Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 624

Locke\'s words were vague, but Kayla heard that he habitually wanted to call Jos Shibo.

There was also a trace of embarrassment on his face. Kaila said, "elder martial brother, he has returned to the space fortress. The War deployment in the dark area is inseparable from his seat."

Jose didn\'t even recover from his injury, so he went back to work. Locke had a deeper understanding of the semi divine master\'s character.

"Is there no problem with his injury?" Locke asked. He was very close to Jos on the battlefield, so he was very aware of the great injury suffered by the martial uncle.

"Through emergency treatment and the special medicine sent by Panamanian master, senior brother is not in danger of falling." Kayla nodded.

Since her parents died one after another 200 years ago, and the mentor of her relatives and elders died a hundred years ago, only her senior brother Jos and sister Ashar are left close to Kayla.

So when she first found that Jos was in danger in the rainbow forest, Kayla tried to help her senior brother regardless of the danger.

When he heard that the martial uncle was ok, Locke relaxed. He was in danger this time. If he didn\'t save Jos in the end, he would lose money to death.

By the way, I don\'t know what happened to AI. Locke hurriedly touched his dimensional bag.

The dimensional bag is still around Locke\'s waist, but the Hellfire giant inside is no longer in it.

The connection between the master and servant contract in the soul let Locke know that AI is not dead, but her mental power fluctuates. Now she is as weak as Locke.

"Have you seen my pet?" Locke asked Kayla.

"That Hellfire?" Kaila nodded and said, "his injury is much more serious than yours. He has been taken to other places for treatment. However, since he saved my senior brother, he asked me to tell you not to worry about the safety of that little guy."

Hellfire giant is only a slave creature of Locke after all. Of course, it can\'t be taken to the rest base of knights and magicians to recover.

But with Jos\'s words, Locke was also relieved of AI\'s situation.

"And..." Kayla stopped talking.

"Well?" Locke looked at Kayla strangely. He had never seen Kayla show such a coy look.

"Thank you!" Kayla solemnly said that Locke could put aside his life and death for her request. Kayla was very moved. In her memory, only her tutors and parents had treated her so selflessly.

It is said to be selfless, but in fact, Locke still has his own selfish desire, that is to ease the relationship with Keira.

Kayla wants Locke to be responsible for that kind of thing. Locke has absolutely nothing to say and will bear it if she is tough.

The only thing that makes him nervous is that with Kayla\'s character and Angelina between them, it will be difficult for Kayla to make a decision.

And Locke doesn\'t think Kayla will fall in love with herself after she has slept with her once. He still has this self-knowledge. He is not handsome, nor does he have the erudite and elegant temperament of magicians. He is a pure old knight.

"Well, this is what I should do, for you and myself." Locke looked at Kayla\'s face and said cautiously.

He was afraid that this numb words would cause the second-class light magician to be angry. Now he was weak, but he was not even a first-class knight.

Hearing this, Kayla turned red and immediately adjusted. She knew a lot of magicians around here. If others could see something, how could she, a thin skinned Female Magician, stand the gossip of others.

"I, I\'ll configure you with a recovery potion." Kayla left here in a hurry and ran away, which made Locke laugh.

This month\'s cultivation period is the most comfortable period Locke has had in recent years.

Kaila is waiting by every day. She doesn\'t say anything, and she doesn\'t have a task to add. She just needs to eat and sleep and eat.

Under Locke\'s guidance and advice, Kayla\'s cooking has improved by leaps and bounds. At least now she can cook a more delicious dinner for Locke.

There is no kitchen in the rest base. Kayla rented a temporary laboratory and cooked for Locke with an expensive element stove on the alchemy platform. Locke also tried such a luxurious diet for the first time.

"Don\'t you have the task assigned above?" Locke asked Kayla strangely.

With such a beauty nearby, even if he can\'t do anything, it\'s good to look at it every day. He\'s reluctant to give up this kind of life.

"I\'ve just been promoted to level 2 element master. I can apply for the element body adaptation stage for a period of time, and elder martial brother also said hello to me." Said Kayla.

At that, Locke nodded.

In other words, after he is promoted to level II knight, he can also apply to the knight palace for a period of blood fusion adaptation period.

Wait until the injury is cured, Locke thought.

He has been a little tired of fighting. He hasn\'t enjoyed life and accompanied his family for nearly ten years. Now Locke just wants to stop for a period of time and have a good rest.

In addition, his life expectancy has doubled several times since he was successfully promoted to knight. 800 years is enough for him to spend a lot of time, and he doesn\'t need to worry about promoting his strength for the time being.

Locke is not a cultivator. He has been working hard just to enjoy a better life.

During his recuperation, an unexpected man made a special trip to visit Locke.

"Master Michelle!" Seeing the teacher\'s aunt again, Locke quickly sat up from the hospital bed.

His injury has almost healed, and his morale and physical strength have not recovered completely. The main reason why he is still lying in bed now is that this guy is taken care of by Keira.

"Locke, I know everything about the battle. Thank you for your help." Master Michelle said that her relationship with Jos is no secret in the high-rise of the Santa tower.

This time, without Locke\'s help, Jos really died in the rainbow forest. Michelle simply doesn\'t know how to endure these long years after she was finally promoted to level 3 magician and has a life span of thousands of years.

It is very likely that the great magician with deep love will follow Jos\'s footsteps and die in the digital world.

If you can\'t live together, you must die together.

"Master, you don\'t have to be so polite. Martial uncle is in trouble. Can I help you?" Locke smiled. "Besides, thanks to the negative energy fusion beads you gave me, I can survive in danger again and again."

He was right. The negative energy change bead saved himself three times before and after. He owed Michelle a great favor.

"I\'m glad that the negative energy fusion bead can help you. These are some restorative props. It\'s a little of my heart." Master Michelle wants to put a space ring in Locke\'s hand.

"No, no, no, I can\'t..." Locke\'s refusal, at the strong request of a level three magician, did not work.

Put the space ring into Locke\'s hand and communicate with Locke and Kayla for a while. Master Michelle hurried away again.

In her words, the combat mission is completed. Now we have to rush back to the space fortress to report.

But looking at master Michelle\'s worried expression, Locke didn\'t know it was the master who wanted to go back to see Uncle Jos\'s injury as soon as possible.

A semi God level was hit hard by death, but it was not as easy to recover as Locke. Even if he cherished the life-saving props and the treasures given by the fourth level magician Panamanian master, Jos had to recover completely for at least half a year.

Master Michelle is worthy of being a level-3 magician. Her hand is extraordinary. In addition to some restorative drugs that Locke can\'t name, Locke also found more than a dozen heart cores of level-2 digital beasts in the space ring.

More importantly, these secondary digital beasts are creatures with wind attributes. The wind attribute magic core provided by them is the best prop for Locke to recover his fighting spirit.

With these wind attributes, magic cores and precious recovery potions, Locke\'s recovery time was shortened by ten days.

Ten days later, when they walked out of the rest base together, Locke asked Kayla nearby, "where will you go next?"

When Locke asked, Kayla showed a trace of hesitation. According to her original character, there will be another vacation after the task. Nine times out of ten, Kayla will return to the space fortress to continue her experiment or prepare for not being promoted to level 2.

Now that the second level light element division has reached, Kaila hesitates whether to go back to the space fortress to continue her magic experiment.

The reason for her hesitation is naturally that Angelina is still on the space fortress.

As a mentor, having sex with her apprentice\'s husband, Keira just wanted to find a hole in the ground.

The most important thing is, Kayla, she also knows that she may not know that it is so simple to have a relationship with Locke.

After touching her stomach and making a decision in her heart, Kayla said, "I\'m going to the front battlefield. After I\'m promoted to the second level element division, I need a lot of practical combat to stabilize my realm."

Locke was a little surprised when he heard Kayla\'s answer, which was different from what he expected.

After a moment of silence, Locke said, "let\'s go together."

Glancing at the man next to her, Kayla said, "won\'t you go back with Angelina?"

Kayla\'s tone is strange, a little sour and a little sweet.

Scratching his head, Locke said simply and honestly, "I have just been promoted to level 2 knight. I also need to fight to stabilize the realm, and..."

Lockton paused and said, "besides, I don\'t trust you to go to the front alone."

Angelina\'s garrison mission on the Space Fortress will not end for a long time.

With master Jos and Michelle in the Space Fortress, Locke doesn\'t need to worry about Angelina\'s life safety, but Kayla is different.

After all, it was a dangerous plane war. Locke didn\'t trust Kayla to carry out the combat mission alone.

Feeling the mixed feelings in her heart, Keira mobilized her magic to fly up and fly to the war zone on the front line, leaving only a string of plain voice, "since you want to come, come."

Listening to Kayla\'s words, Locke didn\'t hesitate. He also mobilized his fighting spirit and flew away side by side with Kayla.