Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 617

In the eyes of low-level creatures, the changes in the center of the battlefield are as unpredictable as divine power.

Demigod, since there is a word "God" in the name, it must be out of the category of ordinary creatures and reach a terrible situation that is unimaginable and unpredictable.

Locke and Keira, two humble second-class knights and magicians on the rainbow forest battlefield.

Because there are three strong demigods taking the lead, many elite knights and magicians on the three western islands also fight with digital beasts in the rainbow forest.

Some of them are elite men who have been fighting with the three demigods. Some of them arrived here as the main battlefield moved northward from the thorny wilderness, and some of them were sent here by the holy tower and knight palace to complete special tasks like Locke\'s rescue mission at the beginning.

These knights and magicians are the elite of the elite. They are not afraid of enemies several times their own.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex brought from the mountain continent by the divine Angel beast will also fight with their clan leader, which constitutes the mainstay of the digital beast side here.

Shuttling on the battlefield, the closer to the center of the battlefield, the stronger the instinctive warning and crisis consciousness.

The storm, lightning and thunder are the sorrows and joys before the release of the forbidden spell, but it is a pity that, in addition to some low-level digital beasts who are tired of running away, the elite knights, magicians and high-level mature digital beasts among the digital beasts still haven\'t withdrawn from the battle.

When several demigods were fighting for their lives, why didn\'t they take out their last blood.

If the third-class creatures may escape from here, the first and second-class creatures who know they are difficult to live are the first to get rid of the fear of death before the release of the forbidden curse. Their reckless killing may be the last trace of their existence in the world.

The reason why elite is called elite is that the number of these magicians and knights is not large, but they have supported a large part of the absolute suppression and terror impression of the external weak position of the three western islands.

"Do you still have the props that caused the explosion before?" During the flight, Kayla asked Locke around her.

On the dangerous battlefield, they had already released their full posture.

Kaila, who unfolded the body of the light element, turned into a strange rainbow composed entirely of light element particles.

Body elementalization can effectively speed up Kaila\'s magic transportation speed and anti Strike ability. As long as the magic is not dry and the spiritual strength is sufficient, Kaila\'s survival ability will have a great leap.

Locke also developed his own blood and changed his body. He was three meters tall, covered with bone armor, and had two wings on his back. The bone shield on his right arm was integrated with the attack and defense of three pointed long bone spikes. He held a wide blade sword on his left hand and chopped down the low-level digital beast blocking the road in front from time to time.

Kayla asked about the nuclear bomb in Locke\'s hand. Of course, he also had this thing. The harvest brought to Locke by the last micro plane was far beyond ordinary people\'s imagination.

Locke\'s atomic bomb, which is comparable to the full blow of level 3 creatures, has seven after using one.

Limited by the number of space rings carried at the beginning, even if Locke removed other parts of his missile and retained only the most important warheads, he could only install eight atomic bombs.

As for missiles with explosion levels comparable to those of the first and second stages, he still retains some. However, when such missiles are put into the current battle, they will not even stir up a water wave.

Before Locke detonated the atomic bomb and died with the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex, Keira saw it.

Now it\'s only possible to help her elder martial brother Jos with this level of attack.

Detonating an atomic bomb almost killed Locke. Now, despite being promoted to level 2, Locke is not sure to use this big guy again.

Moreover, from Locke\'s point of view, it is still unknown whether the explosion of the atomic bomb can help Uncle Jos. It is a semi divine research digital beast, not a zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex.

In addition, we should know that the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex did not die immediately when it was hard to resist an atomic bomb detonated at close range, but was in a state of semi disabled serious injury.

Locke has no idea what kind of blow the atomic bomb can do to the demigod digital beast.

The atomic bomb won\'t work, so hydrogen Play Under the guidance of commander Ma at the earth level, Locke got a total of three hydrogen If the atomic bomb is comparable to the full blow of a third-class creature.

Then hydrogen, which is more powerful than the atomic bomb Bomb, do you have the full blow of a demigod creature?!

Looking at Kayla\'s burning eyes, Locke knew that he had to fight again this time.

"Yes, I even have something more powerful than that." Locke nodded.

Locke\'s words made Kayla\'s eyes lit up with excitement. Without Locke asking, he also knew what Kayla meant.

But Locke didn\'t hurry to take it out, but said, "you can see the consequences of the use of that kind of props. If you are careless, you will hurt yourself by mistake."

Kayla certainly knew the consequences of using that thing. Even what she was forced to do by Locke was due to the nuclear bomb explosion.

Biting her lips, Kayla said stubbornly, "give me something and I\'ll go."

Locke shook his head and said, "I\'ll go if I want to go. You can\'t go, and I won\'t let you go."

Looking at Kayla\'s light elemental body, Locke stretched out his right hand and gently touched the light element particles that make up Kayla. This time, Kayla didn\'t avoid Locke\'s dirty hands.

The warm light element particles reminded Locke of the warmth and fragrance of that night Yan, take a deep breath. Locke said, "you have to promise me not to be near the center of the battlefield before I can use hydrogen bombs to help Jos."

Hydrogen Kayla didn\'t know what the bomb was, but she could also guess that it was the kind of powerful explosive prop that Locke mastered.

The expression showed a complex color. Before Kaila could say anything, Locke waved directly and said, "you should know my temper in so many days. I will promise you only if you listen to me."

In the holy white light element particles, Kayla\'s body slowly emerged, and the woman didn\'t know when a trace of tears fell on her face.

Who are you crying for, for yourself, for Jos, or for Locke?

Finally, he looked at Kayla and didn\'t help her wipe away the tears on her face. Locke just kicked on one leg, fluttered his wings and flew to the middle of the battlefield.

Although he didn\'t look back, Locke knew that behind him, there was a woman crying silently, staring at him.

"Martial uncle, I\'m coming!" Locke unswervingly flew in the direction of Jos and the fighting Tyrannosaurus Rex.

There, the energy accumulation of sapphire has reached the final stage.