Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 623

This is the front-line battlefield Hospital of the battlefield in the dark area, and it is also the nearest cultivation base from the main battlefield of the thorn wilderness.

"How long have I been in a coma?" Locke asked with his palm on his forehead. He noticed that his arms, including most of his body, were wrapped in bandages.

The dizziness in his mind still lingers. Compared with the confusion brought by dizziness, Locke wants to get rid of the embarrassment of just attacking Kayla\'s chest.

This sentence really made Keira\'s cold face show signs of ice melting. She looked at Locke complicatedly and said, "you\'ve been in a coma for 42 days."

Forty two days! Locke has not experienced such a long time of cultivation for a long time.

Locke doesn\'t worry about the final outcome of the battle in rainbow forest. Anyway, Kayla will tell him sooner or later that what he wants to solve most now is not only the dizziness of his brain, but also the problem of filling his stomach.

"Gulu ~" the movement of his stomach made Locke blush. The knight had the absolute ability to control his body, but Locke now just raised his arm, and there was no extra power to control others.

The fighting spirit in his body was empty. The internal vision function mastered by the Knights made Locke notice that other organs of his body were recovering in a good direction, which made Locke breathe a sigh of relief.

Locke\'s stomach screamed, stunned Keira, and immediately went to prepare food for him.

Being interrupted one after another, Kayla didn\'t hold on to Locke\'s pigtail.

Anyway, they have done deeper things. It\'s just that Locke made up for her elder martial brother after he tried hard to extricate him. Kayla thought so.

When Kayla went to get Locke food, Locke, who planned to take a nap, was soon annoyed by several "patients" in the clinic.

"Brother, where have you been before? Why haven\'t I seen you?"

"Who is the second level magician of the holy tower, your wife?"

"You are lucky to have married a magician!"

"Brother, where were you injured? You have the opportunity to do the task together."


Most of those who said these words were knights. Kayla was well-known in the holy tower, but few of the Knights knew her. She was a female magician who rarely went out of the laboratory in non wartime and mainly completed tasks in wartime.

Whether you know it or not, Kaila\'s obvious fluctuation of second-class magicians awed most of the knights at the first level.

After rolling his eyes, Locke didn\'t care about these Knights one level lower than him. Although they were all knights on the three western islands, they were members of different Knight palaces. Ninety nine percent of the ten knights in them didn\'t know Locke.

It\'s strange that there are so many injured Knights here that no one can see the identity of Locke\'s second-class knight.

One of the reasons for this is that Locke\'s current breath is vain and there is no fluctuation of strong fighting spirit. Together with the armor and Knight Medal he wears, Locke is also a general commodity among first-class knights, so he doesn\'t make these Knights think of anything else.

Another reason is that Jos gave him the sequelae of the life potion, which has the magical potion to pull people back from the gate of hell. Although the life potion has the ability to go against the sky, it also has its disadvantages according to the principle of balance of all things.

In addition to a month of false death shock, Locke needs to endure another month of weakness.

During this time, his real strength is not as good as a first-class knight.

Locke\'s cold attitude made the sick Knights restrain their gossip and lie in bed to recover.

In the broken place of the rest base, these knights can\'t even do a boring thing. They have infinite energy. They are idle all day, just chatting and chatting. By the way, they expand their contacts and make a group of friends who may have cooperative relations in the future.

They can\'t see the strength of Locke, but it doesn\'t prevent them from knowing the fact that Locke has a close relationship with Santa.

The identity of Kaila level II magician is only one. Among these knights, there were here more than a month ago, but I saw several high-ranking figures who personally brought Locke who was pretending to be dead.

Unlike the Knights trying to make friends and inquire about Locke, a few magicians in the hall of the rest base did not come up to join the fun.

They all know Kayla and know the details of Kayla.

Seeing Kayla being eaten by a knight, the magicians first thought that the knight was over.

But then he saw that Kayla was not angry and was shocked by Locke.

I think that more than a month ago, the elder martial brother of master Kaila cooperated with several strong men at the same level to send Locke here. These magicians were even more curious about Locke\'s identity.

Unfortunately, this is not a space fortress, otherwise there is a magic transmission network on the space fortress. These magicians can use their own crystal balls to connect the shared information of the whole theater and obtain Locke\'s identity.

Curiosity is curiosity. Magicians are a group of reserved scholars. They won\'t behave so recklessly like these knights.

Many people have made up their minds to inquire into Locke\'s details by exchanging magic materials with Kayla during the healing period in this recuperation base.

Is it the illegitimate son of a demigod knight? This idea has flashed through the hearts of many magicians.

Don\'t think that only Knights flatter magicians, and magicians also rely on knights.

For knights higher than their own level, even those powerful heavenly knights or semi divine knights, all magicians, including level 3 magicians, should maintain their most basic respect.

At any time and on any occasion, the world respects the strong.

After ten hourglasses, Kayla came back with a bowl of soup flowing with strange pink.

"This is the only one. You can make do with it." Kayla said shyly.

Locke\'s face was purple with sauce. He asked bitterly, "can you not eat?"

"You\'ve just been transferred from the intensive care unit. The doctor in charge of treating you said you need supplementary nutrition." Kayla refused with righteous words.

Doctors, in fact, are magicians with high nursing and healing ability, mainly botanical magicians.

Kaila herself is also a light element master who masters a lot of healing magic. It\'s more than enough for her to be a doctor here. Kaila can naturally see what Locke lacks most now.

The taste of the mixed physical recovery potion is not good, especially in order to make Locke recover faster, Kayla made him an overdose of the potion.

You said Kayla would cook for Locke?

Sorry, Kayla hasn\'t cooked by herself for nearly 200 years. In the past, the food supply in the holy tower was in the charge of the holy tower magic apprentices.

After drinking a bowl of viscous recovery medicine, in less than half a minute, an obvious sense of fullness rose from Locke\'s abdomen.

Although it didn\'t taste good, it finally solved the problem of Locke\'s lack of strength.

Struggling to sit up, leaning North on the head of the bed, Locke inquired curiously about the final outcome of the war.

"Three extreme digital beasts were killed in the rainbow forest. The troops of the holy tower and the knight hall have completed the siege of the clown emperor\'s death cliff."

"Just after the rainbow forest war ended a month ago, the Panamanian master and Gaia jointly announced that they would advance the occupied area in the dark area."

"The thorn wilderness has gradually retreated from the stage of the main battlefield. Now the death cliff of the clown emperor has become the next main battlefield. Now in the dark area, or the land of the wind, all the research digital beasts that still exist basically retreat to the death cliff."

"More than twenty days ago, Lord Gaia\'s Hellfire Legion came from outside and strongly attacked the level barrier to form a super large four level forbidden curse - meteorite falling from the sky, which washed away the death cliff of the clown emperor."

"Level 4 magician Panamanian master is also rumored to sneak into the cliff of death and have a war with the clown emperor not long ago. It is reported that the clown emperor of level 4 research digital beast has been badly hit."


The news one by one has reshaped Locke\'s understanding of the war of the three western islands in the digital world. The rapid process of the war has also surprised Locke, a secondary knight who has been unconscious for more than a month.

This is to push the death cliff of the clown emperor in one fell swoop and end the rhythm of the plundering of the three western islands in this plane.

As for the invasion and division of the digital world, at the beginning of the war, the master of Panama, the owner of the Santa tower on the three western islands, reached an agreement with the blood warlocks on the west coast.

That is, the three western islands are only responsible for the mainland of the wind and the class IV biological clown emperor. The other two continents of the digital world, including the sea area, are in the charge of the Warlocks on the west coast with stronger strength.

These information and intelligence are public. Even Knights like Locke who join the battlefield on the way know it.

It seems that the battle of the demigod in rainbow forest is an important war node of the three western islands\' strategy in the digital world. I\'m afraid even the two level-4 strong men who are high above didn\'t expect that there would be four polar digital beasts in that place, and they were all solved by the Knights they sent.

Three deaths and one escape, one of which is the separation of the will of the guardian holy angel beast. Such a sudden success not only inspires the front-line knights and magicians, but also frustrates the tenacious resistance of the digital beasts.

Demigod creatures are not so easy to fall. In the nearly three-year war in the digital world on the three western islands, the total number of demigods falling by both sides is less than five fingers.

Unlike ordinary level-3 creatures, level-3 creatures can only be called demigods if they contact the power of the law and push their cultivation power to the peak of the supreme stage.

"Master joss... How is he?" Locke originally wanted to say uncle Jos, but that was from the perspective of Angelina\'s husband. Now he has an unclear relationship with Keira. Locke can\'t say the word "Uncle" again.

The disordered appellation relationship makes Locke\'s confused head more messy.