Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 627

Two secondary energy essences are the reward for Locke and Keira to complete the task.

When they handed over the head of the gab beast leader and 20 tusks to the task Hall of the thorns wilderness theater as proof of the completion of the task, they walked together in the fortress planned to be established by the knight hall for supply.

Completing high-intensity tasks and earning a lot of energy essence is not the will of Locke and Kayla. What they need most now is to run in their own strength.

So after the garb beast mission, they received some common level missions one after another.

Two level-2 strong men formed a team, one of whom was still a magician. Seeing this, the staff of the knight Hall who released the mission did not assign low-level knights and slave creatures to them.

No one else is more in line with Locke\'s mind. After returning to the Space Fortress, with his understanding of Kayla\'s character, Angelina is sandwiched between them. I\'m afraid they won\'t have too much intersection in a short time.

Take advantage of this time to enjoy the world of two.

It\'s a pity that this is Locke\'s wishful thinking. Kayla didn\'t show any kind behavior to him these days. It seems that Locke\'s time lying on the rest base was his dream.

And Locke didn\'t dare to show any wishful thinking. Kayla still had some dirty thoughts about him. This guy can only hide in his heart.

The zombie Tyrannosaurus still has an impact on Locke. Although Keira seems indifferent to Locke, in fact, many magic materials bought in the fortress trading market are pharmaceutical raw materials that can calm the mind.

"Orchid heart grass, red bone flower..." Kayla stopped in front of a knight\'s booth to think about what kind of emotional medicine to make for Locke.

These magic materials are special products of the digital world. In the three years since the invasion of the world by the three western islands, almost half of the world\'s output materials were marked by the holy tower and marked with effects and uses.

These materials will be the biggest harvest of the three western islands in the digital world and feed back the wizard world.

Magic materials don\'t all need to be made into medicine to work, just like the orchid and red bone flower on the stall.

There is a faint Mint smell in the mouth of orchid heart grass, which can speed up the knights to enter the empty state of cultivation. As the name suggests, red bone flower is crushed and sprinkled on the wound, which is helpful to the repair of muscles and bones.

Since the knight who collects these magic materials sells in the temporary fortress established by the knight palace, his main audience group is still knight.

Although there are many restorative potions in Locke space ring, in fact, most Knights still can\'t afford alchemy potions.

For ordinary minor injuries, you will use your body to recover slowly, or use some low-level potions. Only for more serious injuries, you will take precious magic potions.

Therefore, this kind of magic materials that can directly play a good curative effect have been sought after by the low-level Knight public.

"How do you sell these materials?" Kayla chose four magic materials, each with an average of three.

"No, you don\'t need energy spar to pay. Just give me an intermediate recovery potion, master." The knight who set up the stall was a first-class little guy. He said excitedly when he saw a powerful second-class magician come forward to buy his things.

The little guy is not stupid. He knows that magic potion is cheaper than energy spar for a magician.

The intermediate recovery potion he said is not the junk used by Knight Locke\'s attendants, but the recovery potion suitable for creatures above level 1. It is sold at the trading offices of the holy tower and the knight\'s palace, with an average of two first-class energy essence.

Keira frowned when she heard it. She glanced at the stall again, pointed to two of them and said, "then I\'ll add one of these two materials."

"No problem!" The knight who set up the stall replied readily.

The outcome of the transaction was happy. An intermediate recovery potion was nothing to Kaila, not to mention that she was promoted to the second level light element division. It would not be difficult to refine advanced recovery potions and even top recovery potions in the future.

When Kayla was bargaining with the stall knight, Locke also strolled around. This stroll really made him find acquaintances.

"Dadani?" Locke shouted to a dwarf not far away, shrouded in a black robe.

When he heard someone calling himself, dadani looked at Locke.

He was the blood warlock who happened to meet in the dark tornado mountains when Locke first came to the digital world. Angelina later introduced him that these people should be members of the nidro giant lizard family.

Sure enough, not far from dadani\'s side, Locke met several cloak people with familiar breath, all of whom were dadani\'s partners.

"Are you... Locke?" Turning his hood down, dadani came up to Locke, and his comrades drew closer.

The unity of blood warlocks is famous in the wizard world. They take the family as the link. These warlocks are not only brothers of the same family, but also the most reliable comrades in arms on the battlefield.

There was a trace of disbelief in dadani\'s surprise. Locke was not far from him, but Locke was the first to find him in the noisy fortress trading area, indicating that Locke was better than him in spiritual exploration.

Even though blood warlocks pay attention to the stimulation of blood power, as a caster, dadani should never be worse than Locke\'s Knight, especially he is also known as the genius of the nidro giant lizard family.

Unless Locke\'s rank surpasses him!

How can it be? Less than half a year has passed.

The closer he was to Locke, the more serious dadani\'s surprise was, not to mention that he also noticed a secondary magician with strong fluctuation of light elements next to Locke.

"Brother Locke, I didn\'t expect you to be promoted to level 2 knight so soon." Dadani said to Locke with a bitter smile.

Half a year ago, the strength of Locke\'s Quasi second-class Knight did not make dadani so restrained. This time, Locke really became a second-class creature and mastered the ability of transformation. Locke became a figure that needs to be looked up to temporarily in dadani\'s eyes.

"Lucky, lucky. You\'re not bad." Locke smiled. Of course, he saw that dadani had become much stronger during this time.

With the deepening of the contact with the plane war, there is Keira, who knows a lot of deep inside information. Locke knows that the plane called the digital world is far more than the Knights and magicians on the three western islands for the Warlocks on the west coast.

It seems that it has a deep relationship with the digital animal eggs of this plane. Locke also knows from some channels that many digital animal eggs collected in the holy tower and knight Hall of the three western islands were sold to warlocks on the west coast.

Today, dadani and his people should also come to this theater fortress to buy some necessary materials. Just now, they are in front of some stalls selling digital animal eggs.

The role of digital beast eggs is really not big for knights and magicians.

Hatching digital animal eggs takes a long time and costs a lot. I don\'t know what use these warlocks are so keen on digital animal eggs.

Locke\'s modest words didn\'t convince dadani. Instead, he said with a bitter smile, "I\'m far behind your promotion speed."

Among the three people standing next to dadani, Locke only knew havini and bruken who had done tasks together, and the other should be their new partner.

As for where the people who had done the task together before went, Locke guessed that they might have acted together with their other people, or fell into the digital world.

Havini with a pair of turquoise flesh wings on her back left a deep impression on Locke at that time. She is said to be a variant of the nidro dragon family. After the blood fusion of the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex, Locke became more interested in some powerful individuals after mutation.

The black hood on Harvey\'s back was bulging up, and Locke knew that was the position of her wings.

"Why are you here?" Locke asked. He remembered that dadani and they had been in the dark tornado mountains.

"As the battle goes on, there are no good digital animal eggs over the dark tornado mountains, so let\'s take a chance here." Dadani opened his arms and said.

Not from the three western islands, dadani and others naturally did not have the obligation to be forced to go to the front, so his tone was quite relaxed.

Like Locke and Keira, dadani and others pick up some soft persimmons and pinch them to fight for non self forces. They will do so unless they are out of mind, although they all belong to the same level of human beings.

"I always want to know why you warlocks pay so much attention to digital animal eggs. Can you tell me?" Locke said curiously, "if it involves anything secret and inconvenient, I\'ll treat it as if I didn\'t ask anything."

"There\'s nothing inconvenient. It\'s OK to tell you." Dadani smiled.

A first-class Knight won\'t attract dadani\'s attention, but a second-class knight is different.

There are not many second-class strong people in their family. The strong people of this level are enough to let dadanila down her identity and make friends.

"The study found that a certain trace element contained in the eggs of digital animals can strongly promote our ability to awaken our ancestors in our blood. This trace element is called gaka element." Dadani explained.

"An average digital animal egg contains 0.1 μ g of gamma elements. The higher the level of digital animal egg, the richer the gamma elements it contains, and..." Dadani then said, "in addition to the gaka elements, there are some unnamed elements contained in the high-level digital beast eggs. These elements are helpful to the development of our blood power."

Different from the powerful biological blood of knights, even if the blood of other creatures is fused, the original power of knights is still fighting spirit. The power of blood just allows their bodies to accommodate more and more pure fighting spirit and carry more powerful power.

The power of blood is the original power of warlocks on the west coast.