Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 616

"You lost." The battle Tyrannosaurus Rex with metal arm armor penetrating Jos\'s chest faintly connects with Jos channel with mental power.

Even the extreme digital beast, such as the battle Tyrannosaurus Rex, has to admit that Jos, the enemy who puts heavy pressure on it, is a respectable opponent.

The two fought from the thorny wilderness, the main battlefield in the dark area, to the rainbow forest.

The fighting lasted nearly half a month, and both sides played their cards. There was no way to take each other.

If not for the divine Angel beast\'s will to help the Tyrannosaurus Rex before his death, the battle between them would continue endlessly. As for who wins and who loses in the end, this is an unpredictable problem.

Although the fighting Tyrannosaurus Rex is in good condition now, in fact, it has reached the state of running out of oil and light. There is no doubt that the digital beasts are strong, but their strong physique does not mean unlimited physical strength.

Jos also has magic potions to supplement his body consumption, but he has been fighting Tyrannosaurus Rex.

The wizard world represented by the three western islands far exceeds the digital world in terms of level, development system, technological research progress in alchemy and medicine.

Perhaps the talent of fighting Tyrannosaurus Rex is rare among all level 3 creatures, but Jos, who is equipped with magic equipment and precious potions, is equal to it, which is reasonable.

Talent is not enough, equipment is not enough. This is a world of strength. Sometimes, your equipment is also a part of your potential and strength.

But it seems useless now? Did Jos really die from this battle Tyrannosaurus Rex?

It\'s true that the heavy blow is not fatal.

The penetrating wound in the chest is already the limit that the semi God level strong can endure. The metal arm armor of the fighting Tyrannosaurus Rex is less than a centimeter away from Jos\'s main heart valve.

The distance of one centimeter is the distance between life and death.

"I lost? Maybe, but at least not now." A low voice came from under the mask.

When the face of the fighting Tyrannosaurus Rex suddenly changed, it was necessary to stimulate energy and destroy Jos\'s physical function.

But how could joss make the fighting Tyrannosaurus Rex happy? A pale blue magic halo emerged from the pale mask.

This is a masterpiece from Jose\'s mentor, a late Level 3 magician and famous alchemist, who protected the Lord in time when Jose\'s body was seriously damaged.

Pale mask is the top existence in a level 3 magic equipment. It also has the magical ability of strange sound wave system and more elusive soul system.

The light blue magic halo is actually a soul light shield formed by releasing the pale mask and absorbing the souls of the strong on the ectopic side killed by Jos over the years.

Perhaps elemental and physical forces will erode Jos\'s physical body, but with the protection of this layer of soul light shield, Jos will temporarily maintain the light of spiritual power and stabilize the soul in the body. Even if the body suffers great trauma, he can not die in a short time.

This is a strange skill similar to a necromancer who abandons the body and specializes in bones and soul mysteries.

It was also the second time that Jos inspired this ability after he inherited his mentor\'s will and wore this faceless mask.

The light blue soul light shield not only resisted all the attacks of the fighting Tyrannosaurus Rex, but also Jos quickly got out of the danger of close combat with the fighting Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Face to face fighting is the specialty of knights. This faceless Jos can fight with the extreme digital beast. It is a great display of his own strength that Tyrannosaurus Rex can fight alone in this inextricable situation.

In the sky, joss was able to catch his breath after stretching the distance to hundreds of meters.

Through the wound in front of the chest, you can clearly see the heart still beating slightly. The heart was broken by two-thirds, leaving only a small main valve. Jos\'s heart can still beat. This is really a miracle in the history of life or evolution.

"Shit, I\'ve long heard that there is such a cruel man in the holy tower. He can\'t die!" AGUS, who noticed the situation here, scolded excitedly.

Speaking of his strong defense, Argus is also the top among the semi divine knights. He is full of bronze blood. Argus is confident that the three western islands can compete with his defense only by cultivating the earth fighting spirit and mastering the law of mountains.

But no matter how strong his defense is, most of his heart is broken, and such a huge penetrating injury, AGUS, who has bronze blood, is determined not to stand it.

The body of the law of the demigod level may make him immortal, but it will never make him still have such spare strength to fight like Jos.

"Jose, hold on!" Holding a golden holy gun, Azul said to Jos. Among the several research digital beasts, only the badola beast he dealt with was at the bottom, and only Azur was most likely to solve the opponent and support Jos.

But everyone is a demigod. It\'s not easy to decide life and death. One of the golden wings behind azir has been broken. After his face was determined for a while, the remaining golden wings burst into a little golden light and integrated into azir\'s body.

The deep breath is rising rapidly at a visible speed. This is a secret recipe for burning life that hurts the enemy by 1000 and loses 800 by itself.

After the plane war, it seems that not only Argus will take a vacation of 200 years, but Azur will also have to ask the fourth level Knight zekray for a vacation. Azur will not be able to practice his holy golden wings again without 300 years.

Once again, he rushed to the badola beast. In fact, azir didn\'t have much assurance to kill the research digital beast in a short time.

But what he showed is an attitude, that is, never die. There must be a man down here today!

Argus and Azur\'s words did not seem to bring any change to Jos\'s mood.

The low and obscure spell of casting spells echoes in this heaven and earth. The wind and cloud change suddenly and the thunderstorm rings!

Jos is a magician with light attribute and fire attribute. This move obviously has a large-scale lethal magic of water system and thunder system. It is not his life magic, but an external power exerted by a prop.

Under the pale mask without any expression, what hides is a handsome male face that is extremely weak.

Maybe today I really want to fall down here, but even if I die, Jos must die with vigour and vitality, and death is valuable!

The orange yellow energy crystal at the top of the magic wand was transformed into a cyan energy gem at some time.

This is a treasure that Jose gained when he traveled around the wizard world after level 3. The power of water and thunder condensed to the extreme. This strange energy body, which he called the gem of green, also attracted the attention of the master of Panama, the master of the three western islands, at the beginning of his acquisition.

"Right here, as my place to bury my bones." Under the mask, Jos sighed faintly.

He went out of the three western islands hundreds of years ago and wandered around the wizard world. After returning to the holy tower as a level-3 magician, he immediately started the adventure of ectopic surface. He was promoted from a level-3 magician to a demigod in only 200 years, and it took only 100 years to promote from an ordinary demigod to the strongest of demigods.

Along the way, the defeated and killed creatures may be able to fill a small continent.

Often walking by the river, there are no wet shoes. Jos also thought about whether he would become a stepping stone for the promotion and growth of other powerful creatures in the future.

However, he is not an astrologer, and he is not optimistic about astrologers\' pursuit of the illusory truth of fate. Therefore, Jos is more willing to believe that man will conquer heaven and believe in the most basic rules and rules that constitute the endless world, many planes and the universe.

Jose\'s success came out step by step!

The scenery of rainbow forest remains the same. It has been ravaged by several demigods for many days, and still retains the most primitive green.

Jose thought it was good to use it as his place to bury his bones.

The irritable energy in the green gem becomes more and more active, and the water and thunder Qi between heaven and earth become more and more obvious. There are even water element and thunder element elves dancing in it.

"Forbidden curse..." AGUS murmured.

The appearance of element elves is often accompanied by the release of powerful magic, and all the powerful magic of element elves are called "forbidden spells" by good people!

The last time AGUS saw the release of the forbidden spell was in the activated goblin world decades ago. The northern coronad meteor shower was released by the semi divine black robed magician mister, deputy dean of the College of Santa Cruz.

The fire forbidden spell accompanied by the terrible meteorite from the sky almost shook a continent that activated the micro plane of the goblin world.

Half of the indigenous people in the whole continent died because of this. In terms of the speed of killing and cutting, the magicians who master the elemental power are much faster than the fighting knights.

But Mister sang the forbidden spell for half a day and made quite full preparations. Otherwise, it\'s not very, that\'s the end of the element anti phagocytic explosive.

In front of Jos, the speed of releasing the forbidden spell has exceeded Argus\'s cognition.

In the forbidden spell, it is difficult for the demigods to fall directly. If they master the power of some laws, they can quickly escape from the center of the forbidden spell outbreak, and the third-class creatures at the edge of the forbidden spell may also escape.

However, creatures below level 3 will not be spared in this elemental catastrophe. Jos is going to bury him with all the digital beasts in rainbow forest!

And I believe that Jos will not have only this means. How can Jos easily let go of the battle Tyrannosaurus Rex that hit him hard.

The elemental energy as deep as the sea echoed over the rainbow forest. All creatures who felt the coming mountain rain were terrified of the impending divine power.

"I\'m going to help elder martial brother!" Kayla decided.

Locke\'s expression showed hesitation. The scene that martial uncle Jos\'s chest was pierced gave Locke a great shock. Can the two secondary creatures participate in the struggle between the semi divine strong.

Seeing that Locke didn\'t want to go, Kayla stamped her feet, clenched her teeth to break away from Locke and flew to the center of the battlefield.

Seeing this, Locke took a deep breath and scolded, "just go, it\'s a big deal to become a pair of mandarin ducks with you!"

Keira\'s body shook when she heard it.