Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 612

After dinner, in order to avoid, or escape, this embarrassing and cold atmosphere, Locke took the initiative to take on the duty of vigil.

After eating some barbecue and recovering a lot, Kayla still wore the animal skin and sat by the campfire on the slope.

Kayla, who has recovered a lot of mental strength and gradually filled with magic, found herself promoted to level II element division.

But the good news of promotion didn\'t bring too much joy to Keira. She still looked at the bonfire in front of her in a daze.

This daze is most of the night.

Locke, who has been secretly paying attention to Kayla nearby, is very relieved to see that Kayla has no short-sighted or extreme behavior.

Once Kayla has something to think of, Locke will definitely appear and stop it at the first time.

Locke also thought about whether Kayla would try her best, but after a simple thought, Locke had an idea. It was about three knives and six holes. It was a big deal that he asked Kayla to stab himself.

Don\'t think that Locke has lived for decades and is the prince of a small country. In the final analysis, Locke is still a straightforward civilian character. It\'s difficult for him to understand Kayla\'s complex thoughts at this time.

The only thing that left Locke unfounded was what Angelina did after she knew about it.

Based on Locke\'s understanding of Angelina, even if Angelina loves him deeply and suddenly knows that she has her mentor, it must be a complete breakdown, and even it is possible to go her separate ways.

Go step by step. Locke can only hold this ostrich mentality.

To Locke\'s relief, Kayla was calm for half the night.

In the second half of the night, the cold wind on the Gobi Desert blew, and the temperature difference between day and night greatly scorched the desert. Due to the physical quality of Rocki knights, they were not very adapted.

Wrap the animal skin tightly around her. Kayla lay on her side by the campfire and narrowed her eyes to rest. After sleeping for a long time, she hasn\'t fully recovered. Bursts of fatigue came from her body.

Half an hour later, a figure appeared next to Keira.

Kayla woke up in a moment, her hair standing slightly.

Lie down and get into Kayla\'s quilt. You can feel the stiff and resistant power of the person in your arms. Locke gently stroked Kayla\'s back to let her relax.

It\'s really strange that Kayla, who has always had a serious habit of cleanliness, can tolerate Locke, the opposite sex, being so close to her, not to mention that they can be called honest with each other now.

Kayla\'s breath was a little hasty, and Locke\'s light attribute energy appeared, which finally made Kayla\'s trembling body gradually return to calm.

"Sleep." In Keira\'s ear, Locke whispered.

The hot air from her speech made Keira\'s small head shrink, just inside Locke\'s arm.

When Kayla realized that she wanted to take it out, Locke used his strength to make Kayla only accept this sleeping position.

The faint nausea brought by cleanliness has gradually dissipated, and Kayla\'s body slowly accepted the man.

Locke, with a beautiful woman in his arms and greasy hands, really held back and didn\'t do anything that night. He was afraid to stimulate Kayla again.

The two held each other like this and spent the rest of the night.

The next morning, Locke woke up early. Naturally, he didn\'t have the cheek. He continued to put his salty pig hand on Kayla\'s chest and quickly put on his armor. Locke went to prepare breakfast for the two.

Kayla, who also woke up, didn\'t give Locke the same face today as yesterday. Her expression has been very calm.

When Locke finished his work, he reappeared in front of Keira.

Kayla only said faintly, "give me a dress."

In Kaila\'s magic ring, there are only two magic robes. One was damaged in battle and the other was torn by Locke\'s hand. Because magic can facilitate cleaning, Kaila has only one magic robe for standby all the time.

Scratching his head, Locke remembered that there seemed to be no women\'s clothes in his space ring.

But Kayla reached out again and asked him for it. She could only rummage through the space ring.

This search really led him to find a dress suitable for women.

This is what he got in the last position and collected it specially as clothes for fun with Angelina and other women\'s rooms after returning to the three western islands.

The short skirt silk stockings with the bright color of the earth plane were taken out by Locke from the space ring.

Seeing this strange dress, Kayla\'s face turned a little red, a little angry and a little shy.

From the perspective of human beings in the wizard world, this skirt is too short, and waist length skirt is the mainstream here.

And what happened to that silk stocking? Kayla has never heard of it.

Maybe it\'s to match Kaila\'s temperament. The short skirts and silk stockings taken out by Locke are pure white. He also wants to take out a pair of crystal sandals, but considering the terrain of the Riyan desert and the fact that master Kaila may not like these shoes, let it go.

With the help of Locke, Kayla, who put on pure white silk stockings and a short skirt, just took a look at herself with a magic mirror and immediately said she would take off this layer of clothes and change for another.

It\'s so tempting. Locke, who is full of blood, how can Kayla achieve her wish.

After persuading for a long time, he finally took out a knight cloak from the space ring and put it on Kaila, which dispelled Kaila\'s reluctance.

But to be honest, Locke felt that there was a cloak on the outside, and Kayla\'s dress was more like refusing to welcome, which made Locke itch.

Fortunately, he still has reason and no essence Insect shangnao cleaned up with Kayla and left the place that impressed them.

There was yellow sand around. Locke looked around for a while, turned to Keira and said, "let\'s go to the place where we fought first."

Without nodding or shaking her head, Kayla acquiesced in Locke\'s decision.

What prompted Locke to go back to the place where the nuclear bomb exploded was that he couldn\'t put the corpses of the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex and the Tyrannosaurus Rex who died in the explosion.

That\'s the legacy of a batch of level 2 digital beasts and a level 3 digital beast. How could Locke ever have such a rich booty.

Locke, who was still dreaming of making a fortune, flew all the way to the direction where they fled with Kayla.

This time they didn\'t hide. After they were both promoted to level 2, with their current strength, as long as they didn\'t encounter a complete digital beast, the Riyan desert can walk sideways.

Locke doesn\'t know what the power of the somatization of the light element Kayla mastered after she was promoted to level 2, but what he knows is the huge energy in his body.

This time he was confident and met all the digital beasts at Level 3 again. Even if he couldn\'t fight, he could still run. Locke, the hurricane knight in the second stage, made a great leap in speed.

The radiation diffused in the explosion pit did not dissipate after several days.

However, this situation is much better than the sequelae of the nuclear bomb explosion on earth.

The self-healing ability of low-level planes far exceeds that of micro planes.

In time, three or five years, there will be no relics here except a huge pit.

Gesturing to Kayla to be careful of the surrounding situation, Locke took the lead in rushing into the nuclear radiation.

The air shield opened slightly, and Locke looked for something valuable in a fluorescent green.

The ground is full of gnawed bones. Locke recognizes that some are the bones of mature Tyrannosaurus Rex and some are the bones of other digital beasts.

It seems that after they left, there was another battle here, a battle between digital beasts.

They mostly compete for the flesh and blood energy of these Tyrannosaurus Rex. After all, for digital beasts, evolution is their lifelong pursuit, and the flesh and blood energy of Tyrannosaurus Rex can greatly accelerate their evolutionary process.

The digital animals on the ground are mainly growing digital animals. Only a few have the level of first-class creatures, and others are below level 1.

Many digital animals died not from the same kind of mouth, but from nuclear radiation. Locke not only saw a digital animal rotten in fluorescent green mucus.

"Nothing valuable ~" Locke sighed.

Kayla, surrounded by a cloak, was not so depressed as Locke. She walked into a pool of corroded corpses and carefully collected the precious specimens in front of her with test instruments.

In front of the magicians\' desire to explore the truth, Kayla temporarily ignored the nausea brought to her by this pool of mucus.

The open magic shield perfectly separates Kaila from the surrounding rotten water, so that Locke doesn\'t have to worry that Kaila\'s white silk stockings will be soiled.

Patiently wait for Kayla to collect the specimen materials she is curious about.

After nothing attracted the two people, Locke strode to the center of the explosion, where the radiation was stronger and the energy factor was more violent. It belonged to the threat of all zombies and Tyrannosaurus Rex at the end of level 3, which sometimes appeared.

At the center of the explosion, it seems that this is the "cleanest" place in the whole explosion range. There is only a zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex standing here.

From time to time, there is dark and death energy in Sen\'s white skeleton to resist the radiation ability in the air. The skeleton of this zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex is still well preserved.

"If this thing is still there, it\'s enough to get back." Locke laughed.

The bones of all the digital beasts at Level 3, especially the very special variants of the Tyrannosaurus Rex family, I believe many Santa mages will be interested in this.

Of course, Kaila herself is a magician. When Locke asked, he clearly meant that if Kaila was interested, the skeleton would belong to her.

For his own women, or for women who have had a relationship with him, Locke is still very generous.

Kayla, who converted to light magic, didn\'t appreciate it. As a light elementalist, she didn\'t have much interest in the bones of dead creatures. She turned her head and stopped watching the bones of zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex.

After spitting on the palm of his hand and moving his muscles and bones, Locke plans to dismember this huge skeleton into his space ring.