Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 611

The irrational Locke rushed to Keira, who was unprepared. Keira, who was suddenly startled by Locke\'s behavior, didn\'t wait for her to respond, "hiss!" The sound of clothes tearing came.

Kayla\'s magic robe is a magic equipment, but in front of Locke, who is promoted to level 2 and half transformed, it\'s not enough to see. It\'s as thin as paper.

"No!" Kayla exclaimed.

But when Locke was in a state of chaos, his eyes were still bloody, and he did not restore his state of clarity at all.

Under Locke\'s powerful white left arm bone armor, Kayla was gradually turned into a little Aries.

Finally, in Kayla\'s desperate look, Locke pressed up, and then there was only the impact from biological instinct.

The white wing on the right shoulder, in the chaotic twist, fluttered a little golden feathers and fell into their bodies, which is the purest light element energy.

The botanical restoration medicine that Locke drank, while releasing some factors to promote Locke\'s desire, began to repair Locke\'s injured body from the inside out together with the light magic.

The night is coming. Tonight is a sleepless night.

After seven or eight years of abstinence, no one knows how many desires are hidden in this guy, and these desires are all released tonight.

Like an old smoker who has been suppressed by smoking addiction for seven or eight years, Locke finally has an object to vent, and how can he let it go easily.

The battle lasted from dusk to noon the next day.

After more than ten hours of exercise, especially this kind of work that consumes his energy, Rao shilok was promoted to a second-class knight, and gradually consumed his strength.

In fact, in the second half of the night, after the efficacy of the recovery medicine configured by Kayla went down, Locke had recovered his Qingming.

But Kayla groaned under her Yin\'s expression not only didn\'t make Locke stop what he did, but also aroused the tyranny in Locke\'s heart.

When knights are promoted to level 2 knights, in addition to suffering from blood rejection, they also need to resist the wild instinct in the powerful biological blood at the spiritual level.

There is no doubt that the confused mind of the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex played a great role in fuelling the flames at that time.

But even so, Locke couldn\'t want to deny the Xiangyan incident afterwards. After all, this guy had a clear mind in the second half of the night.

Quietly opening his eyelids, Locke looked carefully at Kayla resting on his arm.

On the snow-white face, tears vaguely exist, and there are many red marks produced during resistance struggle.

Seeing this, Locke felt very guilty. Although the scars were basically caused during his irrational period, he did it after all, and he needed to bear the consequences.

Caressing the injured part of Kayla with love, a faint light energy was emitted from Locke\'s hand, which resonated slightly with the light magic in Kayla\'s body, and those wounds were dissipating at a speed visible to the naked eye.

With a groan of pain, Kayla turned around and continued to sleep in Locke\'s arms.

She was really tired. She was spoiled all night by Locke, a guy who didn\'t understand the importance. It was not until an hour ago that Kayla fell asleep after going crazy.

Looking at Kaila sleeping in his arms, Locke thought about how to explain to others when Kaila woke up.

I\'m sure Locke will be responsible. I\'m afraid that master Kayla\'s family won\'t agree. Let\'s not say whether Kayla likes Locke or not. There is an Angelina between them. These are all issues that they need to consider.

After thinking for a while, his mind became more and more chaotic. Locke shook his head impatiently. The blood of the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex had always had an impact on him, which made Locke\'s patience much worse.

Fortunately, with the blood of angel beast as neutralization, Locke will not fall into chaos for a long time like zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Feeling the tenderness in his arms, a part under Locke reacts again. I have to say that Keira\'s skin is the best after Locke has experienced several women.

The light element magician, who has a serious habit of cleanliness, has a paranoid habit of washing and keeping his skin clean in his daily life. After 200 years of maintenance, his skin is greasy and slippery, which is even better than some teenage girls.

Although there was another desire in his heart, and the body of the knight could support him to do something inappropriate for children after he rested for an hour, Locke still suppressed this thought.

Without him, because Kayla has no strength to bear Locke. If she continues, it will cause permanent damage to Kayla\'s body.

However, after a night of venting, Locke has been very satisfied, which he hasn\'t experienced in nearly a decade.

While Kayla was sleeping, Locke kept moving. He was curious about Kayla\'s physique.

In terms of the weak physique of the magician, as a first-class magician, Kaila can\'t do it with him for such a long time, but Kaila really insisted. What\'s the matter.

The warm light element energy is condensed in the palm. On the surface, it is to explore Kayla\'s physical condition, but in fact, it is the wiping Locke. After touching all over the body, he finally found the mystery.

Kayla got through?! Become a secondary light element teacher!

Moreover, in Kayla\'s body, Locke also found some traces of the original light magic of the angel beast in his body.

Is it because the golden light element feathers from Locke\'s wings melted into Kayla last night, or is it because of this? Locke has an ancient and simple book in his hand. This is a double cultivation method called the record of yin and Yang cultivation, which he obtained in the last micro plane.

According to Locke\'s character, after he got this strange skill, of course, he wrote it down at the first time and figured out the secret. After getting out of control last night, Locke involuntarily applied this double cultivation skill.

No matter what causes it, Locke pays more attention to the result than the process. As long as the result is good, that\'s OK.

Immediately put aside these thoughts in his mind, Locke focused on playing with Kayla\'s body.

After this time, is it possible to touch Keira again in the future? Locke has no bottom at all, so Locke has to cherish this opportunity now.

In the afternoon, a new smell of barbecue came, and the tired Kayla walked around and woke up from her deep sleep.

Next to the campfire in front of him, a knight, three meters tall, dressed in bone armor, with white wings on his back and a wisp of dark red and black burning on his head, was observing his changes.

"Is this what I look like after I change?" The sound line is thicker and hoarse than usual. Locke is satisfied with his physical condition after his blood changes.

The strength increased at least twice, and the white wings on the back gave Locke a great speed increase, especially during flight.

There are three prominent white bone spurs in the left arm, nearly 1.5 meters long, which can make Locke stab it as a long gun. Moreover, at the intersection of the three bone spurs, a thickened bone shield also adds a defense means to Locke.

As for his right arm, there was no change, but after his strength was doubled, Locke could even shake out a sword flower because of his easy use of the wide blade sword, which was still used and slightly stiff because of its weight.

Compared with the original, the physique of the land knight was also greatly improved. He knocked the bone armor attached to his skin. Locke felt that his protection ability was stronger than his magic armor.

Next to Kayla, the sound of waking up made Locke recover from his curiosity about change.

After lifting the transformation, the physique returned to one meter eight from the height of three meters. The bone armor, spikes, wings and dark inflammation all disappeared on the surface of the skin, transformed into the most primitive blood force, flowing in Locke\'s heart and blood vessels, and the vigorous force was constantly generated.

Locke, who turned back to human, put away his expansion caused by physical improvement and became cautious.

Observing Kayla\'s facial expression, Locke knew that stretching out his head was a knife and shrinking was also a knife. What should come would eventually come, so he dared to go to Kayla.

Kaila, who has been cold faced, saw Locke coming towards her. She looked cold and angry at first, and then saw Locke getting closer and closer to herself. There was a trace of panic on her face.

She obviously thought of some bad pictures last night, Locke in a state of chaos, but it caused her a serious psychological shadow. I\'m afraid Kayla\'s night will be spent in nightmares for a long time in the future.

Locke, who wanted to explore Kayla\'s recovery, just stretched out her hand. Kayla trembled and hid slightly behind, which made Locke stunned and full of guilt.

"How are you recovering?" Dry throat, Locke spit out a word.


Or silence.

Holding the only hide on her body, Kayla lifted the hide on her body, turned her head to her side, and didn\'t answer Locke\'s words.

The atmosphere was a little awkward.

After a standoff for a while, seeing that Kayla didn\'t want to take care of herself, Locke vented his body and returned to the campfire in some depression.

"Crackling" there was only the sound of bonfire burning around.

In the Riyan desert, of course, there can be no trees. What is burning in the campfire is actually the digital animal bones that Locke hunted during the day.

Kayla was very contradictory at this time. She wanted to kill Locke, and then she died, but she touched her abdomen. Her expression was struggling, and her hand was unable to put down.

A little fluorescence of life appears in Keira\'s body.

The sound of footsteps approaching came. Kayla sat up and felt the familiar breath of the man next to her.

"Eat something. You need to replenish your strength." Locke\'s voice came.

On a long thin bone stick, Locke roasted digital animal meat was inserted.

Seeing that the woman didn\'t take over, Locke squatted down and forced the calcaneal rod into Kayla\'s hand. He found that he couldn\'t be soft to Kayla for the time being and had to be tough.

When the smell of meat came in front of her, Keira moved her nose, narrowed her eyes and took a deep breath, acquiescing to Locke\'s arrangement.