Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 613

The most precious power source of the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex is the dark red heart on the inside of the spine. The original blood power has been integrated into Locke\'s body. Now the greatest value of this skeleton is itself.

Whether it is given to alchemists to make magic equipment or to magicians interested in this experimental research, it is enough to earn Locke\'s blood once.

After everything was handled, Locke and Keira left here.

"Where are we going?" Locke asked Kayla habitually.

No matter how he bullied others before, now Kayla is still an elder of Locke. Locke needs to listen to Kayla\'s advice.

Moreover, based on Kayla\'s three-year experience in the digital world, she should know better than Locke where they go next.

Continue to the west, go to the westernmost end of the Riyan desert, and get in touch with the teams of the holy tower and the knight palace.

Or south. To the south is the thorn wilderness, the main battlefield in the dark area.

If the first level of them can\'t help themselves in the thorny wilderness and have to rely on luck to survive, the two who are promoted to the second level can already obtain basic life-saving ability on the battlefield at that level.

Locke prefers to go to the thorny wilderness in the south. He has just been promoted to level 2. He has a lot of power to squander. He really wants to see his real combat power as a land knight, especially after his blood transformation.

Another reason is that Locke doesn\'t want to contact the knight palace so early, because after returning to the big army, they must report to the space fortress.

How Locke explained to Angelina about Kayla at that time was a headache for Locke.

Kayla\'s answer was beyond Locke\'s expectation. "Let\'s go east to rainbow forest." Kayla said faintly.

"Rainbow forest? Why?" Locke said strangely.

Kayla said before that there might be a demigod fighting in that place. After being promoted to a second-class knight, Locke was confident to fight with a group of second-class digital beasts and dared to face third-class digital beasts, but he was really not confident to go around in the battle group of a group of semi God strong men.

The more you grow up, the more you can know your smallness.

Locke knew how many pounds he had. The expansion of his strength after the breakthrough did not make him blindly arrogant into the illusion of invincibility.

When her eyes narrowed, Kayla said, "the general attack belonging to the three western islands should not be far away. Since there are semi divine strong men fighting in the rainbow forest, it is likely to be one of the decisive battle points."

Kayla is worthy of being a magician famous for her IQ. It\'s Tao after analysis.

"Even if there is a demigod level, you don\'t need to worry too much. Since there is a research body digital beast, there must be a demigod level strong in our three western islands." Maybe she saw what Locke was worried about, Keira snorted.

If Kayla had spoken to him like this before, Locke would have no feeling, but now Kayla has become Locke\'s woman. Locke can\'t bear to be said by her own woman in a contemptuous tone.

"I have nothing to worry about. I\'m not afraid of not protecting you well." Locke argued.

"Hum." Keira turned her head away from Locke.

Although there was nothing on her face, Kayla was still a little warm in her heart, which she didn\'t even realize.

Mobilize energy and fly to the rainbow forest in the southeast.

"My senior brother Jos is likely to fight in the rainbow forest." During the flight, Keira lengbuding said to Locke beside her.

When Locke heard this, he was so angry that he didn\'t run up and fell down.

Locke is still in awe of the famous and unfathomable martial uncle. The awe is not the awe of the younger generation to the elders, but the awe of the weak to the strong.

He had a hunch that ten of them were tied together, and he was not the enemy of martial uncle Jos.

That\'s a real demigod! Or the top of them!

The battle of rainbow forest has gone further and reached a white hot stage since the accidental explosion of Riyan desert a few days ago.

Both sides are very unfamiliar with the energy response of nuclear bomb explosion.

So they all thought it was caused by the other party\'s forces. After that, many three-level digital beasts rushed to the rainbow forest from all directions of the wind continent under the call of the guardian\'s will.

On the other hand, the three western islands have gradually arrived with their support.

The fiery darkness above his head, like a death star, put deep pressure on everyone present. It was Felix who inspired all the energy.

After the dark blue prison fire world, Felix, who absorbed 12 / 10 of the energy of the navel of the plane, experienced a near death gamble with his beloved, and finally reaped the outcome of the release of semi divine power twice.

One light and one dark are two precious energy bodies. After each one is used, Felix can perfectly integrate the abilities of level 3 sky knight and level 3 magician in a short time.

Because the fighting spirit and magic are fire, Felix directly skips the entry level and reaches the medium control stage for the control of the law of fire after adding dual abilities.

That\'s what the top demigod can do!

As soon as Felix joined the battlefield, he immediately took over the burden in Jos\'s hands and faced the most threatening holy angel beast will.

Considering that the holy angel beast is a light attribute digital beast, Felix\'s energy body is transformed into a dark attribute crystal this time.

So his flame power is dark inflammation.

The burning dark fire of destruction, the coexistence of burst energy and destruction energy, is the biggest nemesis for light energy users such as holy angel beast.

Because the holy angel beast is not the noumenon, its auxiliary role is OK in this kind of demigod level battle. It can\'t really do much good to the existence of the last demigod level.

It can also temporarily resist the pressure from Felix with its strong recovery ability and strange Guardian blessing.

The battle scene between them was extremely fierce and thrilling, because they were both temporary. Felix exhausted his energy body first and returned to the virtual state, or the holy angel beast failed to resist Felix\'s fierce attack, which had a huge and far-reaching impact on the war situation of rainbow forest.

"Tyrannosaurus Rex flame!" A flame beam filled with hot energy burst out of the arm gun of the fighting Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Jos, who was wearing a magic robe and holding a white magic wand, appeared in front of him with a light red magic shield after singing a spell for a short time.

The scorching energy of the Tyrannosaurus Rex flame, after hitting the light red magic shield, like a clay ox into the sea, disappears into the invisible. Only the surrounding scorching heat elements suggest the energy surge of the fire elements that occurred here before.