Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 636

Level war is the fertile land for knights and magicians to promote their strength fastest. Some knights are injured and fall, and some Knights break through the shackles and move towards stronger.

Within the Space Fortress these days, the market situation of the original blood of the secondary digital beast is good. Local Knights like Locke who can go in and out of the space fortress for a long time and have garrison missions have been entrusted by the officials of the knight palace and the lower level knights.

As long as he can sell the original blood of one of the three secondary digital beasts he killed today, it means that he has got his training materials for a week.

With the support of Jos\'s resources, Locke, who has a rich family, is still a person who loves money. More money doesn\'t pressure his body. The excess cultivation materials can be used by his women if Locke can\'t use them.

After working hard all day, he repeatedly patrolled his Garrison area in the southwest of the top floor of the space fortress for five times. With the permission of the knights on the upper floor of the mission hall in the knight\'s medal, Locke was able to return to the space fortress for a breath.

The whole day\'s fighting made Locke smell bloody. The blood of the zombie Tyrannosaurus rex has little impact on him now, but Locke may be used to the feeling of boxing to meat.

When facing the enemy, he prefers to kill with his own bone spur, such as his arm and finger, rather than with the long gun he just got.

"You go and wash it first. Today, the tutor asked us to go there." With a wrinkled nose, Angelina pushed Locke into the shower in the rest room.

The shower room with the magic halo of light blue water element covered the surprise on Locke\'s face. He tried to ask, "did Kayla say anything to you?"

Angelina frowned. She didn\'t rush to answer Locke\'s question, but said, "although you have been promoted to a knight, your mentor is still my mentor. You should maintain respect like me. How can you call your mentor\'s name directly?"

Kaila, who is also a teacher and mother, has a great weight in Angelina\'s heart. Especially after losing her mother when she was young, Angelina regarded Kaila as her elder mother for a long time after Santa\'s apprenticeship.

Knowing what he said wrong, Locke quickly changed his words. "What\'s the reason why master Kayla asked us to go?"

"Maybe it\'s because the whole line will attack in two weeks. Many magicians in the garrison today say so." Angelina said uncertainly.

Two weeks later, the Space Fortress will attack the death cliff of the clown emperor\'s base camp together with the knights, magicians and slave biological legions on the front line.

With the support of this huge war platform, the determination of the senior leaders of the three western islands to tear up the digital beast defense front can be seen. The full line attack in two weeks also represents another level-4 Knight zekley of the three western islands, who will also lead his forces to appear in the wind continent of the digital world.

After a little preparation with Angelina, and taking the gifts deliberately selected by Angelina, the couple went to Kayla\'s residence hand in hand.

When they arrived at Kayla\'s house, they found that one had come earlier than them.

"Master Ashar, why are you here?" Secretly glancing at Kayla in the room, Locke pretended to be nothing and asked Ashar in a black tulle.

Ashar didn\'t answer Locke\'s question. Kayla said first, "I asked my sister to come."

Locke turned to look at Kaila. Today\'s Kaila is wearing a white gauze, which is almost two extremes with Ashar in a black gauze. The two sisters come together, which makes Locke\'s eyes full of amazement.

And Locke found that today\'s Kaila should have arranged some covering magic for his body. He could not feel the active breath of life in Kaila\'s abdomen that worried him.

After the three of them sat down, Kayla went straight to the theme and said, "elder martial brother, let me tell you that when we attack on the whole line in two weeks, we will try our best to take the combat mission away from the Space Fortress, and the best mission location is in the southeast of the death cliff."

Leave the space fortress? The mission location is southeast of the death cliff? Do you?

Yes, this is the battle order issued by the master Panama, the master of the Santa tower. At that time, the Space Fortress will be used as an important weight for the battle between the demigod level and even the level 4 creatures. Through the unparalleled backup energy and high-intensity defense of the Space Fortress, the battle between the demigod level and even the level 4 creatures will be more smooth and the victory will be locked.

The location of the decisive battle should be in the northwest of the death cliff, where the clown emperor\'s palace is located.

Locke, Angelina and Ashar are smart people. They immediately understand the good intentions of senior brother Keira Jos, in order to avoid unnecessary falling or injury of close people in the late stage of the war.

Kayla left her gifts with Angelina here. Locke stayed for a while. In order to avoid revealing flaws, he left with Angelina.

After Locke and Angelina left, Ashar, who had been sitting here for a long time without talking, suddenly said, "what happened? What do I think you are worried?"

Sisters are united. This is not a lie. Although Ashar often looks lonely and inhumane, in fact, she still cares about her sister.

"No, maybe I\'m too tired recently." The heart beat hard twice, Kayla said superficially.

"Really?" Ashar\'s face was full of doubts.