Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 632

On the Space Fortress, there was a cultivation room separately assigned to Locke. A red orange reagent and five or six other auxiliary drugs were placed on the table in front of him.

Adjust every state of the body to the best Locke and start the second blood fusion.

The burning temperature of the red orange potion was clearly felt by Locke through a layer of test tubes imprisoned by magic. This is the unyielding fighting will of Tyrannosaurus Rex, the most original light attribute and wind attribute energy.

"I don\'t know how much you can get to fight Tyrannosaurus Rex." Locke murmured, and then poured the reddish orange reagent into it.

Among the unique skills of fighting Tyrannosaurus Rex, "Tyrannosaurus Rex flame" belongs to the fire attribute skill, "eternal light shield" and the ultimate must kill skill "scorching sun energy gun" are both light attribute skills, and "combat tornado" is wind attribute skills.

Locke hopes that he can acquire one or two of these skills. It would be better if it was a scorching sun energy gun, which is a terrorist skill that almost killed Jos.

Of course, this is just Locke\'s unrealistic assumption. It is rarely heard that the knight will gain the skills of this creature after integrating biological blood. At most, he will have a strong physique comparable to the fighting Tyrannosaurus Rex.

As for the skills such as Tyrannosaurus Rex flame and eternal light shield, Locke needs to be fully familiar with the blood of fighting Tyrannosaurus Rex and deduce them one by one. Only then can he create new combat skills comparable to these skills, just like the blade storm he created before.

One by one, the auxiliary medicine given to him by Jos was taken by Locke, and the burning energy of swelling and pain in his chest was gradually replaced by a cool energy. The collection effect of the semi divine strong is good.

This blood fusion is not more clear than the last time when Locke was awake. He can feel the transformation process of fighting Tyrannosaurus Rex\'s blood in his own body.

The bones become stronger, the muscles become stronger, and the blood vessels are strengthened again. The benefits brought to him by the blood fusion of the semi divine digital beast are close to the baptism of the laws experienced in the previous world.

When promoted to level 2, many level 1 Knights will choose biological blood with high degree of integration with themselves. Generally, the level of such creatures will not be too high. The level 2 biological blood is already the limit. The level 3 biological blood can only be obtained by members of large families.

Locke has the blood of two tertiary creatures at the same time, which will bring him infinite potential.

Coupled with the innate conditions of law quenching, Locke\'s promotion to the third level can be described as unimpeded.

Pale gold metal muscles slowly cover Locke\'s body surface, which belongs to the metal shell of battle Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Both hands turn into sharp claws, with a metallic edge, which makes it easy to guess the horror and lethality contained therein.

"Real blood, open!" Locke, who was in the training room, drank, and his 1.8-meter-tall physique rose rapidly until it was close to 4 meters

Different from the previous blood transformation, the bone armor on the body surface is attached with a layer of golden lines, which is not only decorative, but Locke feels that his defense has increased by at least 30%.

His left and right hands turned into metal claws, which made Locke more and more separated from the essence of "human" and closer to other creatures.

The pure white wing on the back doesn\'t change much, but there is a thin metal wing on the inner layer of the wing, which will speed up Locke\'s flight speed and give him more lasting flight ability.

Waving his left arm, the three bone spurs made a "whistling" wind.

The dark red flame above his head turned into light gold. Locke, who was very satisfied with his changes, tried all his new abilities and lifted his transformation state.

The transformation brought him too much fighting spirit load, especially this time there are more blood vessels of fighting Tyrannosaurus Rex. With his current fighting spirit capacity, Locke can only maintain the transformation for about four hours.

As for how to increase the time to maintain transformation, there is only one, that is cultivation.

By constantly running the fierce wind to fight Qi, he can increase his fighting Qi capacity and strength level. If he can consume fighting Qi and absorb fighting Qi after transformation in the future, he is expected to maintain his transformation state all the time.

Of course, this possibility is very small. Even the level 3 heavenly Knights rarely have the inside information that can maintain their blood and true body all the time. Only those semi divine Knights have the strength to do so.

Knowing the power of the law, they can easily use the law to quickly replenish their fighting spirit.

The transformation of the four meter physique made Locke feel that the practice room was very small and crowded. Locke was relieved when he returned to his normal physique.

A faint feeling of weakness came. It was an adverse reaction that the body was adapting to the blood of the fighting Tyrannosaurus Rex. Locke, who had experience once, knew that this period of weakness came and went quickly. According to the physical quality of the local knight, it only took a day or two.

Out of the practice room, Locke walked to the rest area where he lived with Angelina.

The war in full swing on the cliff of death continues.

The continuous impact of the Legion of knights and magicians on the three western islands made the digital beasts here rise and fall like a boat in the ocean. Many times they almost lost, but they finally tenaciously defended them with their lives.

The holy tower and the knight hall have not yet taken out their last means. Now the main power consumption is the slave biological Legion. It is a cost-effective business to exchange the lives of more and cheaper slave creatures for the elite digital beasts.

However, not all things developed in the direction expected by the high-level of the holy tower and the knight hall. Locke fell two demigods in succession in the two months of the space fortress.

The strongest Hellfire giant of Hellfire Legion died in battle. Before his death, it broke out with its body and pulled two extreme digital beasts into the water.

The zudun beast died on the spot, and the human Eagle beast was seriously injured and captured.

Another fallen demigod was Duncan, a capable general under Gaia, a level 4 knight, who was named "angry sand of the wind".

When Locke learned that the fallen demigod knight was also a wind fighting user like him, Locke was deeply saddened.

A strong creature like the demigod level can\'t guarantee his survival in the war on the throne. What can he do as a little knight.

Duncan did not die in vain. He was attacked and fell by two semi divine digital beasts. At the last moment of his life, he also left indelible wounds to his opponents.

At least during the war on the throne, the two research digital beasts involved in the sneak attack are two losers unless they are assisted by the efforts of level 4 creatures to consume the source.

In any case, in this short-term consumption, it is the three western islands that suffer.

In other words, the loser is Gaia, the fourth level knight.

Because the two lost demigods were the strength of his men, Gaia, who later learned that they had fallen, was furious.

Anger returns to anger. Gaia\'s ability to do is still quite limited. His strength alone is not enough to cause too much impact on the death cliff base camp of the clown emperor.

"Master, call Odyssey and zekray." In a laboratory inside the Space Fortress, the image of level 4 Knight Gaia golden armor giant appears in a magic mirror.

Opposite the magic mirror, stood an old man shrouded in black fog.

After a moment of silence and thinking about the advantages and disadvantages of transferring the two level-4 knights from the three western islands, Panama replied, "the three western islands can\'t sit without the level-4 strong. The odyssey of the last activated goblin plane lost a lot. Let zekray come this time."

With the words of the Panamanian master, Gaia looks much better. His forces have suffered heavy losses in this position. The light demigod knight has lost two in three years, and one was killed by the red fire of hell, which he showed as a pet.

If there were no other level 4 knights to share a little with him, Gaia would hurt his strength even if he gained a lot in this position.

This is still the demigod level, and the number of casualties of lower level knights and magicians should be higher. This is not the micro level that does not even level 4 creatures in the activation goblin world.

Panama and Gaia couldn\'t help those semi divine knights and magicians because they were entangled by the clown emperor with strange ability.

"Mysterious department, curse department, space department ability, clown emperor, you have brought me more and more surprises. I am very curious about what kind of expression you will look like lying on the anatomical table in my laboratory, Jie..." In the magic lab, Panama\'s hysterical laughter came.

The main factor that promoted the three western islands to participate in the joint war with warlocks was Panama\'s curiosity about the level Four creature clown emperor.

The unknown is the driving force for the magicians to move forward. The more difficult the clown emperor is, the more trouble it causes to them. The more Panama is interested in dissecting and studying this four level research digital beast.

"Huang brand throwing knives, clown tricks, masked square, flying sand and stones. Tut Tut, what ability do you have not shown?"

"Soon, I feel soon. Your ultimate ability is more difficult than Huangpai Throwing Knife and more mysterious than clown trick. What is it? Let\'s know in our next battle."

"If you have no other cards to play, the next battle is your death!"

Panama\'s morbid nonsense echoed in the laboratory. Magicians were praised as a group of madmen by other creatures. Since Panama is a level 4 magician, it is even madmen among madmen.

The next fight with the clown emperor, there is a new level 4 Knight zekley. No matter how powerful the clown emperor is, I\'m afraid it\'s hard to escape the end of falling.

But being able to fight with three strong men at the same level, the clown emperor can be called the most powerful research digital beast in the digital world.