Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 602

Locke, who had been running away in the rainbow forest for nearly a long time, finally stopped his steps in Kayla\'s endless wrestling and scolding.

"Master, don\'t blame me. I\'m in a hurry to speed up our progress." Look at Kayla\'s face, Locke said hurriedly.

Her face turned red. Kayla was angry.

Pointing to Locke, she wanted to scold a few words, but when the words came to her mouth, Kayla swallowed them again. She was not an impulsive person. Naturally, she could understand what Locke said.

"Where are you now?" All the way was dizzy by Locke\'s "disgusting" smell. Keira didn\'t even know where they went to the rainbow forest.

"We should be close to the boundary of rainbow forest. If we hurry all night, we will definitely get out of rainbow forest before tomorrow morning." Locke replied.

On the other hand, after knowing the general situation, Kayla was not in a hurry to analyze their current situation, but sang magic and summoned a group of water elements to wash her face and hands.

If it weren\'t for the conditions, plus Locke, an \'asshole\', Kayla would prefer to take a full body bath.

Seeing that the master is so serious about cleanliness, Locke, who has gradually adapted to it, can only smile bitterly.

When Kayla washed her body, Locke was not idle. He mobilized his fighting spirit to rise to the low altitude position and began to observe the situation around.

Before running away, in order not to attract the attention of the powerful digital beasts in the rainbow forest, Locke never took flight, which slowed them down, but the victory was high safety.

"The most powerful is only a first-class mature digital beast, which is very far from here." After a mental probe, Locke breathed a sigh of relief.

The world\'s first-class digital beasts have strong physique and vitality, but their evolution in spiritual power is very limited. They can\'t even compare with the first-class knights, let alone the first-class magicians.

Kayla was so embarrassed before, mainly because she fell into the encirclement and suppression of the digital herd, in which there were several level 2 and level 3 digital beasts.

However, there is no doubt about the strong attack power of digital beasts.

Kayla is still so weak, which is caused by the digital beasts.

The penetrating wound in the abdomen, put on Locke, also had to lose three lives, not to mention the weak Kayla.

In the evening, before the crackling bonfire, Locke handed Kayla the roasted animal meat.

After struggling for a while, Kayla still followed the original intention shown by her stomach. Now she needs too much energy to supplement her body.

"Unfortunately, it\'s inconvenient here, otherwise I can take out the generator and make you a hot pot." Locke uttered a string of strange words, which made Kayla\'s face uneasy.

"What did you gain from that micro plane?" Kayla bit the barbecue, raised her eyebrows and said.

Worthy of being a close sister, Locke now finds that master Kaila\'s eyebrow picking action is very similar to master Ashar.

"Well, it\'s a good food. I\'ll give you a chance to try it." Locke nodded.

"No need." Keira snorted coldly and looked away.

In fact, Kayla is still curious about Locke\'s experience in the last micro plane. After all, Locke\'s extremely powerful authority is there now.

Quasi second level knight, I haven\'t seen him for a few years. Why has this little guy changed so much?

The place where I live tonight is a tree hole dug by Locke. The trees in the digital world are very high and wide, and towering trees with a diameter of two or three meters can be found everywhere.

Locke picked a big tree with soft light in the leeward, but after making the tree hole, Rao was repeatedly cleaned by him several times, and master Kaila still refused to live in it.

She feels dirty.

"You need a rest now!" Locke said unhappily. Because of Kayla\'s stubbornness, he unconsciously changed the title from \'you\' to \'you\'.

"I\'m in good condition now. I don\'t need to rest. If I sit on the tree trunk and meditate for a night, my mental strength will recover a lot." Kayla said with a cold face.

"Sleeping can also restore mental strength. Do you think your body can support you to meditate all night?" Locke has been meditating on magicians instead of sleeping.

Fortunately, Angelina and them are in their own tune I don\'t have such a bad habit.

Meditation can\'t replace sleep. No matter how good its mental recovery effect is, Kayla, who is still wounded, needs more rest than hard work. Locke doesn\'t want to find that Kayla\'s wound burst and worsened when he was on his way the next day.

They just stared at each other.

The bright moonlight on their heads made them wear a layer of silver gauze.

Kairaben\'s silver hair and her pure white mage robe make her more like a holy angel than a light element teacher.

Locke, dressed in blue armor, rubbed his gray short hair. He had seen the beauty of Kayla last night. Now it\'s in the wild. Everything should listen to him for the safety of their lives.

Locke doesn\'t care whether Kayla is an angel or anything. He only knows that what is standing in front of him now is no longer Angelina\'s mentor, but like a grumpy little girl.

"Be obedient!" Maybe it\'s too long to be so disobedient. In his anger, Locke forgot Kayla\'s identity and said harshly to her.

As soon as Kaila Mei stared, she would scold Locke. Before she could say anything, Locke cut Kaila\'s back neck with a knife.

Without the protection of magic shield, Keira was shaky and would fall down after being hit by Locke.

He hurried forward to hold Kayla\'s body, and Locke bent down to take the ancestor into the tree hole.

"I hope master Kayla doesn\'t blame me afterwards." Locke said something he didn\'t believe.

"And don\'t let Angelina know, God bless..." After reading for a long time, Locke jumped up, sat on the tree trunk, and then became a qualified night watchman.

He hasn\'t closed his eyes for two days and nights. Thanks to the physical quality of the quasi second-class knight, Locke hasn\'t shown any discomfort.

After a while, Locke, who was watching the night on the tree trunk, jumped down with a piece of animal skin in his hand.

"I almost forgot. I\'ll cover this for you." Locke covered Kayla with digital animal skin.

Kayla, who fell into a deep sleep, curled up in a soft and holy shape. Locke was stunned when she saw it.

Shaking his head and putting aside some shady fantasies, Locke jumped up the trunk again and began his long vigil career.

The Hellfire giant AI in the dimension bag is also sleeping. Locke could have entrusted the responsibility of night watch to it, but he can\'t take it lightly in the hinterland of the digital beast family who is not familiar with his life.

"I\'d better leave it to myself." With a sigh, Locke found himself a suffering life.


The eighth day of Wan Geng.

I can\'t hold it anymore. I met a younger student yesterday and said that my hair was falling out.

Am I going to be bald

Think carefully and fear!