos, ice fire demon brand, bronze Argus, golden gun rider Azur; And Gaia\'s three demigod knights, Warren, Bello and Dickens.

In order to completely eliminate the strongest resistance force in the wind continent represented by the clown emperor, the holy tower and the knight palace have all the strong forces that can be mobilized in the digital world.

In the face of such a strong lineup, the main peak of death cliff seems a little lonely.

Only the clown king and a Beedo are standing here.

Where are the remaining research digital beasts? BIDO beast didn\'t ask the clown emperor, and he also had a general idea in his heart. At this time, he still wanted to escape. The outcome of the three research digital beasts not only didn\'t make BIDO beast regret, but also made it happy.

The digital world has reached the critical moment of life and death. There is no absolutely safe place anywhere. If you want to have a foothold, you must stand up and fight with these invaders. After the death of your old friend zudun beast, BIDO beast saw this fact very clearly.

Under the two extreme digital beasts of the clown emperor and the BIDO beast, there are many digital beasts of various races gathered from the wind continent to the cliff of death.

Gabu beast, Baru beast, bhikkhu beast, beetle beast, Bada beast, Goma beast, hemp Eagle beast, mountain piercing beast, cactus beast, sea lion beast

Some of them are digital beasts who came here to fight with several research body digital beast patriarchs, some are digital beasts who love their own standard spontaneously organized by the guardian of holy angel beasts, and some are local digital beasts in the field of death cliff clown emperor.

No matter where they come from, and no matter what race they are, their purpose of appearing here today is the same, that is to resist the attack steps of invaders and provide a beautiful blue sky for the digital world and the wind continent.

Look at the familiar and unfamiliar faces of different digital animal races below.

BIDO beast roared up to the sky, "for the land of the wind, we rush!"

The purple scale skin gradually turns pink, which is the semi evolution generated by the double effect of stimulating the life potential of more animals and being blessed by the special ability of the clown emperor!

The ultimate digital beast has been the growth limit of all digital beasts. The semi divine bito beast has experienced semi evolution, and its strength is not comparable to the battle Tyrannosaurus Rex at its peak. It is also comparable to his old friend, the dead zudun beast.

There was no superfluous nonsense. The four wings on his back vibrated rapidly and rushed to the army represented by the three western islands in the roar of the beast.

Behind it, a digital beast with flying ability also rose into the sky, followed by the semi evolved BIDO beast, and rushed towards the terrible war platform.

Although countless actual battles have proved that their attack on the terrorist Space Fortress is a suicide attack, their lingering faith and subtle power have brought them incomparable fanaticism.

At this moment, these digital beasts have nothing else in their hearts, only the idea of tearing up the intruder in front of them.

Below the Space Fortress, the ice fire demon brand suspended in mid air said to Jos nearby, "the Beedo beast seems to have entered a short outbreak period. Can you decide? Do you need me to help you?"

Brand\'s words are sincere and friendly, but to a lonely man like Jos, this is ridicule.

In the last activation goblin level, brand was the third level magician with the greatest harvest in the holy tower. There were enough activation spirits to stabilize the body of ice and fire. There was also a semi divine activation goblin core given by the Panamanian master. It was natural for brand to be promoted to semi divine level.

He is a new demigod, but he is the group with stronger strength level among the demigods. Brandt\'s ice fire hedge theory explosion power can not be underestimated.

Shaking his head, Jos under the mask said faintly, "No."

The sleeves were hunting in the wind, and Jos flew directly to the beast.

"If you have no other means, this war is doomed to fall here." In the dark clouds, the voice of the Panamanian master came out slowly.

Gaia, the fourth level knight, also clenched his golden sword and faced the clown emperor standing on the top of the cliff of death.

The red cloak on the back suddenly waved, and several dark shadows rushed out of the clown emperor\'s back, "clown trick!"

Flower Fairy beast, garugo beast, human face Eagle beast, andulu beast, bear cub beast! There were five semi divine digital beasts.

However, these research digital beasts have one thing in common at this time, that is, their eyes are dull and dull, but their momentum is no worse than that of the just Beedo beast.

"Clown trick?! hum, I didn\'t expect you to have two research digital animal dolls." Panama\'s sneer came from behind the dark clouds. He was referring to andulu and bear cubs, two research digital beasts that had never appeared before.

"I\'ll leave it to you. No problem?" The golden armor giant Gaia said to the five demigod Knights next to the space fortress.

Azul, AGUS and others are gearing up. Brand over there has also received orders from Panamanian masters to help five semi divine Knights fight.

Six to five, they are absolutely sure of winning.

Now we mainly look at the final battle between the two level four knights and the magician and the clown emperor.