Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 630

The Hellfire giant in the battle is the top strength of the Hellfire family - half god level red fire hellfire. It was once the right arm of the Hellfire giant king in the dark blue Hellfire world.

After the fall of the dark blue Hellfire world hundreds of years ago, he was accepted as a slave creature by the fourth level Knight Gaia. Now he is the head of the Hellfire Legion under the knight Gaia.

The ultimate digital beast fighting with the red fire of hell is the famous semi divine digital beast zudun beast in the wind continent.

The zudun beast, with a huge war hammer on its back and mastering the energy elements of ice system and thunder system, is inseparable from fighting with the red fire of hell after developing all its strength.

The aftermath of their fight alone killed countless low-level creatures close to them on the battlefield.

This is only the most intense corner of the battlefield. There are more fighting scenes hidden in the thick fog. Locke regretted that he didn\'t see them. There is no lack of power between demigods.

"It is said that more than two months ago, the meteorite landing planned by Panamanian masters and Gaia adults dealt a heavy blow to the digital beasts stationed on the death cliff, especially the most elite nightmare Corps under the clown emperor." Kayla and Locke introduced as they walked into the fortress.

During the period when she and Locke finished the task, she always learned the most cutting-edge war situation from the crystal ball. Keira was familiar with the frequent good news.

"Now many digital beasts on the dead cliff were later withdrawn from other places, including thorn wilderness and rainbow forest. So was the zudun beast." Overlooking the terrifying zudun beast in the distance, Keira took the lead in entering the fortress base.

Following Keira\'s steps, Locke also showed his identity and entered the competition base.

The feeling of the zudun beast to Locke is more than that of the general semi God digital beast. It is not much worse than the strongest battle Tyrannosaurus Rex he has ever seen.

Another peak semi God digital beast! Locke was worried about whether the red Inferno could withstand it.

Entering the fortress base is not their purpose. The place they finally want to go is the magnificent Space Fortress over the base.

It is not easy to get in and out of the space fortress in wartime. Artillery support belonging to the Space Fortress arrives at the front line all the time. As the largest war platform on the three western islands, the normal operation of the space fortress is comparable to that of the three semi divine strongmen.

Therefore, the above should ensure that there will be no digital beasts who are good at hiding, which will cause irreparable consequences to the space fortress.

Kaila contacted master Michelle directly through the crystal ball. Now it\'s the most tense moment of the war. It\'s not good to disturb her senior brother Jos. Moreover, Jos\'s injury doesn\'t know how it\'s going. Kaila still has to stick to her post before she recovers from the serious injury. Kaila is a little worried about her senior brother\'s health.

Master Michelle is in the space fortress at the moment. A level-3 magician speaks. The pass order of Locke and Keira will come down soon. Half a day later, through the transmission ladder, Locke returns to the Space Fortress where he hasn\'t returned for months.

After returning to the Space Fortress, Locke considered whether to find Angelina to report peace first. Before he made a decision, it belonged to Jos, and it was passed to his Knight Medal.

Jos asked him to go to the main control room to find himself.

The main control room of the space fortress is a place Locke has never touched. It is said that non-level three magicians are not allowed to enter. Some important meetings to decide the direction of the plane war are also opened there.

What\'s more, it is rumored that level 4 magician Panamanian master and level 4 Knight Gaia are there.

When Locke stood in the main control room of the Space Fortress ten minutes later, he realized that the rumor was a rumor, which was still far from the reality.

Not to mention the level-4 strongman he needs to look up to, he doesn\'t see one, that is, the level-3 strongman. There are only a few here, two of whom are still his familiar martial uncle joss and master Michelle.

Many serious magicians walk through the main control room. Some of them convey instructions to the outside, some collect battlefield information, and others mobilize various functions on the Space Fortress through the crystal ball.

"Uncle joss, master Michelle." Locke came forward and greeted respectfully.

Compared with more than two months ago, Jose\'s condition is obviously much better. He still makes Locke feel unfathomable.

Master Michelle didn\'t change much when she visited her at the rest base more than a month ago. The master should not have gone out to perform tasks these days. He has been with Uncle Jos. Locke, who is delicate in mind, found that the two seem to be closer than before.

Unexpectedly, the little guy in front of me was secretly guessing his gossip. Jos under the mask sighed and said, "thanks to you, I avoided the danger of falling in rainbow forest more than two months ago."

Jos must thank him personally for saving his life. Jos owes Locke a lot.

He used to look down on his nephew\'s husband, but both Locke\'s life-saving grace and Locke\'s nuclear bomb props need Jos to put away his contempt now.

"This is what the younger generation should do. Martial uncle, you helped me and Angelina a lot before. Even my fighting spirit is your collection." Locke is not proud of his achievements. Now that Keira is not around, he calls Jos\' uncle \'.

Locke\'s humility satisfied Jos. He waved and took out something, which was one of Jos\'s rewards for Locke\'s sacrifice to save him.

"I heard from Kayla that you have great side effects from the blood fusion of zombies and Tyrannosaurus Rex. This thing should help you." Jos said.

This is a test tube with red orange liquid flowing. So far away, Locke can still feel the majestic power of the liquid in the test tube.

"This is..." Locke hesitated.

"The original blood of fighting Tyrannosaurus Rex." Jos said.

The fighting Tyrannosaurus Rex blood, which belongs to the same source as the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex and has both wind system and light system energy, can not only strengthen Locke\'s body\'s affinity for wind system energy, but also enhance the light attribute energy of angel beast blood and overcome the dark and chaotic emotions attached to the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex.

"Secondary fusion blood?" Locke was surprised that the frequency of secondary fusion of blood among Knights was very small. A slight error would cause blood rejection, which would cause great trauma to the knight\'s body.

"Yes, I\'ve explored your physical condition and can withstand the second blood fusion." Jos\'s tone was meaningful.

Locke\'s body was tempered by the law of plane will. It\'s not surprising that his body can withstand the secondary blood fusion. Locke wondered how Jos found the particularity of his body.