Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 607

The Western Front battlefield is the westernmost tip of the Riyan desert. Countless digital beasts fight with knights and magicians.

The huge number of slave legions on the three western islands formed the cheapest cannon fodder on the front, helping knights and magicians resist wave after wave of counterattacks by digital beasts.

"It\'s in the east of the Riyan desert. Is such a big movement a level 3 magician?" At the center of the front, a level three sky Knight asked his colleagues nearby.

For the bottom magicians and knights, this is a dangerous battlefield, but for the sky knight who has extreme confidence in his own strength, this is his own back garden.

The Western battlefield in the Riyan desert has been abandoned by the knight palace and holy tower.

One digital beast was killed in the semi God level, and all digital beasts were swept up after the third level. The sky knight is already the strongest here.

That\'s why the sky knight can play with his second level mature digital beast and chat with his companions in such a relaxed tone.

If he can be recognized by a level-3 sky knight, his colleague naturally has level-3 strength.

The semi God level strong men in the knight hall were transferred by Lord Gaia to the main battlefield of thorns wilderness. In fact, they and two other level three strong men were responsible for the war here.

"I haven\'t received any news that there are three-level magicians coming to Riyan mountain." The colleague said faintly that he did not have the leisure of another one. He called the fighting spirit like an abyss like a sea, squeezed all the digital beasts into meat foam, and threw them into the most intense area of the battlefield like garbage.

The flesh and blood powder of a secondary digital beast has welcomed the pursuit of a group of ferocious people in the slave Legion who only have the desire to kill and eat. The originally fierce and abnormal fighting zone has become more chaotic.

"Unfortunately, those two guys are too cunning and have been hidden in the bottom digital beast, otherwise we wouldn\'t be so boring." Molesting the digital beast in front of him and killing him to death, the level-3 Knight learned from his colleagues, killed it into flesh and blood powder, and threw it into the slave Legion.

The "two guys" he mentioned refer to the two three-level digital beasts on the Western Front battlefield of the Riyan desert. After the semi divine research polar digital beast lion beast was killed and all the three-level digital beasts were plowed away, only two three-level digital beasts remained active on the Western Front battlefield.

These two digital beasts are very cunning. They never show their faces in front of the sky knight and the third level magician. After the Western battlefield is abandoned, the knight palace and holy tower have to be guarded by four third level strong men here.

Before they complained a few words, the message in the knight\'s medal came. The knight\'s Medal of the third-class day knight was obviously much higher than that of the first-class Knight of Locke.

In addition to the most basic magic image function, there are other wonderful ways.

An elemental beam of light was emitted from the Knight Medal and shone in front of the two heavenly knights, forming the appearance of a grey robed magician.

"Bailey, Fergus, did you notice the explosion?" In the magic image, the hoarse voice of the grey robed magician came.

Gray and black skeletons representing the dead appeared on the side of the gray robed magician. The level-3 magician, who was thin and covered in the gray magic robe, asked the two heavenly knights to put away their neglect.

This old guy is the strongest on the Western Front battlefield. It\'s not so much that the two level-3 digital beasts are avoiding their three sky knights as the notorious level-3 magician.

Four upper level digital beasts have died in the hands of the great magician and turned into soul eating skeletons around him. Each time he kills a strong man of the same level, he can increase his strength. Under such ability, the three-level great magician is placed in the holy tower, which is also the top existence.

"Of course I feel it. Master mark, has a new level-3 magician been transferred by the holy tower?" Bailey said curiously.

The reason why he believed that it was the power of level 3 magicians, not the heavenly knights, was based on his understanding of the power difference between knights and magicians.

Even if he is a powerful and noble heavenly knight, he has to admit that the explosion at that level can not be released by the Knights using fighting spirit. Only magicians who control magic and can release dozens or hundreds of times to amplify their power can cause this level of killing.

As for the demigod level, Bailey did not consider it.

Now, the war in the wind continent has changed from a constant victory at the beginning to a stalemate stage. After rectifying their own strength and assembling the digital beasts of the whole plane to jointly resist the invaders, the Knights and magicians of the three western islands have gradually seen the difficulty of this low-level aboriginal.

Every demigod exists, which is not an important chess piece on the battlefield, and has the terrorist power to change the direction of the victory or defeat of a local war with their personal strength. Their mobilization is directly assigned by the level Four strongmen, which has restrained a large number of research digital beasts in the digital world for the three western islands.

If a demigod came to the Riyan desert, as the strongest of this front, they could not have heard the wind in advance.

"No level 3 magician came to the Riyan mountains." The grey wizard shook his head.

"Then..." Bailey hesitated, turned to Fergus and said, "is it the digital beast family?"

Fergus also looked heavy.

"I\'m going to go and have a look myself." In the elemental image, the grey robed magician said.

"If you leave, this side of the Western battlefield?" Asked Bailey.

"There are three knights on the western front. Is Horak still looking for the traces of the two level 3 digital beasts? Let him come back. I have a hunch that the decisive battle will start soon." The grey robed magician said in a deep voice.

"Is it over the rainbow forest?" Fergus looked different.

The change of rainbow forest is no secret to the three-level strong.

Some time ago, the Panamanian master and Gaia mobilized a number of semi divine strongmen to surround the death cliff of the clown emperor. Unexpectedly, under the wrong circumstances, they ran into four semi divine digital beasts in rainbow forest, a small place that had not attracted the attention of the three western islands.

Not only the bronze man AGUS and the wing of light Azur were dragged there, but also the battlefield of the faceless Jos, who was caught in a hard struggle, gradually shifted in that direction.

The original plan was disrupted. They don\'t know what the subsequent decisions of Panamanian master and Gaia adults are, but it is certain that the small place of rainbow forest has gradually become a key place in the dark area battlefield, second only to the main battlefield of thorn wilderness.

In total, there are seven demigods raging in that area. Just thinking about Bailey, I feel a surge of blood. I wish he had a share of them.

Speaking of, the Riyan desert is quite close to the rainbow forest. Master Mark\'s task of replaying the battlefield on the western front and turning to the northeast of the Riyan forest may also be his own plan.

As for what he said that the decisive battle was about to start, Bailey didn\'t think it was alarmist. The dark area of the clown emperor had been destroyed by them on the three western islands. Next, as long as it was eroded step by step, it was only a matter of time before the wind continent, which had no top life body, fell into their hands.

It was not only the Western battlefield in the Riyan desert that attracted attention to the explosion, but also several demigods in the battle in the rainbow forest stopped for the explosion.

"Have you come to support? Cough... Cough..." The bronze man Argus, who once conquered and wreaked havoc on the battlefield in the activation goblin world, is now a little depressed.

The pale golden blood coughed up from his mouth, and the holy angel beast with four pairs of wings in front of him caused him such serious injury.

"I really didn\'t expect that the guardian of this plane has similar separation ability. Shouldn\'t it be suppressed by the level 5 dragon warlock on the mountain continent?" On the other side, wearing armor and holding a golden holy gun, a pair of fighting azyr with wings also looked at several extreme digital beasts in front of them, and their lips were bitter.

However, Jos, the last semi God strong man in the three western islands, did not pay much attention to the unknown explosion. Although the explosion was comparable to the best strike of the third level creatures, there was still a lot of gap from his semi God level.

He is facing a Tyrannosaurus Rex, a research digital beast of the Tyrannosaurus Rex series, which is known as the "strongest Dragon Warrior" in golden armor.

Different from the huge size of other Tyrannosaurus Rex digital beasts, the fighting Tyrannosaurus rex has a humanoid form. The height of three meters not only does not reduce its power, but also makes this Tyrannosaurus Rex have invincible power and terrible speed.

Jos has fought the Tyrannosaurus Rex If the "Tyrannosaurus Rex flame", "battle tornado" and "eternal light shield" released by him made Jos put away his contempt.

Then Jos finally admitted that the ultimate must kill skill of fighting Tyrannosaurus Rex, the "scorching sun energy gun", was one of the few semi gods to rival him.

"It\'s just a part of the plane guardian. Hold on for a while, and our support will arrive soon." Jos\'s expression under the mask didn\'t know what to do, but his words obviously rekindled a lot of fighting spirit for AGUS and Azur.

"Who came to support us?" Azul rushed forward and continued to entangle with the badora beast.

Now they are three against four. Argus is in charge of the shaguya beast, and Jos is inseparable from the battle Tyrannosaurus Rex. The only variable is the separation of the holy angel beast.

Its biological energy level may be less than the demigod level, but its strange ability and increasing effect on these digital beasts are no less than a demigod level.

Argus accidentally touched his way and suffered a double blow from the saguar beast and the holy angel beast.

"It\'s Felix." Jos said faintly that he had just received a letter from the Panamanian master to him not long ago.