Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 633

In Jos\' private laboratory, Locke met his pet Hellfire giant AI.

Not seen for months, the Hellfire giant has changed a lot.

The first was the most striking physique, which dropped from ten meters to seven meters. Secondly, the dark blue skin is also lighter, with a light reddish red.

What surprised Locke most was not the change of AI\'s appearance and body shape, but its biological authority.

First class creature!

AI, who was taken away by Jos and treated after a near death, broke through the shackles of life and reached the height of a first-class creature.

In the past, AI had no ability to use elements. It had the power of quasi level creatures. If it defeated the enemy only by brute force, it can only be regarded as the bottom item in quasi level creatures.

Even if Locke was quenched by the plane law later, AI\'s growth height is still limited. What makes it break through the shackles and achieve the first level?

"A demigod Knight helped your little pet with his blood power in order to repay your kindness in the rainbow forest." Jos explained to Locke.

"Who is the demigod level?" Locke had a definite number in mind, but asked out of politeness.

Locke knew two of the four western three island demigods in rainbow forest, Jos and Felix.

He had only heard about the other two and had not been in close contact.

"The bronze man AGUS." Joss said, "he is also a knight of the mainland of Messia. With this favor, you must not be too bad in the knight palace of the mainland of Messia."

Argus is a disciple of the fourth level Knight Odyssey. He owes Locke a favor. How can he try to pay it back? It is his kindness to Locke to help Hellfire giant Eyre rise to the first level with a drop of his own blood.

Not all top creatures are so lofty. Their essence is human, they also have emotions, and they will know kindness and reward. Argus is famous for his barbarism and uprightness. People with this character don\'t like to owe others.

After absorbing the blood power of the bronze giant, the fire element and thunder element in AI finally awakened. Now it has been promoted to the first level. With the fighting nature of the power of thunder and fire elements, it can be regarded as the leader of the first-class creatures.

And its changes seem to be more than that.

Before Locke could observe the changes of AI further, Jos began to talk about the business he called Locke today.

"Are there any other props that you helped me out last time?" Jos gets straight to the point.

Although Locke could not see Jos\' expression because of the mask, he could guess that Jos must be staring at himself now.

What joss said, of course, was the nuclear weapon Locke used last time.

Locke is a bit unnatural when he is concerned about his treasure by a semi God strong man. Even if the semi God strong man is very close to himself.

Look, Jos means he\'s going to ask for it from himself.

Also, the powerful props that can threaten the top demigod are no worse than the green pearl used by Jos in the rainbow forest.

Every man is innocent. Locke is a second-class knight. It\'s hard not to let others have ideas when he has such a terrible power.

However, Locke, who believed in Jose\'s character, knew that this proud martial uncle would not take his things for nothing, so he simply said, "yes, there are seven."

"Seven?!" Jos\'s words were full of surprise.

"The props I used in rainbow forest are my harvest in the last micro plane. It is the nuclear weapon named hydrogen bomb. I have only two hydrogen bombs left. I have five more than the first level atomic bomb." Locke said honestly.

Hear hydrogen With only two bullets, joss accepted some of them, which were comparable to the precious treasure like the green pearl. With his accumulation of nearly a thousand years, it was only five fingers. At first, he heard Locke say there were seven, and even he was a little unbelievable.

Of course, the only thing Jos can see is hydrogen Although the atomic bomb, a top nuclear weapon such as the bomb, has the power comparable to the full strike of level 3 creatures, it has not attracted much Jos.

Two hydrogen The bomb was finally taken by Jos. In exchange, Jos promised to help lock\'s grace, Leah and other women who studied in Santa tower to be promoted to the next level after the plane war.

This saves Locke the trouble of preparing resources for several women in the future, and has the guarantee of a semi divine strong man. It can be said that grace and other women can be promoted to the next level.

This is just a condition for Jos, and the bigger one is still ahead - all the resources Locke needs to promote himself to level 3 sky knight in the future!

With the wealth of a semi divine magician, it will hurt his muscles and bones to gather together the promotion resources of a heavenly knight. Locke is very curious that Jos wants to take his two hydrogen What are you doing.

And gave Locke all the resources for cultivation. Doesn\'t Jos need it? Jos quickly answered all these questions to him.

"Level 4 Knight Lord zekley will arrive in the digital world in a few days, accompanied by the knight palace forces of Lord zekley\'s Royal Highness." Jos said with great surprise.

With the addition of a new level-4 strongman, the war situation of the three western islands in the wind continent of the digital world can draw the last wind vane, let alone accompanied by a large number of elite knights and slave creatures.

Hearing what Jos said, Locke knew that the plane war would soon end, and he asked Locke for two hydrogen I guess I have my own plan.

No one will make a loss. Since Jos is willing to spend a lot of money to get the two hydrogen from Locke The bomb, then his harvest, definitely more than two hydrogen The cost of the bomb.

Locke was not in a hurry to answer. He was waiting for Jos to say the next thing.

"And I, in this plane war, will have to kill that Beedo beast, get the mystery of its sound wave system and soul system ability, and grasp the opportunity to break through level 4!" Jos said proudly.

Promoted to level 4!?

Locke was shocked beyond words by Jos\'s words.

No wonder Jos would be willing to exchange enough resources for two hydrogen Just as Locke doesn\'t care so much about the resources used when he is promoted to level 2, Jos, who is promoted to level 4 in the future, is bound to gradually lose sight of the resources used by Level 3 creatures.

But is this too fast? With Jos\'s Millennium life span, he dares to be promoted to level 4. In terms of the thickness of life span, semi divine individuals older than Jos on the three western islands are everywhere.

I always thought that my biggest backer was this martial uncle joss. Without saying a word, Locke sent two hydrogen Take out all the bullets. The explosive power of this thing is too great. Even if Jos doesn\'t ask him, Locke will never use it until he is promoted to level 3.

It was self inflicted. There was no complete means of defense. The indiscriminate attack of nuclear bomb explosion was enough to turn Locke into ashes. He didn\'t want to experience death again.