Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 615

Locke and Kayla, who have just arrived at the center of the rainbow forest battlefield, are lucky to see the battle between the two top demigods, which is rare in your face.

In the cylindrical light gun in front of the chest, the red orange flare flashes, and a repressed horror power bursts out from it. Each cell on the whole steel body of the fighting Tyrannosaurus Rex is supplying energy for the scorching sun energy gun.

The light and heat like a small sun are shaped in the chest barrel of the battle Tyrannosaurus Rex. From a long distance, Locke can feel the ultimate destruction energy.

This is much more powerful than the atomic bomb Locke used to kill the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex.

The sense of crisis from biological instinct made Locke quickly pull Kayla to fly to the remote side of rainbow forest.

Naturally, he saw the figure of the famous martial uncle Jos, who was impressively on the track pointed by the scorching sun energy gun, ready to fight head-on.

I\'m afraid only the top demigod like Jos dares to resist this level of energy wave, Locke thought.

Now he and Keira will be of no use except to distract Jos.

Kayla also obviously knew this and acquiesced that Locke took her to a remote corner of the battlefield.

In the middle of the battlefield, Jos\'s situation is not exactly what Locke thought. It\'s not Jos\'s arrogance to resist the scorching sun energy gun, but the space around him is locked.

The energy accumulation time of the fierce sun energy gun of the fighting Tyrannosaurus Rex is quite long. This is a big short board of the ultimate must kill skill of this move, but this short board is after the fighting Tyrannosaurus Rex realizes that the war intention is locked and can imprison the opponent\'s position for a short time.

In the real sense, the scorching sun energy gun has become a unique skill to fight Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Warlike lock, unless its opponent is more warlike than himself, it will be forcibly imprisoned by the fighting Tyrannosaurus Rex for five seconds.

Sometimes the battle between demigods will be divided in one second, let alone five seconds.

Jos doesn\'t have a high war intention, but he has enough spiritual power to make people look up to. With the support of strong spiritual power, Jos can shorten the war intention locking time of fighting Tyrannosaurus Rex to two seconds.

When Jos finally broke away from the war intention lock, the energy accumulation of the scorching sun energy gun fighting Tyrannosaurus Rex over there had just been completed.

The red destruction light column was sent out from the steel cannon in the chest of the fighting Tyrannosaurus Rex. Seeing this familiar scene, Jos certainly knew that this level of attack could not be enemy.

"Fortunately, I was ready." With a slight sigh, Jos turned his palm and took out a short distance transfer reel.

This short-range transmission scroll must not be an ordinary product if it can successfully activate the transmission channel on the battlefield where the magnetic field of many demigod creatures is raging.

The expected portal did not open. Jos under the mask looked very bad. He suddenly looked at the battle between the holy angel beast and Felix.

Over there, four wings spread out, eight wings trembled slightly, and the holy angel beast with a milky white metal rod in his hand was closing his eyes and reciting something.

Unparalleled strong light elements converge from all directions on the battlefield. These light elements do not form any powerful means of attack, but indirectly strengthen the firmness of the space barrier of the battlefield!

"This is my last contribution to the land of the wind. I hope the death of this powerful demigod can slow down the pace of these invaders attacking the land of the wind." The holy angel beast, which gradually turned into white fluorescence, looked at every corner of the rainbow forest battlefield and said.

"Hum! Do you want to go? First ask me if I agree!" Felix, who failed to stop the divine Angel beast from casting spells, mobilized his whole body in a rage.

With the burning flame, Felix came down to earth like the God of fire. With an unparalleled posture, he turned into a flying fire meteor and rushed into the holy angel beast that gradually disappeared in the air.

After a fierce explosion, the breath of will separation belonging to the holy angel beast has completely disappeared from the battlefield.

At the same time, in the east of the wind continent, another continent of the digital world, the holy angel beast body, which was in a stalemate with the level 5 blood warlock on the west coast, suddenly turned very bad, and a touch of white gold blood fell from one of its wings.

"Oh? Are you hurt? Is it the people of the three western islands in Panama?" Right in front of the sacred Angel beast, the thunder like dull murmur echoed between heaven and earth.

Here is the sacred Angel beast Lord altar on the mountain continent. Directly above a green mountain, one end is nearly kilometers long, with a wingspan of 800 meters, and a soil yellow giant dragon covered with solid mountains and stones hovers on the body surface.

The physique of the holy angel beast is less than the size of the dragon\'s eyes, but the huge light energy contained in its body has withstood the dragon\'s attack for so long.

"If you don\'t have any new abilities, I think the digital world will fall into my hands next." The earth yellow dragon hovered in the sky above his head with great interest. He was not in a hurry to fight the guardian of the plane.

He didn\'t care about the White Gold blood flowing on his wings. The holy angel beast holding a white metal stick gave a meal to the ground and shouted "holy protection!"

A virtual shadow of the holy angel beast, magnified hundreds of times, appeared over the main altar.

The virtual shadow is also close to the height of kilometers, which is comparable to the size of the earthy Yellow Dragon.

"You really have spare strength. Good, good, let\'s continue to play!" The earth Yellow Dragon said easily after circling in the sky.

On the ground, the holy angel beast body that falls into a weak period after releasing this skill will sink its face.

Not to mention the battle that took place far away in the mountain continent, the battle of the semi divine strong in the rainbow forest of the wind continent has attracted the attention of many strong people in this position.

Before being destroyed by Felix, the divine Angel beast will successfully solidify the space barrier of rainbow forest, making Jos\'s short-range transmission scroll a waste.

Jos has been locked by the sun energy gun. With the firing speed of the sun energy gun, Jos can\'t hide at all. He can only choose hard resistance.

The current situation seems to be the opposite of before.

I still remember that half an hour ago, the fighting Tyrannosaurus rex was still bothered by the dimensional blade of hard steel Jos. Who thought that half an hour later, Jos would face the fierce sun energy gun of the fighting Tyrannosaurus Rex.

It was too late to sing the powerful defense magic. Jos, who threw several life-saving props one after another, was only able to resist part of the power of the hot sun energy gun, and still carried a considerable number of red light columns to attack Jos.

Among the companions who can support, Argus and azir are in a hard battle respectively, and Felix, who has just broken the will of the holy angel beast, is about to lose the power supply time of the energy crystal, and may fall to the level of a weak level 3 sky Knight at any time.

The words that the holy angel beast will say before destruction are not bad. If Jos really dies under the fighting Tyrannosaurus Rex, the fighting Tyrannosaurus Rex who frees up his hand will be able to unite with other extreme digital beasts present and kill the semi divine strongmen on the three western islands one by one.

As a result, because there is no fall of level 4 life, it has little impact on the invasion of the wind continent by invaders. His greatest influence lies in the time when the three western islands took the continent.

It is believed that the three western islands, which lost four semi God level strong men, will suffer a serious setback after this battle, and the digital beast family will also usher in a rare breathing opportunity.

The holy angel beast\'s good intentions are really worthy of its reputation as a guardian of the plane. It has to put Jos together when it is defeated by Felix.

After all, Jos is the strongest of the three western islands and the only terror demigod who can block the power of fighting Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Look at that martial uncle Jos. Forced by the scorching sun energy gun, he retreated step by step. Locke and Keira, who were far away on the edge of the battlefield, both mentioned their hearts.

What they can do for Jos is really limited. They can only pray from the bottom of their hearts that Jos can get out of this crisis.

Jos is nearly a thousand years old. Although Jos is a "young man" among the strong demigods, Jos is no less experienced in life and death struggle than a demigod who has lived for 3000 years.

After using seven or eight one-time precious magic props, the power of the scorching sun energy gun was finally weakened to a level that Jos could barely accept.

Since you can\'t hide, resist hard and sing a spell. A flame storm slowly forms in front of Jos. At the same time, a golden light magic shield also appears following the formation of the flame storm.

Dual purpose! It\'s a very rare dual-purpose in the magician\'s singing magic!

This has nothing to do with the amount of spiritual power of meditation and the amount of knowledge. It is purely related to the user\'s talent. One mind is two kinds, which only proves that Jos is one of the characteristics of magical genius.

Because of the time, it was too late to use the magic scroll, so the two magicians Jose called the magic released in his body.

The flame storm and the light shield successively contacted with the hot sun energy gun, the explosion sounded, and a violent element disorder was transmitted from the center of the battle to the surrounding.

The dazzling light in the explosion plunged the low-level creatures who had been observing the fighting between the two sides into temporary blindness.

After the blindness effect, a tall and bent figure appeared in the eyes of all digital beasts and the people of the three western islands.

The tall one is the ultimate fighting Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Rickets, that is, seriously injured Jose.

Jos finally blocked the scorching sun energy gun, but he blocked the powerful scorching sun energy gun, but did not stop the fighting Tyrannosaurus Rex hidden behind the scorching sun energy gun.

The metal arm armor completely penetrated Jos\'s chest.

So far away, Locke could vaguely see Jos\'s viscera broken by the battle Tyrannosaurus Rex.


Locke\'s heart was cold. Not only did he think so, but also AGUS and azir, who had been paying attention to this place, looked decadent.

Throughout the three western islands for hundreds of years, even in other parts of the wizard world, there are famous semi divine strong people with no mask. Are they going to fall into this low level today!