Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 626

Kayla\'s fighting process is much more artistic and eye-catching than Locke.

It\'s better to say that Kayla is teasing the leader of the gab than fighting for life and death.

The pure light element energy band is surrounded on both sides of the gab beast leader, which not only limits the action of the gab beast leader, but also makes it easy for Keira to understand all aspects of the abilities of the gab beast, a digital beast race.

Rather than killing the garb leader and harvesting a secondary creature\'s heart core, Kayla prefers to study the special abilities of the mature garb, which may be helpful to her future magic experiments.

Even without any substantial experimental help, Kayla has enriched her knowledge in disguise.

Magicians are not a group of people who only know the spiritual power of meditation and accumulate magic. Only knowledge is their lifelong pursuit.

Encircling but not killing is Kaila\'s countermeasure against the leader of the gab beast.

Although Kayla has not been promoted to the second level of light element division for a long time, she can still cope with it easily with only a mature gab beast.

The pure light element energy band is essentially the incarnation of Kaila\'s elements. Only when Kaila is close to the leader of gab beast to that extent can Kaila obtain the biological information she wants.

"Isn\'t she a cleanliness addict? Has she been cured by me?" With his right hand on his chin, Locke thought. These days, he has been living with Kayla. Locke found that Kayla has changed a lot before.

After paying attention to Kayla for a while, Locke took back his eyes and carried the rolled wide blade sword to his shoulder. Locke was three meters tall. At this time, there were really some powerful biological individuals.

The surrounding young Gabs died and fled, while the living growing Gabs closely surrounded Locke into a circle to buy time for their children who had not fled far.

"Oh, it\'s all together. It just saves me time." Locke bared his mouth and revealed a row of snow-white tusks. The influence of the blood of the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex on him is actually greater than that of the angel beast, so Locke\'s character is more violent than before.

The bone spurs on the left arm are still dripping with viscous plasma. Around them, a group of growing Gabs in the form of wolves are trying to go up and stop.

They are afraid.

"Ouch!" there came the painful howl of the mature gab beast leader, who should have been badly hurt by Kaila.

Spread here, causing a riot of more than a dozen growing Gabs.

"It\'s time to end." "Jie Jie" sneered, holding a big sword with a wide blade in his hand. Locke inspired all the fighting spirit and broke into the garb herd.

This is an upside down massacre, "blade storm!" With a sharp drink, the rotating wind blade composed of fighting spirit swept through the garb herd in a spiral shape.

This is a combat skill created by Locke after he was promoted to class II hurricane knight, integrating his own moves such as "sword Qi finger", "Tianshan school sword classic" and "fighting spirit tornado".

After becoming a second-class knight, of course, Locke also has the strength and details of his own war skills. This war skill is sold in the knight palace. It also belongs to the boutique of local knights. It is most suitable for knights who cultivate style and fighting spirit.

Influenced by the climate and environment of the cold wind highland, Locke\'s status as a knight has a high degree of strength here. The formation of the blade storm also means that the life of these growing Gabs has come to an end.

In half an hour.

After picking up his booty and cutting off the two tusks of ten growing gab beasts as proof of mission completion, Locke walked in the direction of Kayla\'s battle.

The leader of the gab beast has long been in a difficult position to support. Especially after seeing Locke kill all his people, the leader of the gab beast has shown a posture of not wanting to resist.

The collected life information was recorded. Kayla, who gradually lost interest in the secondary digital beast, used a powerful light magic to end the life of the leader of the gab beast.

"Light feather arrow!" As soon as Kayla\'s voice fell, countless spots fell from the sky and hit the leader of gab beast.

The leader of the gab beast, who had run out of energy and had no fighting spirit, was shot into a sieve by the light feather arrow after a painful cry.

When the life fluctuation of the second level digital beast is completely eliminated, Kaila, who unfolds the elemental incarnation, changes back to human appearance.

Taking a breath and killing a digital beast at the same level is also a great consumption for a light element magician like Kaila who is not good at fighting.

They took away the useful materials from the leader of the gab beast. They didn\'t stay in this ruined tribe for a long time. They rose into the sky and flew away.

This is the thorn wilderness. As the main battlefield, there are still many battles here.

All the way, Locke noticed no less than ten battles.

Finally, they chose a small cave backed by the cliff as their resting place.

Handed the roasted digital animal meat to Kayla, who did not take the bone stick in Locke\'s hand. After meditating and recovering her mental strength, Kayla said, "you should restrain your inner irritability and darkness."

Locke did not object, but nodded and said, "yes, I have noticed this problem, too."

Locke is killing more than killing during the day.

The growing gab beast who died under him rarely left a whole body. The bloody scene made Keira, the light element division, a little uncomfortable.

"It should be the influence of zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex blood on you. After all, it is the blood of level 3 creatures. Although the angel beast blood I gave you has stronger potential, it is only from a level 1 Angel beast." Kayla quietly analyzed Locke.

Locke listened respectfully. He was good at fighting. When it came to principles and origin, he was not good at it.

"I\'ll try to restrain myself next." Locke said that with his strong willpower and angel beast blood as neutralization, it is unlikely to become a killing machine like zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex.

At most, it will have some influence on his character, and these influences are far-reaching.

"When I get back, I\'ll ask my senior brother. He should be able to help you." Kayla sighed. She had little contact with the knight\'s knowledge of melting blood and couldn\'t put forward any constructive suggestions.

"OK, have something to eat first. Here you are." Locke nodded and handed the barbecue to Keira.

Beichi gently bit the barbecue, and Kayla was still thinking about Locke\'s physical condition.

Here, Locke didn\'t worry too much about his situation. While eating, Locke looked at Kayla. Kayla in thinking has a unique temperament, which is very similar to that of Angelina when she did the experiment. Locke loves this feeling.


Because there is a big difference between work and rest at home and at school, the update time of this month will be adjusted.

At present, it is generally updated between 10 p.m. and 11 p.m. I try not to exceed 11 p.m.

Thank you for your support!