Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 606

This group of Tyrannosaurus Rex kept up, not worried that the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex could not get the intruder, but worried that the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex would fall into chaos, which delayed the progress of convening the digital beast corps to rush to the rainbow forest battlefield.

Looking at the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex behind him, whose whole body is composed of skeleton and only a painted black heart embedded in the inner side of the spine, Locke\'s heart mentioned to his throat.

In the real sense, the third level creatures are the best of the third level creatures!

There is no card means. Locke has only a dead end to creatures at this level.

"Card means..." Locke found a space ring with a nuclear bomb.

Locke is not as skilled in the use of nuclear bombs as intercontinental missiles. At this stage, he should not consider how to fight the enemy, but how to survive this level of explosion.

"It\'s a big deal!" Locke\'s face showed a cruel color.

Originally, he had another means to save his life - negative energy fusion beads, but he had fled from rainbow forest to Riyan desert. The negative energy fusion beads could not be used under the interference of demigod biological magnetic field.

Now it is locked by a three-level digital beast. Locke doesn\'t want to open this transmission channel that urgently needs energy stability.

Crazy to stimulate fighting spirit, Locke is trying his best to buy time for Keira.

On the other side, in Shizhai.

After the surrounding hot explosion, fire waves and smoke roared, Kayla coughed twice in a corner and showed her shape.

The strong magic shield produced more chaps. Locke\'s use of such a hand without saying hello surprised Keira.

The white robe was stained with smoke, but Kayla didn\'t have time to pay attention to this detail of herself at this time, and hurried to look in the direction of Locke\'s escape and Tyrannosaurus Rex\'s pursuit.

There was only a black spot in the sky. The terrible pressure carried by the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex made Keira worried about Locke\'s safety.

Looking at other digital animals on the field, a large number of apes suffered heavy losses. In the explosion of an intercontinental missile, these low-level digital animals, which are less than level 1, are the most powerless to resist.

The natural stone skin did not bring them more defense measures. Now they have become braised monkeys.

The mature orangutan beast was not much better. In the center of the explosion, it directly turned half of its body into nothingness. It just supported the last breath with the strong vitality of the digital beasts.

The three cactus beasts were not much better. Two of them were seriously injured on the ground, and their life and death were uncertain. One right arm was directly blown off, and green blood flowed out of the broken arm.

The Milky halo on the head of the magic wand flashed, and Kayla walked to the digital beasts who were seriously injured.


The fierce pursuit of Tyrannosaurus Rex behind him made Locke\'s scalp numb. He was chased by a group of second-class digital beasts, including a third-class Tyrannosaurus Rex, which would be surprised when other knights and second-class magicians saw it.

His escape direction is the northeast, mainly to buy time for Kaila, and it is an open desert Gobi area, which is also suitable for Locke to fully mobilize the wind system to improve his speed.

"Damn it, we have to get rid of this guy first!" The burning smell from his back came, and Locke narrowly avoided a super flame.

Zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex and Tyrannosaurus Rex troops are still chasing behind. This mature Tyrannosaurus Rex that has been following Locke is a big trouble. However, his fighting and attack means are really limited.

With his quasi second level strength alone and without the assistance of other knights, Locke is difficult to deal a fatal blow to the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

"Do you think that\'s all I attack?" Locke snorted coldly, holding a space ring with an enhanced intercontinental missile in his hand, turned and dived towards the Tyrannosaurus Rex closest to him.

Even if locked by the gravitational field of a tertiary creature, Locke\'s speed is faster than that of a mature Tyrannosaurus Rex that runs on only two hind legs.

Fierce wind fighting Qi is called the top fighting Qi skill, which is not a false name.

Locke, who suddenly turned back, really gave the Tyrannosaurus Rex a good meal, and some couldn\'t stop the brake.

A super flame sprayed at Locke\'s face door again, "ice shield!" Locke shouted angrily, and a hexagonal ice crystal shield was formed in front of the dark blue magic armor.

Thanks to the resistance and incompatibility of the ice attribute to the fire attribute attack means, the super flame released at a close distance did not have a deep impact on Locke.

I only felt a slight heat wave on my face, and the solidified ice crystal shield and the super flame released by Tyrannosaurus Rex were digested into invisibility.

In front of this "little spot" can withstand his proud blow unharmed. Some of the Tyrannosaurus Rex didn\'t respond.

After releasing the super flame, the open jaw was not fully closed. Taking advantage of this gap, Locke struggled to throw his space ring into the mouth of the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Locke, who was very close to the Tyrannosaurus Rex\'s face, suddenly kicked his legs, stepped on the Tyrannosaurus Rex\'s face with his right foot, took off again, and flew to a height of 50 meters from the ground.

By the "little spot" in front of me In the play, the Tyrannosaurus Rex is furious. However, it is too big and can\'t fly without wings. Only the move of super flame can threaten Locke.

"Super flame!" The fierce flame was born in the mouth of Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Before the Tyrannosaurus Rex finished accumulating its strength, the terrible energy that made its eyes huge suddenly generated in its own mouth.

"No!" The roar of Tyrannosaurus rex was still in my ears. I saw a huge explosion generated in the Tyrannosaurus Rex and radiated from inside to outside.

"Boom!" A small mushroom cloud appeared on the Gobi desert.

The flame of the explosion hurt Locke by mistake. Locke hurriedly raised the height. He didn\'t wait for him to take a breath. The zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex with depressed and deep breath behind him was close to him.

Through the smoke curling mushroom cloud, the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex didn\'t care about the aftershock of the explosion on his side, and bit at Locke.

The zombie Tyrannosaurus rex has no wings, but it has six bone spurs on its back. The high-frequency vibration generated by these six bone spurs makes the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex realize short-distance gliding.

Looking at the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex that gave him endless pressure and holding the space ring with nuclear bomb in his hand, Locke\'s expression was full of despair.

The seriously injured and dying cactus beast was decapitated with laser light. Kayla suddenly turned her head and looked in the direction of Locke and the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex.

There, a small mushroom cloud incidental to an explosion has not dissipated, and another more violent explosion sounds. It carries an energy storm as if it had the power to destroy the world and runs over in all directions. At the same time, the mushroom cloud thousands of meters high has attracted the attention of many strong people in the Riyan desert and even the rainbow forest further away.