Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 614

It seems that it is easy to resist the stored power attack of the fighting Tyrannosaurus Rex, but in fact, the pressure Jose bears is not as simple as he seems.

A slight gasp came from under the mask. The magic annihilation shield was used to absorb the accumulated power of the top demigod strong. The magic consumed was also a big number for Jos.

It\'s not Jose\'s style to be beaten and not fight back.

Some elemental spices were sprinkled in his fingers. With the increase of elemental spices, an ancient magic scroll was gradually ignited in Jos\'s hands.

It can force Jos to use the magic scroll instead of calling magic with his own magic. This fighting Tyrannosaurus Rex is enough to be a powerful opponent that Jos has been difficult to meet in recent 100 years.

"Dimensional blade!" As soon as the clear sound was drunk, a cone-shaped gray black energy storm with the nature of a strong tornado appeared and swept away to the battle Tyrannosaurus Rex.

The gray black matter in the energy storm is nothing else. It is the space crack that Locke was lucky to see at a close distance.

It is an attack means that can tear space and produce space cracks. This magic scroll is one of the treasures obtained by Jos when he has traversed the three western islands for hundreds of years and traveled through the wizard world with a strong attitude.

It is also difficult for semi divine strong people to face the terrible magic of their power.

Sure enough, seeing the magic of such an energy level attacking him, the iron wings of the fighting Tyrannosaurus Rex vibrated. While trying to retreat, they used their proud skills to try to intercept the magic.

"Battle tornado!" While the steel wings vibrated rapidly, a storm caused by the extreme energy of two wind elements appeared in the turbine vortex.

Under the deliberate control of the battle Tyrannosaurus Rex, the two storms merged and hit the dimensional blade sent by Jos.

Both are in the form of tornadoes, which is stronger or weaker. At the moment of energy storm contact, the higher and lower judge.

The dimensional blade with space cracks is obviously better. The wind element energy storm released by the battle Tyrannosaurus Rex is smashed after a fierce squeeze, and is crushed into an energy turbulence by the more outrageous dimensional blade.

The turbulent energy flow blew up the towering trees in the rainbow forest, causing turbulence and chaos in the surrounding environment.

Countless low-level digital beasts were hit and seriously injured by the turbulence of energy storm.

That\'s why low-level creatures can\'t rush into the battle of high-level creatures. A little carelessness is the end of breaking their heads and bleeding.

However, the damage of these low-level digital beasts, as both parties, did not care too much.

Some low-level Aboriginal creatures were killed as soon as they were killed, but Jos added hundreds of thousands of dead souls on his way to becoming a demigod.

Fighting Tyrannosaurus Rex doesn\'t matter. Tyrannosaurus Rex is famous for killing, abusing and irritable in digital beasts.

At this time, the fighting Tyrannosaurus rex has no leisure to pay attention to the deaths and injuries of those underlying digital beasts. Facing the approaching dimensional blade, the fighting Tyrannosaurus Rex holds its breath and condenses its breath. There is no retreat, the light elements on the body surface gather, and a bright light element shield is formed.

"Eternal light shield!"

This is one of the signature skills of fighting Tyrannosaurus Rex. It has an absolute defensive eternal light shield. Can it really withstand Jos\'s dimensional blade.

On the other side, Jose, who released the dimensional blade in the magic scroll, did not stop. He knew that this powerful magic alone was not enough to defeat the battle Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Not to mention the battle tornado, it has frustrated the attack power of the dimensional blade. It is this eternal light shield. Jos also has a deep understanding of its high defense power.

Not to mention that the fighting Tyrannosaurus rex has not used its ultimate must kill skill - the scorching sun energy gun again!

"Is it too much consumption and limited use... Or is it reserved for later use?" Under the mask, Jos murmured.

The power of the scorching sun energy gun is no less than his dimensional blade. If he didn\'t play all his cards and warn in advance of this faceless precious magic guide, he might have fallen down.

So Jos didn\'t dare to relax in the face of this great enemy.

Jos, who held the white magic wand in his hand and took out an ancient magic scroll, handed over all his old knowledge this time. The use of all kinds of powerful scrolls also had a great burden on his spiritual power and magic.

The voice of singing the spell came from under the mask. It didn\'t wait for the resistance of Tyrannosaurus Rex fighting under the dimensional blade. Jos\'s next move of powerful magic was already in preparation.

In addition to the fierce battle between Jos and Felix, the other two demigod Knights Argus and Azur are not much better.

The pale golden blood of the bronze man Argus is about to fill his whole body. The semi divine knight who opened the real body was seriously injured and dying once in the activated goblin world. It seems that this time in the digital world, he can\'t escape another serious injury.

"After this plane war, I\'m going to apply for a rest of 200 years. I\'d better go to Ogan next time!" The bronze man AGUS, 100 meters high, roared.

He had a long-standing feud with another semi divine Knight of the three western islands, Ou gen, which is known to all the top Knights of the three western islands.

He turned his eyes and ignored the complaints of the silly goods. Azur, who is called the golden gun rider, is also difficult to deal with the badora beast on the.

One of the golden wings has been broken. Azur, whose real body has been damaged, is no worse than AGUS.

"Hold on for a while, Felix, it\'s almost over!" Azul said to the bronze man.

Felix, who has fully developed his power and has semi divine strength, is both a level-3 sky knight and a level-3 great magician. Even Jos thought he could not be defeated in a short time. Now how can this holy angel beast resist.

With the progress of the battle, the holy angel beast showed a more and more tired color. Its split body and energy were almost exhausted.

It was the duel between Jos and the fighting Tyrannosaurus Rex that made Azur jump straight.

The energy level of the battle between the two is much higher than the demigod level in the general sense!

Locke and Kayla, who had just flown into the rainbow forest, were lucky to feel the fierce battle of several demigods for the first time because of their keen sense of secondary creatures.

That kind of energy explosion with a strong threat of death, which means death at the touch of touch. Locke believes that even if he starts his transformation, it will be the same outcome.

I wanted to take Kayla to avoid the aftermath of the demigod battle, and then a roar full of anger echoed in the rainbow forest.

"Sun energy cannon!" Fighting Tyrannosaurus Rex still used its own ultimate must kill skill after all!

"My senior brother is there. Let\'s go and have a look!" Kayla looked at the energy explosion with worry and said.

As soon as Locke\'s face was bitter, he could only suppress the warning sign in his heart and cover Kayla to move to the center of the battlefield.


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