Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 628

"These are some friends I knew before, dadani, havini, bruken, and this..." Locke introduced the Warlocks in front of Kaila who came to him after the transaction was completed.

"My name is Hussein. Hello, two." The first-class warlock, who Locke didn\'t know, respectfully introduced himself.

Like several of his peers, Hussein is a nidro giant lizard warlock with cyan right arm and scaly face.

"Hello." Kayla replied without salt.

Even Angelina knows the nidro dragon family. How can she not know her mentor.

The nidro giant lizard family is a small family in the sail tribute Federation on the west coast. The nidro giant lizard family, which only has a three-level blood warlock chief, really won\'t let Kayla care too much.

These first-class kids were obviously separated from the family elders and tried alone in the dark area. As a second-class element division, Kayla made a gesture that her predecessors should have.

"Brother Locke, are you also working on the thorny wilderness?" Dadani asked approachably. He called Locke "brother" instead of "adult", which was to see Locke\'s character.

Moreover, Locke, who has just been promoted to level 2 and whose life thickness is not high, does not care too much about the class gap between himself and others due to the grade difference.

"Yes, I\'m on a mission in this theater with master Kaila." Locke said, with a brief introduction to Kayla.

When he learned that Kaila was a rare secondary light element magician, dadani eagerly asked "do you want to perform tasks with them."

With the participation of two second-class strongmen, more digital animal tribes can hunt, the grade of digital animals will be improved, and the safety factor can be guaranteed.

There is also a light element magician. Even if he is injured, he can be treated as soon as possible. Everyone knows that the light element magician is a healing caster as famous as the botanical magician.

Dadani\'s invitation, Locke didn\'t immediately agree, but turned around and looked at Kayla like an inquiry.

After thinking for a moment, Kayla nodded and said, "the locations of several recent tasks are scattered. If you are on the way, you can act together."

It has always been the work of Santa magicians to support their younger generation. Every year, I don\'t know how many powerful Santa magicians will leave Santa to teach in the Imperial College in the three western islands and three continents.

It was this fine tradition that Angelina was lucky to worship master Santa Clara at that time.

After resupplying in the theater fortress, the party embarked on the mission again.

This time, in addition to Locke and Kaila, there are also several warlocks such as dadani. Although the thorn wilderness has retired from the stage of the main battlefield, there are still millions of digital beasts living in it.

Dadani and others may have been accompanied by two strong men, Locke and Keira, who took seven suppression tasks at one go, and Locke and Keira also had five tasks.

These tasks are located in all parts of the thorny wilderness. It takes more than half a month to complete the journey they need to take.

Fortunately, the most important thing Locke and Keira need is time.

The highly toxic swamp in the southwest of the thorn wilderness is a paradise for highly toxic digital beasts. It is also the most complete area to retain the digital beast population in the thorn wilderness so far.

The severe miasma everywhere in the swamp blocked the progress of the slave biological Corps.

In order to reduce the loss of the slave Legion and train the lower level knights and magicians, this highly toxic swamp without the traces of all the digital beasts at Level 3 has become the most frequent place in the theater mission hall.

Locke and Keira have one mission here, while dadani and them have two mission marked locations here.

Bhikkhu tribe.

This swamp, where highly toxic and rotten soil coexist, is the favorite living environment of the insect digital beast Picchu.

"Snap!" It is also a crawling young bhikkhu, which was trampled to death by the transformed Locke. The strong defense of exoskeleton armor allows Locke to ignore the silk spinning attack and toxin needle of bhikkhu, a low digital beast.

"This, this is really, too... Too powerful!" Nidro lizard warlock dadani and others, who also developed their blood and returned to their ancestors, stared at Locke after his transformation.

The killing of the young bhikkhu is nothing. The main factor that shocked them is the amazing scene of Locke just hitting the mature bhikkhu with the bone spur of his left arm.

It\'s a mature bhikkhu beast comparable to level 2 creatures. Among all mature digital beasts, the bhikkhu leader is also enough to be the best of them. He is more powerful than the Gabu leader killed in Kaila\'s last mission.

But such a powerful mature digital beast didn\'t last ten rounds under Locke.

Although Kaila assisted, the rapid killing of the enemy made several warlocks who saw this scene greatly admire Locke\'s strength.

"What has he experienced in the past six months?" Among them, the most shocked is davini\'s sister Harvey.

When working together in the dark tornado mountains at the beginning, with her wings, havini was as fast as Locke. In addition, she had the ability to master the elemental power of the caster. At that time, havini was better than Locke, a quasi second-class knight.

Only half a year was far exceeded by others, and havini\'s face was full of bitterness.

Maybe he was hurt on his shoulder by the dying counterattack of the bhikkhu beast leader. After the battle with the bhikkhu beast leader, Locke still didn\'t lift his transformation state. Instead, he pointed the butcher knife at the young and growing bhikkhu beasts in a rage.

There are a lot of Picchu animals in this rotten soil cave. Insect digital animals have always been famous for their fertility. About 50 growing Picchu animals sacrificed their lives, which made Locke happy and restored a short Qingming Festival.

"You should control your mood! Drink this medicine." The milky white magic light shines on Locke\'s shoulder. A warm touch makes Locke squint and enjoy Kayla\'s treatment.

The wound slowly recovered, and Locke\'s violent mood was slowly calmed down.

Take a gray potion handed over by Kayla. The strange taste of the potion made Locke spit out his tongue.

"Can\'t you add some seasoning? It\'s too hard to drink." Locke complained to Keira.

The refining of any potion has its preciseness. Arbitrarily increasing or reducing the release of materials will make the function of magic potions run counter to the original direction.

Ignoring Locke\'s complaint, Kayla said to herself, "if you still can\'t control your temper, I suggest canceling the next task."

The purpose of completing the task is to stabilize their level 2 creatures. The reward for the task is also second. If Locke gets deeper and deeper into the blood side effects of zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex because of long-time battle, it is not worth the loss.

Kaila\'s sober medicine soon worked in Locke\'s body. The agitation in his blood calmed down and his mind calmed down. Locke couldn\'t believe what he had done in front of him.

In the past, he would not start with the infant digital beast. The infant digital beast with weak strength and low value brought him low income, and he was not a good killer.

As for whether these young digital beasts will trouble him in the future, he does not have this worry.

The advanced difficulty of digital animals is no worse than the promotion of Warcraft. It is absolutely impossible to evolve from infancy to growth without fifty or sixty years of effort.

Evolution to maturity requires not only talent, but also nearly a century of energy accumulation.

After more than 100 years, the digital world has long become a small area of slavery under the wizard world. The newly grown digital beasts are most likely to be used as cannon fodder for the slave legion, not Locke\'s enemies.

His bone armor was covered with stinky plasma, and the three bone spurs on his left arm were also cold. I don\'t know how many digital beast ghosts were winding around it.

Even Locke doesn\'t know how many digital beasts he killed in the battle just now. Considering the digital beasts in their infancy, Locke may have killed nearly 70 in this tribe.

Keira\'s warning made Locke feel the same way. He didn\'t want to be a killing machine.

Take the materials from the mature bhikkhu leader and more than 20 well preserved growing bhikkhu. Locke beckons dadani and others to leave here.

The task of exterminating this medium-sized bhikkhu tribe was received by Locke and Kaila, but they gave all the materials that Locke and Kaila did not see to dadani and others.

Without much effort, they harvested more than 20 first-class digital animals and more young bhikkhu carcasses. Dadani and others felt that they had picked up a big bargain.

The young bhikkhu is an arthropod digital beast with a length of only one meter. It looks a bit like a large caterpillar. Its corpse has good alchemy effect. In particular, the silk they spit can be sold directly as low-level magic materials.

"We can pay with energy spar." Dadani once said politely, but Locke didn\'t care about the magic crystal benefits that this thing could bring to him.

The real big head in this digital beast cave lies in the large number of digital beast eggs.

The bhikkhu beast is worthy of being a digital animal race of the insect family known for its fertility. There are nearly 40 digital animal eggs in this medium-sized tribe. Rao is a second-class Knight like Locke, and he also has a feeling of making a lot of money.

He is not a sole eater. Fifteen digital animal eggs belong to him, fifteen to Kayla, and the rest to dadani and his gang.

The next mission site to go is the howling jungle. Before leaving, Locke said to dadani, "I may not do much in the next battle."

"Because of the emotional impact of your fused blood?" Havini asked that she was not a fool. As a caster who mastered the power of elements, she could naturally see the problems in Locke.

"Yes." Nodded, Locke said in a deep voice.