Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 604

Cactus beast, mature digital beast, matches the stronger of the first-class creatures.

Three digital beasts stronger than themselves came to the orangutan beast tribe. Although the orangutan beast was angry, it had to swallow it, because the orangutan beasts were transferred away with the leader at the maturity of their tribe.

"The leader has led the tribal warriors to the Western battlefield. The orangutan beast tribe has no digital beast that can support the rainbow forest." Said the gorilla.

"The King Kong beast is gone. There are you. I think these apes and beasts in your tribe can also be sent to the battlefield." The cactus beast sneered.

Vajra, a complete digital beast, is an evolutionary form of gorilla beast, with a secondary biological level.

Among the digital beasts, it is not easy for the orangutan beast family with low potential to give birth to a complete digital beast.

In the past, Vajra was the patron saint of this small tribe. In the water deficient Riyan desert, the reason why this orangutan tribe could occupy a small spring depended on the unparalleled deterrence of Vajra.

It is precisely because the King Kong beast led the vast majority of mature apes and animals to leave, these cactus beasts dared to come and pull strong men openly.

Cactus beast is the superior race in the Riyan desert. Not to mention its high evolutionary potential, the existence of the extreme flower fairy beast in the family also established the dominant position of cactus beast in the Riyan desert.

Moreover, after the death of another polar digital beast lion beast in the Riyan desert, the cactus beast family has become a dominant family.

When they were bullied and came to the door, the orangutan beast dared not say anything. The leader King Kong beast and a group of people were still fighting with the invaders in the west of the Riyan desert. Now the orangutan beast just wants to contact them, and there are a lot of contacts.

Luo Kela, who roughly understood the situation of the Shizhai, gave a Kayla and signaled them to leave as soon as possible.

If only one or two first-class digital beasts, Locke still has the confidence to deal with them. If he has four heads, it is difficult for him to separate his mind and take care of Kayla.

"Is it just a lower race orangutan..." Kaila seems to know this kind of digital beast. After knowing what race is in the stone stronghold, Kaila also lost her desire to explore again.

Chimpanzees are not outstanding among the humanoid digital beast races, or the group with the worst potential among the humanoid digital beasts.

Only the gorilla beast with brute force and micro rock attributes, only the whole Vajra beast can be faced up to by the arrogant magicians.

What attracts the vast majority of magicians\' desire to experiment and explore is the race similar to the angel beast and the clown emperor. These humanoid digital beasts with special power master the special means that magicians above level 3 are curious about.

Locke, who had just retreated to half, hurried to hold Kayla because he felt the arrival of another group of uninvited guests.

When Locke suddenly held her in her arms, Kayla was stunned and turned into anger. Before she scolded, Locke pointed out to the outside of the stone stronghold.

In hesitation, looking in the direction indicated by Locke, Kayla\'s body was shocked. In the image transmitted from the spiritual detection, several huge Tyrannosaurus Rexs came towards the direction of Shizhai.

If it were only a low-level Tyrannosaurus Rex, Kayla would not be so shocked, but there is no doubt that such a strong bio thermal fluctuation outside is a third-class creature.

"Let\'s go." Locke said to Kayla with spiritual voice.

Suppress his breath to the most inconspicuous level, and with the help of some hidden magic performed by Kaila on him, lokra sneaked away from Kaila in another direction outside the stone stronghold.

"Zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex, what is our task?" Among several Tyrannosaurus Rex, a mature level II Tyrannosaurus Rex asked the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex walking in the front, covered with white bones.

"Kill... Lead the Western army... Kill... Go back to support... Kill..." Zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex is a very special variant of Tyrannosaurus Rex.

The skeleton digital beast with only bones left in the whole body and the digital beast only dedicated to combat do not matter if the body is destroyed. It only depends on the fighting instinct to continue to survive. This is the most extreme evolutionary form of the Tyrannosaurus Rex family known as the fighting race.

The zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex, which only has the fighting instinct, has the power beyond the reach of most digital beasts, but its own intelligence is very low, even compared with other digital beasts Communication is difficult.

In the Tyrannosaurus Rex clan, zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex only listen to the words of fighting Tyrannosaurus Rex.

The zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex\'s intermittent words only gave the mature Tyrannosaurus Rex a general meaning. It didn\'t dare to continue to ask, because the blood color in the scarlet eyes of the zombie Tyrannosaurus rex was thicker, which was a sign that it was about to lose control.

The uncontrolled zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex will destroy all life bodies in front of it, including the Tyrannosaurus Rex of the same race. Only when the fighting Tyrannosaurus Rex adult is suppressed with absolute power, can the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex briefly recover its reason.

The bloody eyes of the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex finally calmed down in a flash. Several mature Tyrannosaurus Rexs who saw this scene were relieved one after another.

This is the battle Tyrannosaurus Rex. The control power left in the zombie Tyrannosaurus rex has worked.

In terms of pure combat ability, the strength of zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex that inspires all its strength and falls into a frenzied state is definitely much higher than that of ordinary level 3 creatures.

Several Tyrannosaurus Rex walked towards the Shizhai. When they were about 500 meters away from the Shizhai, the orangutan and cactus animals in the Shizhai also felt the smell of several Tyrannosaurus Rex, especially the destructive smell carried by the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex, which disturbed these low-level digital beasts.

Tyrannosaurus Rex is known as the fighting race in digital beasts. We can see from the strength of these mature Tyrannosaurus Rexs.

On the premise of being a mature digital beast, Tyrannosaurus Rex is a real second-class creature, and whether it is an orangutan or a cactus, it still stays in the category of first-class creatures.

This is just a small tribe. The purpose of these Tyrannosaurus Rex coming to the Riyan desert is to gather the digital beasts of the Western Legion and go back to the rainbow forest. Several Tyrannosaurus Rex only sent the weakest one to go in with orangutan and cactus Negotiate.

Other mature Tyrannosaurus Rex, including zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex, lie down outside the stone stronghold and wait.

"Trouble." Locke whispered and motioned to Kayla to get ready for battle.

He and Kayla can hide under the eyes of several first-class digital beasts, but it doesn\'t mean that they won\'t be found by a second-class digital beast at such a close distance.

At this time, Kayla couldn\'t care to lose her temper at Locke and took out her spare magic wand from the space ring.

Kayla is not a delicate and delicate person. She has participated in at least four or five plane wars. She may have seen more blood than Locke.

"There will be a fight later. I\'ll run East first. When I lead them away, run away immediately." With a sigh, Locke said to Keira.

He\'s going to sacrifice himself in exchange for Kayla\'s life.

It\'s not Locke who abandons himself, but a mature Tyrannosaurus Rex is difficult for them to deal with, not to mention more than one mature Tyrannosaurus Rex outside.

A group of level 2 Tyrannosaurus Rex is just enough. What makes Locke more frightened is the vitality field released by the terrible Level 3 digital beast outside.

It is definitely not an ordinary level 3 creature. Locke, who has not seen the true face of the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex, has preliminarily defined the strength of this digital beast.

"No, it\'s also me to lead. How do you say it\'s also my younger generation. Angelina also needs your care." Kayla refused without thinking.

Before being saved by Locke, Kayla owed Locke a favor. Kayla, who has always done things with reason, doesn\'t want to owe Locke another favor.

And Locke is the husband of her apprentice. He asked a younger generation to save himself again and again. Kayla\'s face is thin. How can she promise.

There was no time to quarrel with the aunt. Locke crawled in a corner of the edge of the stone stronghold and stared at the mature Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Tyrannosaurus Rex mainly lives in the mountain continent and comes to the moon continent with the guardian of the holy angel beast. These orangutan beasts and cactus beasts have never seen Tyrannosaurus Rex, but they have heard of the reputation of the Tyrannosaurus Rex family long ago.

This powerful digital beast, which is extremely powerful and frightening, once entered the stone stronghold, it made the orangutan beast and cactus beast dare not move.

"Is this tribe so weak? There are only four mature digital beasts." Level 2 Tyrannosaurus looked at a group of digital beasts in the stone stronghold and said.

"You four, now come with us immediately to support the fighting Tyrannosaurus Rex who is caught in a hard battle in the rainbow forest!" The second level Tyrannosaurus roared at the orangutan and cactus.

"We are the people of Lord Huaxian beast. Lord Huaxian beast ordered us..." What the three cactus animals want to explain.

But the answer was the angry roar of the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Research body digital beast flower fairy beast?

Sorry, the Tyrannosaurus Rex only listen to the words of the strongest person in the family, the fighting Tyrannosaurus Rex. If the flower fairy beast is unhappy, let it go to the fighting Tyrannosaurus Rex by itself.

On the mountain continent, Tyrannosaurus Rex is a powerful group at the top of the food chain.

"Just me? These children don\'t need to go to war together?" The gorilla beast did not show any displeasure at the moment, but asked in a dull voice.

The child it refers to is naturally a group of apes and animals wandering in infancy and growth.

After looking at the group of apes and beasts whose height was only around their thumbs, Tyrannosaurus Rex shook his neck and said, "of course."

Although Tyrannosaurus Rex are rampant and extremely tyrannical, they are not violent against a group of digital animals in their infancy and growth.

Moreover, they can\'t see the combat power of the first-class apes and animals, and bring the apes and animals into the battlefield together, which is dragging down the attack pace of the great Tyrannosaurus Rex family.

Tyrannosaurus Rex is a weak rolling ball beast and a sub ancient beast in its infancy and growth. Before reaching maturity, each Tyrannosaurus Rex absolutely grows up under the protection of its mother and family.

Tyrannosaurus Rex did so only in line with their ethnic group\'s consistent attitude towards their young and mature companions.

From this point of view, Tyrannosaurus Rex is much more humanized than cactus.