Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 625

Since the demigod war in rainbow forest, the front line of the three western islands in the wind continent of the digital world has begun to move northward in an all-round way.

The main battlefield gradually shifted from thorny wilderness to rainbow forest and death cliff.

Rainbow forest has been bombarded by many demigod creatures and baptized by forbidden spells and nuclear bombs. It seems to have become a human purgatory.

Millions of digital beasts died there, and tens of thousands of people lost in the knight\'s palace and holy tower.

These tens of thousands of people are not the cannon fodder of slave creatures, but a complete army composed of elite knights and magicians.

Therefore, the war of rainbow forest is not only a war that determines the direction of the war, but also a war that hurts both sides.

However, because of the intensity of the battle and the ruthless rage of high-level energy, there are few low-level creatures left on the battlefield, and the rest are all hard characters.

Moreover, the radiation energy after the nuclear explosion has also given to the digital beasts dominated by passive evolution, giving birth to many variants with special abilities.

For digital beasts, their childhood, growth, maturity, complete body and research body are their lifelong evolutionary journey.

The only reliable way to shorten this evolutionary process is mutation.

Variation means power.

The zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex can take the first place under the fighting Tyrannosaurus Rex in the Tyrannosaurus Rex family known for its power, which is due to its variant constitution.

So now the rainbow forest is very chaotic, and the degree of combat danger is only a little better than that on the death cliff.

After a short discussion, Locke and Keira finally locked the battlefield of the mission in the thorny wilderness that retreated from the main battlefield stage.

All the research digital animals retreated to the death cliff without the support of new top digital animals or external forces to interfere with evolution. The huge digital animal population in the thorn wilderness has become the best prey in the eyes of the three Western Island knights and magicians.

The killing is staged here. The precious fur, bones, heart core, blood and flesh of the digital beasts, as well as their digital beast eggs, are the most eagerly needed materials of the three western islands forces as the invading party.

With these resources, the future growth of the three western islands will be more smooth, and they will also have a greater voice in the wizard world. Knights and magicians promoted in the ruling war will also become the best mentors and pioneers of latecomers, and make their best contributions to the prosperity of the wizard world.

The theater headquarters of the thorn wilderness Knight hall.

Kayla dressed as a magician and Locke dressed as a knight are very eye-catching here.

When will the magicians come to the knight\'s palace when they take over the task?

Because of the consistent tradition, magicians with more noble status can go to the activity area of the knights, and it is difficult for the knights to enter the activity place of the magicians.

Therefore, Locke, who couldn\'t go to the Santa theater command, discussed with Keira, and they went straight to the theater command of the knight hall today.

Kayla, wearing a hood, was still hard to hide her active light element magic. Many Knights stopped and looked at them.

Fortunately, Kaila is not the only caster in this camp. There are still many magicians here for various reasons, and some are the West Coast blood warlocks that Locke had the honor to contact.

In the mission hall, the staff looked at Locke and Keira, who showed an obvious secondary biological smell, turned over the crystal ball panel and finally provided them with mission information suitable for them.

"How about these tasks, you two?" The staff is an ordinary first-class knight. It can be seen that the backstage is not small.

However, no matter how big the backstage of this first-class knight is, in the face of strong people one level higher than himself, especially one of them is a magician with more noble status, this knight must show his absolute respect.

Awe of the strong is the guide for the weak. Even Locke came here at the beginning.

Picky, Locke chose the two most suitable for them from the tasks the staff showed them. He turned and asked Kayla, "which do you think is suitable?"

Kayla under the robe did not show her appearance, but stretched out a white jade arm, pointed to one of the tasks and said, "that\'s it."

"Destroy the garbu tribe and retrieve the head of the mature garbu leader and 20 tusks of the growing garbu as proof of the completion of the task..." Locke whispered about the task Kayla was referring to.

Two days later.

The northern windy highlands of the thorn wilderness.

This is the highest average altitude in the dark region of the wind continent.

Although there are no mountains, the Plateau snow here still limits the access of most lives.

Only high-level digital animals that have adapted to the cold wind and ice and snow can survive here, and the cold wind highland has indeed given birth to a number of powerful digital animals unique to this region.

Gab is one of them. When they grow up, they have the level of first-class creatures. When they mature, the leaders have the strength of second-class creatures. Gab is not only in the whole cold wind highland, but also at the top of the food chain.

This is not the only special feature of this race. In such an icy and snowy environment, what the gab family understands is not the energy elements of wind system, ice system and water system, but the fire system in great contrast.

Kayla finally chose this task as her first trial task with Locke, which also included the subjective factor of being curious about the abilities of the Gaby race.

"A little weak." Three meters tall, the bone armor is attached to the body surface, the two white wings are slightly open, and the bone spur of his left hand pierces into the head of a growing gab. Locke twisted his neck and sighed.

At random, he threw the lifeless gab beast aside. Locke was not in a hurry to attack other growing gab beasts who were both eyeing and frightened, but looked at Kayla who fought with the leader of gab beast not far away.

The gab beast group described in this task is only a small group. A level II mature digital beast is not enough for Locke and Keira. At Keira\'s strong request, the head of the gab beast was handed over to Keira.

Locke needs to kill the remaining 15 or so growing Gabs.

Locke didn\'t pay too much attention to the baby Gabs. They were of low value and were not threatening. All these baby Gabs ran away. He wouldn\'t be distressed. He just needed to pay attention not to take away the eggs of the gab family when they ran away.

The recovery price of digital animal eggs in the holy tower and knight palace has always been satisfied by knights and magicians on the battlefield.