Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 608

In the huge pit caused by the explosion, a black shield was broken into stars after flashing for a few seconds.

The first function of negative energy fusion bead - Black shield: it can instantly open a negative energy shield to resist 25000 degree attack, and the maximum radiation area of the shield is 20 square meters.

The degree of the full force blow of the second level magician is about 10000, the degree of the full force blow of the third level magician is about 30000, and the degree of the half god level is about 50000.

In order to kill this zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex, Locke uses an atomic bomb with the highest damage. It is not at the height of demigod level, but it is also very close. It really looks like 40000 degrees.

The defense of the negative energy fusion bead black shield is only 25000 degrees. When Locke deliberately reduced the shield radiation area to only three cubic meters, the shield\'s defense has been greatly improved.

However, no matter how much its defense is increased, the impact at the 40000 degree explosion center has definitely reached the upper limit that negative energy fusion beads can bear.

The shield broke open, revealing Locke, who was deeply burned inside.

The short-range explosion of the atomic bomb took nine out of ten of Locke\'s life. In his basket like body, there were burned internal organs.

It didn\'t melt completely in the explosion. It\'s not that Locke has the strength to protect his life in the 40000 degree explosion, but the zombie Tyrannosaurus bear the power of most explosions.

Annihilation missile is the ultimate must kill skill of zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex. This move comes from the organic system missile launched from the spine. When the atomic bomb explodes, a large part of the explosion force is squeezed to other directions through energy hedging.

With ultra-high agility, Locke, at the critical moment, hid inside the spine bone of the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex through the gap of the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex to release the ultimate must kill skill, which is the main factor that he was not directly vaporized.

The zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex, which has no additional shield protection like Locke, but uses the ultimate must kill skill in a hurry, has now been blown in two.

"Kill... Kill..." The blood color appeared in his eyes, leaving only the zombie of the upper half of the body. The Tyrannosaurus rex was still in a state of chaos and did not return to reason.

If attack is the strength of zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex, defense is its weakness.

By Locke\'s surprise sneak attack, the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex, which is famous for its attack power, has not played its full combat power, so it is very miserable to fall into the state of being seriously injured and dying.

The exoskeleton on the body surface is difficult to resist the explosion of the missile. As the only weakness of the whole body, the dark red heart on the inner side of the spine is producing some variation in a fluorescent green radiation.

This is not the main wound. The culprit that makes the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex dying is Locke, whose arm and shoulder are inserted into his heart.

It was said that Locke died together. Is Locke a joke? He didn\'t consider that Locke, who survived the atomic bomb explosion, directly hit the life core of the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex after entering the inner side of the spine of the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex in a critical moment.

Unfortunately, the time was too short. After starting the nuclear bomb and rushing into the body of the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex, Locke had to open the black shield of negative energy fusion beads. After all this, Locke only had time to touch the heart core of the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex with his left hand, and the explosion had already occurred.

However, the effect is obvious. After annihilating the missile, the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex, which fell into a short period of weakness, was successfully hit by Locke. The powerful fighting edge of the quasi second level Knight caused a huge blow to the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex at the moment of inserting the dark red heart.

This should be regarded as the last straw to crush the camel. The short-range explosion of the atomic bomb is enough to seriously injure the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex, and Locke\'s unexpected attack makes the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex close to death.

So that the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex, the only awake survivor after the explosion, now has no strength to kill Locke, who is in the heart of his spine.

Although there is no zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex, Locke is not far from death to tell the truth.

The black shield launched by the negative energy fusion bead he relied on only blocked part of the explosion energy for him, but there were still a considerable number of shocks that hit Locke\'s body.

Locke, whose body was severely burned, was said to have been roasted too much. He could still breathe, which had a lot to do with his left arm inserted into the heart of the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex.

The human heart is on the left side of the chest, including the left shoulder. A whole arm is inserted into Locke in the dark red heart of the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex. At this time, a stream of life nuclear energy belonging to the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex is continuously replenishing Locke through Locke\'s left arm.

The reverse flow of energy between different individuals is very dangerous and difficult to do. The fluorescent green radiation waste with an unknown smell infiltrates the whole body of the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex, especially the heart.

Needless to say, the reverse flow of energy is partly caused by the chaos of zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex, but more importantly, it is these product cores derived from the level of science and technology Radiation contributed.

No one knows what happened Radiation, zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex filled with a huge amount of death and dark energy, what will happen after the nuclear energy flows into Locke\'s body.

The brilliance in the scarlet blood eyes became more and more dim, and the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex with a steady loss of power in the heart gradually calmed down.

"Kill... Kill..." The sound of chaotic fighting belonging to the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex still echoes in its huge jaw. At the moment of death, the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex still doesn\'t forget to kill.

It is worthy of being a very special variant digital beast of the Tyrannosaurus Rex family. This digital beast did not cause huge losses to the knight palace and holy tower forces on the battlefield, but was brought to such a situation by Locke. I really don\'t know whether it is its misfortune or the luck of other knights and magicians on the battlefield.

In the distance, a small black spot flew from the horizon.

In front of the fierce super three-level explosion, the residual power of the explosion has not dissipated. Without any hesitation, open a magic shield, and Kayla quickly flew into the huge pit caused by the explosion.

"This level of radiation." Feeling the radiant energy around, Kayla\'s face looked worried.

She never thought that Locke could release such a powerful explosion, and she was very worried about whether Locke could survive the explosion.

Kayla doesn\'t care about the hidden danger here. Locke can lead away the tyrannosaurus Rexs for her. How can she really listen to Locke and leave him to live by herself.

It\'s a big deal that two people die together. Kayla, who has always been clearly divided in life and affairs, doesn\'t want to owe Locke such a great favor.

You can face danger for me, so can I, thought Kayla.

The level II mature Tyrannosaurus Rex that fell to the ground one after another made Kayla\'s heart pull up. The mature Tyrannosaurus Rex with blurred flesh and light blue flame on the body surface had no breath of life.

What made her feel the most depressed was that she had not found Locke\'s whereabouts.

The closer to the center of the explosion, the stronger the radiation. After brushing herself with three layers of magic shield, Kayla resolutely explored deeper into the giant pit.

Pools of fluorescent green mucus appear on the four walls of the pit, which is the product of sand and stone particles melted at a hot and high temperature.

If Kayla had ever wanted to stop and collect and study these rare substances with extremely high radiation levels, now she has no second idea in her mind except looking for Locke.

Live to see people, die to see bodies, this is what Kayla said to herself.

Finally, among the ruins, Kayla first saw the level 3 digital beast that gave her infinite power.

The zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex, with only half of its body left, now even if it is only one foot away from death, it carries a strong threat that Kaila, a small first-class magician, can\'t bear.

She has neither Locke\'s Quasi second-class strength nor Locke\'s iron man will, but she has her own persistence.

Naturally, it can be seen that the zombie Tyrannosaurus fell into a dying Kaila. She drank a bottle of medicine to stimulate her mental power for a short time and improve her magic power. After increasing the magic transmission power of her magic shield, she flew to the direction of the zombie Tyrannosaurus.

She could feel a familiar smell there.

"Kill... Kill..." The sound of chaos from the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex is still reverberating.

Kayla endured her fear and went deep under the remains of the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex.

At the heart inside the spine of the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex, Kayla saw the man she was looking for.

"This is..." Keira covered her mouth and whispered.

Locke\'s left arm and shoulder are embedded in the heart of the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex. Several purple and black blood vessels emerge at the neck. The violent dark energy visible to the naked eye is transmitted to Locke through the heart core of the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Knowing how much this energy is absorbed will certainly cause great trauma to Locke\'s body, but Kayla dare not forcibly separate Locke from the heart of the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Because she could see that when more than 80% of Locke\'s body was severely burned and lost function, there was still a little breath of life, which was hanging by the constant dark energy from the heart of the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex.

"After the body is hit hard and the consciousness falls into a deep sleep, does it come from the unconscious survival function of instinct?" Kayla looked at Locke with a complicated face.

With hundreds of years of experience and rich knowledge, Kayla found that Locke was in the process of promoting a first-class knight to a second-class knight, which was the most critical stage of melting blood.

With Locke\'s current quasi level 2 biological level, it is impossible to survive this level of injury. Only by promoting level 2, becoming a real land knight and mastering the ability of blood transformation can we survive.

Thanks to the high level of the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex, and the darkness and death energy in his heart are also quite full, Locke can continue to hang his last breath without dissipating his light spots of consciousness.

His not handsome face frowned slightly, and a little sweat fell on his pale face. Although she didn\'t experience it personally, Keira could see the pain Locke was suffering at this time.

After all, what is delivered into Locke\'s body is dark and death energy that is different from the energy he cultivates. It\'s like giving blood transfusion to human beings of different blood types, which will die! A little carelessness is the end of explosion and death.