Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 634

Jos asked Locke for hydrogen It\'s mostly to deal with the BIDO beast.

In the first World War of rainbow forest, Jos suffered heavy losses and has not healed yet. The BIDO beast, which is of great help to his promotion, may not be an enemy only by Jos\'s own strength. There are two hydrogen As a card, Jos had a 30% more winning rate.

Jos is a rare fellow magician in the light and sound systems. The harvest gained from fighting Tyrannosaurus Rex in the first World War of rainbow forest is enough for Jos to benefit infinitely. The study of the remains of semi divine creatures at the peak of the light system will promote Jos\'s understanding of the law of the light system to a deeper level.

Another rare family sound wave is a semi divine creature, and the whole land of wind can only have BIDO beast.

Not to mention that BIDO beast also has the specialty of strange soul, which makes Jos full of desire for knowledge.

The Panamanian master was curious about the clown emperor, while Jos was curious about the newly discovered BIDO beast.

After leaving Jos\'s laboratory, Locke began to cultivate his spirit for the next decisive battle.

According to Jos, the day when the fourth level knight, Lord zekley, led his troops to the digital world is the day when the western three islands forces fight the digital beasts of the wind continent.

I\'m afraid it won\'t take long.

There are ectopic surface transmission technology and space fortress. The war is flat. Sending troops from the wizard world to this small world can be done in a month or two.

This period of time is Locke\'s last period of strength improvement.

Jos finally took more than two hydrogen from Locke He also took two bombs, along with the next level atomic bombs. Locke guessed that it was the learned semi divine magician who planned to use them for his own research.

The development of science and technology is quite different from magic alchemy. Locke is curious about what Jos will study under a completely different theoretical system.

His heavenly Knight promotion materials have been successively transported by Jos these days. More other cultivation items will be brought to him after returning to the three western islands.

Jin Shengtian knight is not a demigod. Locke overestimates the resources needed by Jin Shengtian knight, and some underestimate the horror accumulated by a peak demigod for countless years.

No wonder Jos dares to speak out and promote level 4 creatures. Just looking at the energy essence of level 3 wind system he gave himself, Locke was surprised.

"The magician is really a group of rich people." Locke couldn\'t help sighing. He believed that a demigod Knight would never be so generous.

In the third week in the Space Fortress, Locke met the assar magician who returned from the mission.

Master assar, dressed in a black tight magic robe, is more capable than a few months ago. It may be because he has been fighting for a long time. The magician who has just come down from the battlefield also carries obvious blood gas, mainly the blood of digital beasts.

Seeing Locke again, especially seeing that Locke successfully broke through the second level and was promoted to the knight of the earth, Ashar didn\'t respond much on the surface, and the actual inner shock can be imagined.

More than 20 years ago, when he first met Locke, he was still a knight attendant. In a twinkling of an eye, he had become a creature at the same level as himself. Even Ashar, who was cold, had to lament how quickly Locke improved his strength.

However, even if Locke was promoted to a knight, he was not sure that he could beat assar. He was superb in dark element magic. Coupled with more incredible witchcraft, assar was also the top group among the second-class magicians.

Unlike her sister Kayla, who majored in light and partial adjuvant therapy magic, assar is a complete combat magician.

The holy tower has always been a dominant family in the three western islands. It will hold down the knight Hall of three level-4 knights. In addition to the terrible cultivation of the master Panama, the owner of the holy tower, ordinary magicians below level-3 also have a great ability to suppress knights at the same level.

The magician Ashar followed her usual style of being independent. He talked with Locke for a while about the battle on the front line, and then locked himself in the laboratory.

Locke knew that the master did not have much enthusiasm for improving her strength, but was keen to explore the mysteries of experiments, especially anatomical experiments. There were no less than 50 ectopic creatures that Locke had helped her dissect.

During the period when master Ashar returned, Locke also began to steadily improve his total fighting spirit and strength. There was sufficient wind energy crystal core. Locke, who had no so-called bottleneck below level 3, was surprised by Angelina, and his strength was the same day by day.

"You\'ve been promoted to level 2. If you go on like this, I won\'t catch up with you." In her spare time, Angelina pursed.

She is known as one of Santa\'s geniuses, but the promotion speed can\'t even catch up with half of Locke. Why don\'t Angelina taste it.

Angelina\'s envy made Locke laugh. He just told Angelina to wear her own negative energy fusion beads all the time.

After the rainbow forest, Locke\'s negative energy fusion beads were damaged again. Now the black shield and transmission function of negative energy fusion beads have failed, and only Tianting and quenching body are still playing a role.

Locke hopes that the force of the law in the negative energy fusion bead can improve Angelina\'s physique and enable her to be promoted to level 2 faster.

Not all the things Locke experienced during this period were smooth sailing. He ran into a wall many times at Kayla\'s place.

Locke, who hasn\'t seen Kayla for nearly a month, is a little empty. He plans to go to Kayla sometime. Even if he breaks in, he also wants to see Kayla, because Locke always feels that Kayla is hiding something from himself.

Half a month later, he said an excuse to Angelina to go to the trading area. Locke walked to the room where Keira lived. There was the residence assigned by the space fortress to the secondary magicians, which was a little higher than the place where Locke and Angelina stayed.

"Dang Dang!" A few minutes after the knock, there was still no response.

Knowing that Kayla must be in the room, Locke took the trouble to knock on the door again. In the past ten minutes, even the magician living next door was noisy by Locke. At that time, the door finally opened with a "creak".

"Why don\'t you open the door for me? Also, I contacted your crystal ball and didn\'t see your reply." Locke stepped into Kayla\'s room. The light element magician\'s room was as clean, tidy and orderly as he expected.

Wondering why Kayla didn\'t answer her own words, she turned and looked at Kayla. She suddenly covered her mouth and was about to vomit.

"You, what\'s the matter with you? Where did you get hurt?" Locke was surprised and looked down Keira\'s covered abdomen.

"Tong Tong, Tong Tong..." Locke\'s keen perception seemed to hear a young heart beating.


The question is whether to have a boy or a girl, Locke\'s first child.

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