Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 610

After the angel beast\'s blood entered Locke\'s body, Locke\'s situation changed slightly, his face no longer became so bad, and the seriously injured body was slowly repaired in the burst of light element energy in his body.

Seeing that Locke\'s situation had improved, Keira breathed a sigh of relief.

After observing Locke for more than ten minutes, Kaila took out a piece of animal skin from the magic ring and put it on Locke.

This animal skin was put on Kayla by Locke that night. I don\'t know what factors led her to wake up the next day. Kayla didn\'t destroy this "dirty" animal skin in anger, but put it into the space ring.

The unconscious Locke\'s breathing gradually stabilized, and Kayla, who was able to catch her breath, finally had time to clean up her body.

Now Locke is in a coma and there are no outsiders around. With a sense of shyness and strangeness, kailasso directly took off his robe, summoned a water element curtain waterfall and washed his body.

On the other side of the blue water element curtain waterfall, Locke\'s body can still be seen vaguely, and Keira hurriedly washes.

"He can\'t find out." Kaila, who put on her robe again after washing, released another hot sun spell to drive away the water elements escaping around.

Touched the pure white robe stained with a lot of blood and repeatedly used the cleansing technique, but there were still a lot of blood stains and fishy smell on it.

This is because the sources of blood stains are Locke and the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex. Both of them are much stronger than Kaila. The level of cleansing is limited. Kaila can not completely eliminate the traces caused by creatures higher than herself.

Among them, there is also part of the reason is the radiation of nuclear waste. As we all know, the power of radiation is a very strong interference force. Keira\'s ability to clean her robe under these interference factors has been a proof of her deep foundation.

"I don\'t know when this guy will wake up." Seeing Locke in a coma, Keira squatted on the ground with her legs in her arms and thought.

After more than 200 years of life experience, Kayla should not be so fragile, but a series of recent events have seriously tested Kayla\'s psychological quality.

Having been accompanied by Locke for hundreds of years, Kayla felt taken care of by others.

When was the last time you were taken care of? Kayla fell into a brief memory.

It should have been 200 years ago when both parents were still alive.

At that time, Kayla and her sister Ashar began to learn magic. Under the influence of their father\'s family background as a magic apprentice, they finally embarked on the road of exploring the mystery of magic.

Unfortunately, her mother did not have the qualification to practice magic, and her father\'s talent was only enough to go to a high-level magic apprentice. She and her sister Ashar have been growing up since their parents died.

Two hundred years of solitude to explore the road of magic truth has enabled Keira and Ashar to develop different personality characteristics.

Finally, after looking at Locke in a coma, she was in a normal state. Kayla wanted to plan for the next dinner.

Unlike Locke, she has a lot of food in the space ring. There are only rows of Kaila with different flavors of physical recovery medicine. It is difficult to understand the psychology of eating goods.

Also influenced by Locke during this period of time, Kayla knows that in order to recover Locke\'s body as soon as possible, he needs to supplement a lot of meat.

But Kayla couldn\'t open the Locke space ring. She had to find a way by herself.

In fact, with the wisdom of Kaila, a knowledgeable first-class magician, you can break the prohibition of kailocke\'s space ring and take out the items you want. However, breaking the prohibition of Locke\'s spiritual power will have a great impact on Locke\'s spiritual power.

Now what is Locke\'s specific situation? Kayla doesn\'t know yet. How can she rashly do things that damage Locke\'s mental strength.

Kayla, who looked around and felt the weak fluctuation of digital beast life, flew somewhere.

In the evening, Kayla returned to the sand slope.

Seeing that the magic prohibition and shield set by her when she left were intact, Kayla loosened her body.

Barbecue is not her specialty, but how can an excellent magician be baffled by this very low-tech means of human survival.

The hind legs of the roasted mountain rock beast are shaped by Kayla. Although she doesn\'t have as many seasonings as Locke, she has different physical recovery potions.

Some physical recovery potions are sprinkled on it, which makes it easier for Locke to absorb and recover his physical strength.

Halfway through the meal, Locke\'s cough suddenly came. Knowing that she had changed, Kayla hurried to observe Locke\'s situation.

The burning smell on his body has not completely dissipated. Locke, who adapts to different energy attributes in his body, has just walked out of hell and was pulled back by his severely burned body.

The survival of all creatures is based on the normal operation of various functions of the body. If you can\'t survive this disaster, Locke can\'t escape death even if he adapts to the power of blood.

"Is it just a burn problem? It\'s easy to do." Seeing this, Kayla didn\'t worry at all, but said quite easily.

All kinds of magic materials were taken out of the magic ring by her. Kayla plans to prepare Locke with a healing potion for burns and lacerations.

You should know that Kayla herself is a powerful alchemist and herbalist.

"Material... Choose this." Kayla chose a magical material she had just harvested - the flower top of the cactus beast.

Cactus beast is an ugly plant digital beast with sharp thorns, but the bright pink flower on its head is very beautiful.

The flower top of cactus beast contains rich phyto repair energy, which is very suitable as the main medicine for the treatment of Locke\'s body.

But Kayla doesn\'t know, and even many digital beasts don\'t know, that is, the flower fairy beast, the evolutionary body of cactus beast, is actually a goblin digital beast born from the stamens of this beautiful flower blooming above the cactus beast.

The ultimate digital beast and the flower fairy beast have incredible magical power. In addition to their strong individual strength, as a semi divine digital beast, they also master the eccentric rules of "life" and "reproduction".

A turquoise potion was made by Keira and carefully fed into Locke\'s mouth.

When Kayla was worried about the changes that Locke would produce next, Locke\'s body shook, his skin turned red, and intense turbulence of energy elements occurred, including wind energy, dark energy and light energy.

In Kayla\'s shocked eyes, a circle of Mori white exoskeleton slowly appeared on Locke\'s left arm, like a bone armor, extending to Locke\'s left shoulder.

Locke\'s right arm also changed slowly, and light light energy was emitted from it. A semi-formed wing suddenly took shape from Locke\'s right shoulder blade behind him.

"Blood transformation?!" Kayla exclaimed that this was just an incomplete transformation in a coma. To fully show Locke\'s appearance after transformation, he needs to stimulate his fighting strength after he fully wakes up.

But Kaila\'s shock was more than enough. Locke, whose eyes were closed, suddenly opened his eyes. It was a dark red eye without reason. Kaila had only seen it on the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex before.

Before Kayla could do anything, Locke roared, opened his irrational eyes and jumped at Kayla.

At this time, Locke was left with only biological instinct and the beast that couldn\'t reverberate in his mind.


I wrote more, so I sent it slowly. Forgive me.

These days are both exams and going home by train. The update time will be changed accordingly. I will say the specific update time in the group that day.

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