Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 635

Kayla is pregnant. Locke never thought of it.

A dissolute man without children for many years had his own deception in his forties and approaching his fifties. Angelina was not Locke\'s intention. He planned to find a suitable opportunity to confess his affair with Keira, but suddenly knew that Keira had his own children, and Locke had no way to start.

He was worried that Angelina asked him to leave her mentor. Locke really wanted to do so. His unborn child wouldn\'t have a father.

Although this possibility is very low, and Angelina\'s character is unlikely to make such a decision, Locke still has some doubts.

When she heard that Locke would be with her tonight, Kayla was distracted and her eyes brightened, even though Locke cheated her good apprentice.

Kayla doesn\'t have much love for Locke. They don\'t have much contact, but her feelings for Locke are complex, not only because she is pregnant with Locke\'s flesh and blood, but also because Locke pays for her.

Before Locke was supposed to be a zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex alone, she already owed Locke a life. Later, at her own request, Locke fought his life to save his senior brother in the main battlefield of the dangerous rainbow forest.

A person can do this for himself. Kayla hasn\'t felt this feeling of being loved for nearly 200 years.

Moreover, Locke cooked for her, and the two sat on the same sofa and talked like a family, which made Keira\'s heart lonely for a hundred years and revitalized again in the Santa laboratory.

"I have only one bed here." This is the first thing Kayla said to Locke today, and also the first thing she said to Locke after she went to the space fortress.

His face was stunned. Locke immediately said, "it doesn\'t matter. I sleep on the sofa."

Life in the wild is not much harder than here. They have slept in caves and tree caves. Compared with those above, the sofa is not very comfortable.

This sentence brought Locke not only the literal message, but also the meaning that Keira was not disgusted with his stay tonight. It was a good signal.

At night, before taking Kayla to her bedroom, it was late at night. As a pregnant woman, Kayla needed plenty of rest.

At the moment when Keira closed the door, Locke suddenly held out his hand and said, "can I touch it?" Naturally, what he said was to touch Kayla\'s stomach and feel her child\'s stop and jump up close.

There was a layer of crimson on her face, and Kayla\'s expression became a little coy. Locke saw the posture of her little daughter\'s house for the first time, which made him feel uneasy.

After half a minute, Kayla whispered, "you can only touch it."

This is the second thing Kayla said to him today.

With Kaila\'s permission, Locke, like a pilgrim, was both expecting and nervous, and slowly put his right hand on Kaila\'s not raised stomach.

The touch on the palm of his hand made Locke clearly feel the shock of Kayla\'s body.

"Dong Dong, Dong Dong..." The incessant weak heartbeat passed from Kaila\'s stomach to Locke, which made Locke blush. He was excited.

Some hands are reluctant to leave Kaila. The young heartbeat makes Locke intoxicated.

Fortunately, Kayla didn\'t say anything to stop Locke. They just stood face to face quietly.

"Why didn\'t I notice when I was on the thorn wilderness before?" Dry throat, Locke asked a question.

"At that time, the child\'s body was not fully formed. How could you, a careless guy, pay attention." Keira\'s tone was plainly resentful.

He scratched his head. Locke was a little embarrassed. "How long do you think it will be?" Asked Locke.

Ordinary humans are naturally pregnant in October, but after being promoted to the first level, knights and magicians who are separated from the category of ordinary humans can no longer measure all their physiological activities by the standards of ordinary humans.

In particular, Locke and Keira are both secondary creatures. A monster more than three meters high after transformation, and an individual who can switch the body and light elements at will. It is really a miracle that such a strange and very different individual can give birth to children, and the time to conceive offspring can never be only ten months.

Locke once heard that some extremely powerful land Knight couples, because the blood of the melted creatures is similar, are reptile egg laying creatures, so their fertility process is that the husband lays an egg and then hatches the egg.

He used to listen to this kind of Xinmi as a joke, but when it came to Locke, he felt it necessary to ask more clearly.

It is said that digital beasts such as angel beast and zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex are egg laying creatures. Locke wondered whether Kaila would also lay an egg.

However, Kaila did not inherit the blood of the angel beast. She just broke through the pure light attribute energy of the angel beast in Locke. In essence, Kaila is closer to ordinary humans in the wizard world than Locke.

Hearing Locke\'s question, Kayla didn\'t expect that this guy would have so many strange ideas in a moment. After thinking for a moment, she replied, "I calculated and deduced that the time for giving birth to this child should be four years, three months and fifteen days."

Having predicted where she was born, Keira was obviously much more competent than Locke as a father. The wisdom of a secondary magician was there. Locke had no doubt about the date Keira said.

In four years, they gave birth to the offspring of two secondary creatures, which has played a role as the human blood in their blood. You know, some powerful super order Warcraft have given birth to their offspring for more than ten years.

Four years is enough to end the bit war in the digital world. According to what Jos told him last time, the decisive battle will start in the next one or two months. It is expected that the time to end this protracted bit war should be within two years.

After all, the dark region, as the continent of wind, has the greatest resistance, has the most semi divine digital animals, and also has a four level digital animal clown king. As long as the dark region is won, other regions of the continent of wind will be pushed by the three western islands.

Locke is considering whether to go to Jos and ask him to help relieve Kayla of her combat mission in the past two years. If only she could send it directly back to the three western islands.

However, as soon as Locke said his ideas, she was rejected by Kaila. She hasn\'t figured out how to face her senior brothers and others.

She hasn\'t been out for more than a month. Kayla is covering up the fact that she is pregnant. Locke can see the life conceived in her abdomen, let alone the unfathomable Jos.

Do you want to confess to everyone? Keira\'s mind is full of chaos and shame. It\'s all because of Locke!

"Wait until later." Kayla put on an ostrich mentality, "even if there are combat missions, my strength will not decline much at this stage."

"If there is a combat mission, I\'ll find a way to go with you!" Locke said firmly.

Glancing at the man, Kayla turned her head and hummed without saying a word.

"Well... Can I sleep in your bedroom tonight?" Locke saw that Keira was much better than when he first came, and asked a little more.

"Yes, I sleep on the sofa." Kayla doesn\'t give Locke face at all.

With a drooping face, Locke watched Kyla lie in bed and went back to the sofa in the living room.

In the middle of the night, the dishonest Locke secretly came to Kayla\'s door.

No magic lock on the door? Locke is like discovering the new world.

With excitement, he quietly opened the door, and Locke slipped into Kayla\'s quilt. He was so fast that he didn\'t insult his identity as a wind fighting knight.

"This guy!" In the dark, there was a light scold from Keira.