Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 603

The next day, they set foot on the journey again.

Kayla, who had not spoken to Locke for a whole day and recovered less than half of her mental strength, mobilized her magic to follow Locke not far behind.

Magic is indeed a rare magical power, such as swiftness, Feihong, concealment Kayla, who has a few little magic, is no worse than Locke, a wind knight, in terms of forward speed and concealment.

The outline of the surrounding trees gradually became thin, and the dense forest area gradually became low shrubs. Locke knew that he was about to get out of the rainbow forest.

"Further west, where will we get?" Standing at the top of the tree trunk and looking into the distance, Locke asked Kayla below.

With her eyes turned up, Kayla didn\'t want to say too much to this guy.

Well, Locke, who knows he\'s wrong, doesn\'t say anything. Anyway, with Keira, he doesn\'t have to worry about losing his direction.

Locke didn\'t force Kayla to rest tonight, because the strength has been restored. Less than half of master Kayla can\'t be bullied by him, and Kayla\'s spirit is much better. With the nourishment of light magic, Kayla\'s abdominal wound shows a benign change.

Lying on the tree trunk, Locke half narrowed his eyes and went to shallow sleep. He didn\'t feel the surrounding situation clearly. He didn\'t dare to sleep like this, leaving half of his mind to pay attention to his surroundings at any time.

Locke, who hasn\'t closed his eyes for three days, slept soundly. In the middle of the night, he felt someone close to him. From the sense of breath, it was master Kaila.

However, Locke believes that the master is a man. Even if he is very angry about what he has done, he will certainly not do anything while he is asleep.

The fact is the same as Locke\'s guess. Looking at the man who dares to treat himself like that, Kaila really wants to stab him with a holy light spear, but she just thinks about it. If Kaila really wants to do so, she really can\'t do it.

After all, Locke is in danger to save her. She can\'t hurt Locke because of her temper.

"Hum, I\'ll make you look good when I go back!" She bit her silver teeth, and Kayla said fiercely.

It is rare that this master, who has always shown his plain and kind character, suddenly shows such a small woman. It can also be seen how reckless Locke has done these days.

No way, in order to ensure the safety of himself and others, and to recover the master Kaila as soon as possible, Locke must do so.

However, seeing the other side of master Kayla hiding under his plain character, Locke subconsciously felt it was worth it.

His lips moved. In his dream, Locke thought of women such as grace and Xiaxi who were far away in the three western islands. Locke, who hadn\'t tasted meat for several years, seemed to smell the fragrance of his sister Leia in his sleep.

Twisting his body and holding his hands together, Locke gently said, "Christine, don\'t run, let me hold it."

Seeing this, Kayla blushed and spat. Of course, she knew that her good apprentice Angelina\'s husband Locke was a playful man with three wives and four concubines.

But Kayla, who had never been in contact with men and women, saw that Locke still showed this color blank in her sleep, which really made her face burn.

She hurried away from Locke, as if she didn\'t want to hear what Locke said Speech is filthy Language.

When the master\'s breath disappeared for a few minutes, Locke opened one eye and glanced.

At night, Kayla was sitting on a clean boulder meditating.

The bright starlight in the night sky is the best source for Kaila to restore the magic of the light system. The pure white light element particles slowly gather around Kaila in Locke\'s mental induction.

Seeing the master\'s normal performance, Locke breathed a sigh of relief and continued to close his eyes into shallow sleep.

Tomorrow will leave the rainbow forest, the future is uncertain, so Locke must always maintain the highest combat power, physical strength is an indispensable part.

At noon the next day, Locke, walking out of the rainbow forest, looked at the undulating Huangsha hills in the distance and couldn\'t help opening his mouth.

On the west side of the rainbow forest with lush trees, there is an endless desert. Locke is not surprised by such a strange climate and landform.

"Are we going into the desert?" Locke turned to Keira.

This time Kaila didn\'t make a face to him, but nodded and said, "this desert is the first area to be raided by the holy tower. The top digital animals living in it have been killed. It\'s the best choice for us to go here."

Looking at the yellow sand and the continuous hills, Locke was flustered.

Three days later, in this special area marked by the holy tower as the Riyan desert, a line of two people walked slowly on the leeward slope of the desert.

Master Kaila said that there was no top digital beast here. Locke, who entered the Riyan desert for three days, knew that the top digital beast she said was actually the research body of digital beasts, comparable to the existence of semi God.

But for him and Kayla, there is not much difference between the three-level digital beast and the semi God level digital beast. They are both powerful opponents who can kill them.

So for several days, Locke tried his best to avoid the powerful three-level digital beast.

"Why didn\'t the holy tower completely conquer the desert?" Locke wondered why the desert had not yet fallen into the hands of the three Western Islands since all the research digital beasts had been killed.

"Because of the landform here, the attack of the slave Legion is seriously limited. The price paid for completely conquering this desert is too high, which is not in the interests of Santa magicians." Kayla said faintly.

Among the numerous slave biological legions, the vast majority are still high-level and quasi order creatures below the first level, which can not achieve high resistance to the environment.

The sea, desert, swamp, magma and other areas have always been the combat environment that Santa magicians do not like.

Without the slave biological Legion to make cannon fodder in front, every time the precious magicians die, it is a great loss to the holy tower.

With a sigh, Locke knew from Kaila that the desert was a war zone abandoned by the Santa tower.

After level 3, all digital beasts have their own protected groups. This kind of digital beast has a strong sense of territory. As long as Locke doesn\'t get too close, there will be no problem.

What caused great trouble to him and Kayla was the secondary mature digital beast.

It is different from the main battlefield of dark tornado mountains and thorny wilderness. It is surrounded by digital beasts. There is no magic guided gun cover of the Space Fortress, nor is it assisted by comrades in arms who rely on their backs.

Even if Locke has the ability to kill the second level digital beast by leaps and bounds with some of his own details, he should weigh it.

The slightest mistake is that two people play together.

Water source is the most precious living resource in the desert. Generally, where there is water, there will be digital animal groups to inhabit.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Locke and Keira are walking around the place with water source these days.

It\'s no big problem for Locke, a quasi second-class knight, not to eat for a few days. If he doesn\'t drink water for a few days, his body can\'t stand it.

However, there is a first-class magician here. Locke doesn\'t need to worry about their lack of water.

A fist sized water polo appeared at Keira\'s fingertips. In Locke\'s eager eyes, Keira threw the water polo in front of Locke.

Regardless of knightly etiquette and aristocratic reserve, Locke and his wife swallowed the water ball into their stomach.

A little sweat from the forehead comes out, and the water elements in the desert are condensed into water polo, which is also very difficult for Kayla, an element teacher at the top of a level.

Secretly glanced at Kayla\'s magic robe, which was close to her because of sweat. Locke swallowed his saliva because of her concave and convex figure. Locke ran to the front hill to observe the situation long before Kayla found his little move.

"There is a stone stronghold below. Do you want to have a look?" Asked Locke.

Digital beasts rarely build cities and villages. Locke saw buildings with obvious artificial signs for the first time.

"Is it a humanoid digital beast tribe?" Kayla said to herself.

There are not many humanoid digital animals in the digital world, accounting for less than 15.8% of the total number in the digital world, but you must not underestimate these humanoid digital animals.

You know, the clown emperor and the puppet beast among the four kings of the digital beast are humanoid digital beasts, and the guardian of the digital world, the holy angel beast, will evolve from Dilu beast to humanoid Angel beast when its race grows up.

Every humanoid digital beast race has been widely valued by the holy tower, and among the captured digital beast races, humanoid digital beasts also have the highest value.

Locke didn\'t feel a particularly strong breath of life from the stone stronghold.

"Go and have a look. You\'d better not scare the snake." Kayla hesitated for a moment.

"Don\'t worry, I have my own discretion." Locke laughed.

Close to the stone stronghold, Locke just hid his breath. Next to him, Kayla added an auxiliary magic to cover his body.

From this aspect, we can see the gap between Angelina and Kaila. Although Angelina was promoted to the first level, she still didn\'t master as many kinds and numbers of magic as Kaila.

Many auxiliary magic that Locke had never heard of were used one by one by Keira. In the end, it was difficult for Locke to find the fluctuation of their lives.

Winking at Kayla, Locke took the lead in entering the stone stronghold.

Monkey beast, growing digital beast, real level matching, general medium and high-level Warcraft.

In a pile of low-level monkeys, Locke saw the strongest of the tribe, a mature orangutan, whose real level matched that of ordinary first-class creatures.

Locke and Keira came by chance. They just ran into a dispute between the gorilla beast race and another digital beast race,

"Cactus beast, what are you doing here?" The two meter tall orangutan stood in front of a group of monkeys and looked at the three uninvited guests in front of him.

Three green cactus beasts with sharp spines surrounded the orangutan beast in the center. The leading cactus beast said, "we are assigned by the flower fairy beast adult to order all digital animal races in the western desert to rush to the rainbow forest immediately to support and resist the invaders!"