Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 637

Two weeks later, with the simultaneous announcement of the holy tower and the knight\'s palace, the order to attack on the whole line was passed to every knight and magician through the crystal ball or Knight Medal.

I looked at the light cyan Knight Medal I received not long ago. This is the medal that the knight hall is standard for level II knights. In addition to the function of receiving and transmitting signals, this Knight Medal also has a dimensional space of about 10 cubic meters.

This is a space equipment that can hold living creatures. It is more than twice as precious as an ordinary space ring.

However, for Locke at this stage, this is just a low-level alchemical prop to prove his identity.

This is the blood jungle in the southeast of the death cliff. The name blood jungle was given by the Knights and magicians of the three western islands, because it is covered with the blood of the invaders and the tenacious digital beasts.

The air is slightly moist with water vapor, which dissipates the blood gas in the blood jungle that hasn\'t been melted for months. They chose the date of the general attack. Recently, it happened to be the annual rainy season near the blood jungle.

In the special place of death cliff, the duration of rainy season is very short, less than ten days, but it is the precipitation in these ten days that supports the water needs of dozens of digital animals raised by death cliff for a year.

There are few digital beasts born in death cliff. Now most of the digital beasts here have moved from other parts of the wind continent.

In particular, those research digital beasts who come to support each other are the leaders of a super large tribe. Their arrival is bound to be accompanied by tens of thousands of bottom growth and mature digital beasts.

"Although there is no complete digital beast in the mission report given above, we still don\'t take it lightly." Locke turned and said to Angelina, asal and Keira.

Unfortunately, his words did not attract much attention from the three people.

Angelina is the first time to go out to perform tasks in the digital world. She is full of curiosity about everything. Angelina studies many plant, animal and ore specimens in the digital world in the space fortress. It\'s exciting to observe them so close.

Assar is a result of her character. Her real strength is a little stronger than Locke. With extremely strong spiritual strength, she will find danger earlier than Locke. Naturally, she will not mention too much spirit in a place where there are only signs of growing digital animal activities at present.

Kayla doesn\'t want to show that she is too close to Locke. The woman\'s mind is very delicate. It\'s uncertain that Ashar and Angelina will see through her and Locke one day.

Fortunately, the baby in her belly is too young, and the life fluctuation is not strong. In addition, Kayla has applied two layers of secret magic array, which really didn\'t let Angelina and Ashar find anything unusual.

This is a task selected by Locke to destroy the six clawed tarantula tribe on the cliff of death. Tarantula is dark by nature and likes to live in wet and cold underground caves.

The tarantulas on the dead cliff mainly live in the eastern rock mining area of the blood jungle. Choosing this task takes a long time and is far away from the outbreak of the decisive battle. It is a perfect ending place for them to leave their final footprints in the digital world.

Anyway, Locke and Kaila have been promoted to level 2, and Ashar has gained a lot in this position. Angelina has completely stabilized her level 1 magician\'s realm. Next, they don\'t have much to pursue except to ensure their own safety.

"Let\'s go. The tarantula tribe nearest us is a long way away." Locke\'s remark was made to other people here except Angelina\'s three daughters.

There are more than one tarantula tribe in the blood jungle. In order to eliminate this kind of conservative digital beast, Knight palace and holy tower with tenacious resistance, fifteen first-class knights and eight first-class magicians were sent to them.

Of course, fifteen of the Knights listened to Locke, while eight first-class magicians were led by two second-class magicians, Kaila and Ashar.

In addition, there are nearly 300 slave creatures here, mainly cannon fodder below level 1. There are only ten slave creatures at level 1, and there are no slave creatures at level 2.

"With brother Locke leading us and two level two magicians, our task must be very easy this time." A famous knight who was good at flattering came up and said with a smile.

Locke also smiled and did not completely indulge because the task was simple. He winked at Angelina and Kaila behind him and took the lead in leading people to the depths of the blood jungle.

The mighty slave creatures ran over like locusts. In order to stimulate their blood, the holy tower and the knight hall had starved them for several days before the war. These ferocious slave creatures were the best minions of knights and magicians.

Death cliff, the clown emperor\'s palace.

There is less popularity here than a few months ago.

There are only four research digital beasts standing in the clown palace, which also represents the power of digital beasts belonging to the wind continent, and finally comes to the end.

"The invader\'s war platform was launched this morning, and its direction is here." Among the four extreme digital beasts, the human Eagle beast responsible for territorial air defense said first.

A month ago, the human War Eagle beast and another research digital beast jointly ambushed a semi divine knight in the knight\'s palace, resulting in his fall. Although he suffered heavy damage, the other research digital beast was also killed by other semi divine invaders, there is no doubt about the strong strength of the human War Eagle beast.

And this is a very fast research digital beast that is good at flying.

Hearing the report of the human Eagle beast, several other research digital beasts had some riots.

"Is there a decisive battle so soon? When will the support troops promised by the mechanical evil dragon and beast Lord of the mountain mainland come?" The flower fairy beast said with a worried face.

"The war platform named Space Fortress? Many people of our family died under the gunfire of the Space Fortress, including my brother." The dull voice of the garugo beast came, and its brother was a level 3 digital beast.

Only the strongest BIDO beast here has no words. Since its good friend zudun died more than a month ago, BIDO beast has become like this. Hatred has brought infinite power to BIDO beast. It vows to kill more ectopic invaders as much as possible to pay tribute to its old friend zudun beast.

The sharp corners of the head were shining with metal, and the four wings on the back vibrated slightly. BIDO took his own heavy steps and took the lead out of the palace, leaving only one sentence: "I\'ll resist the invaders."

Let the three remaining digital beasts in the hall look at each other.