Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 629

In the next few missions, Locke didn\'t do much, but master Kaila, the second-class optical element division, and several powerful blood warlocks, dadani, performed them together. These tasks were completed by them in danger.

Even if there is an injury, with Keira\'s light healing magic, it can\'t reduce the staff of this team.

In these battles, dadani and others gained the most. Originally, they mainly collected materials and supplemented by experience. Now Locke and Keira are walking with them. It can be said that they have not fallen behind in both aspects. In a month, their strength in their blood has also increased a lot.

A month later, in the fortress of the Santa theater in the east of the thorn wilderness, Locke waved goodbye to dadani and others.

"If you have a chance, you can come to the fan Gong Federation on the west coast to find me. Our family still has some power there. We will make a local friendship for brother Locke at that time." Dadani was obviously a dwarf, but he said proudly.

Not only did he not underestimate the blood warlock because of the gap in strength, Locke patted dadani on the shoulder and said with a smile, "sure, sure."

Dadani and his party, who have gained a lot in the thorns wilderness with Locke, have completed the material raising indicators given to them by the family elders. Now they want to return to the moon continent and participate in the Warlocks\' encirclement and suppression of the four level polar puppet beasts in the moon continent.

The battle of warlocks on the west coast is much easier than that on the three western islands. Five level-4 warlocks come one after another. There are many levels of semi divine warlocks. The digital beasts on the mainland of the moon are the ones who support this position.

The solitude of puppet beasts makes it difficult for the top digital beasts in the moon continent to twist into a rope. The steel sea dragon beasts in the sea are too busy for themselves. The mechanical evil dragon beasts and holy angel beasts in the mountain continent are entangled by stronger dragon warlocks.

The mainland of the moon should be the first occupied mainland in the digital world soon.

It\'s just that the danger there is not so high. Dadani and other talents will be called back by the elders.

Not only did dadani and others want to leave the thorn wilderness, Locke discussed with Keira and planned to go elsewhere after submitting the task.

"Let\'s go to the main battlefield of death cliff." Kayla suggested.

Locke\'s blood problem needs to be solved by Keira\'s senior brother Jos, and Jos, a semi God strong man, is now commanding the Santa army on the cliff of death.

And Locke\'s demon pet, Hellfire giant, is now on the death cliff. I don\'t know how AI\'s injury has been treated. Locke is a little curious.

In fact, what made him more worried was that Angelina was also on the other side of the death cliff.

The space fortress was transferred to the death cliff a month ago. It is said that during this period, it was also requested by the upper level to launch a main gun attack. It was a top war weapon that killed more than half god\'s brilliant achievements and brought nightmares to the activated goblins in the activated goblins world.

Seeing Kayla\'s face as usual, Locke can\'t feel Kayla\'s real thoughts. For more than a month, Locke has this heart and courage, but Kayla hasn\'t responded to her once.

Not to mention further, Locke hasn\'t even touched Keira\'s hand since the day of the burning desert.

As for the time when he woke up at the rest base, he touched Kayla\'s chest and coughed. That time was only a special case. Locke still has endless memories of the hand feeling at that time. Unfortunately, he can\'t revisit it.

Locke once thought sadly that if he wanted to touch Kayla again in the future, he would have to wait until he got out of control and fell into chaos.

It\'s shameful for Locke to force Kayla to have a relationship with herself. Locke, who is still awake, would never do such a thing.

Take the floating ship of the division fortress, Locke and Keira fly to the direction of the cliff of death.

I still remember how difficult it was for Locke to take a floating ship in the digital world at the first level. Now promotion to the second level is an application, and the top will soon transfer them appropriate flights. This is the benefits brought by strength growth.

Of course, there can\'t be only Locke and Keira on the floating ship. The whole 200 meter long and 50 meter wide medium-sized floating ship carries nearly 150 knights and magicians.

Among them, there are 30 people above level 2, and the rest are level 1 knights and magicians. These people are the elite of the three western islands who have moved from the thorny wilderness to the cliff of death.

Five days later, just after stepping down from the hanging ladder of the floating ship, Locke was lucky to see a grand "meteor shower".

Hundreds of thousands of burning hot meteorites fell from the sky and hit the front of the digital beast on the dead cliff in the gray fog.

Every time a meteorite with a volume of more than 10 cubic meters hits, it represents a deep pit on the ground, and what howls in the pit is the painful cry of digital beasts before they die.

The meteorite landed on Mars, and the fiercely burning ground was only the opening of the grand massacre feast. In Locke\'s exclamation, a Hellfire giant with a physique of more than ten meters climbed out of deep pits everywhere!

Hellfire giants like giant Optimus, not to mention their flaming fire attribute energy, just that physique is enough to shame the digital beasts who also take passive evolution as the mainstream.

That\'s not what surprised Locke most.

In the middle of the battlefield, a red Hellfire giant with a physique of nearly 50 meters is fighting a sea lion digital beast with the same physique of 50 meters high.

When the fist containing hot molten slurry waved, the digital beast that put infinite pressure on Locke not only did not avoid, but stood up with his chest, raised a 30 meter long gray hammer from his back, and the giant digital beast cleaved to the shoulder of Hellfire giant in an angry roar.

"Crackling!" Lightning converges in the center of the giant hammer. After the energy accumulates to the extreme, the lightning ball formed strikes the Hellfire giant.

Who would have thought that the Hellfire giant, famous for the elemental energy of fire and thunder, would one day be hurt by lightning.

The charred mark on his shoulder had not dissipated. The scarred Hellfire giant sent out a beast roar and rushed to the enemy in front of him again with red eyes.

In the red eyes, there is burning magma flowing.

"Hiss ~ it seems that we have caught up with a good time again." Locke swallowed his saliva and said to Kayla next to him.

"It\'s just a semi divine battle. Isn\'t it normal to happen here on the death cliff? Don\'t worry, the battle fluctuation won\'t spread here. This is not the original rainbow forest." Kayla said faintly.

Most of the gods of the three western islands gather in the digital world, and two level-4 strong adults sit in the town. Here at the end of the battlefield, Locke really doesn\'t need to worry about being impacted by the aftermath of the battle.