Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 601

Kayla, who was carried around by Locke and kept running west, had an impulse to die at the beginning.

When did you have such close contact with the opposite sex? Kayla wanted to summon a holy light spear to kill Locke on the ground.

Unfortunately, she can only think about it. In fact, Kayla, who is still recovering, can\'t even release the simplest magic.

This is why magicians often hide behind knights to cast spells. For them with high attack and weak defense, the most premise to participate in a battle is to protect themselves.

Take the Panamanian master, the strongest of the three western islands, as an example.

This powerful magician is a level 4 creature. When have you seen him fight alone with the strong on the ectopic side?

Which time did not pull the remaining four knights of the three western islands together.

It was also the cautious character of the Panamanian master that led to the victorious outcome of the horizontal wars on the three western islands.

What determines the direction of a war mainly depends on the game between the high-level.

There are more strong people above level 4 and more semi divine individuals. The wizard side of the world will eventually win. This is the common idea of middle and low-level knights and magicians.

This time, the raid in rainbow forest was the next step decided by the masters of the three western islands, Panamanian masters and Gaia knights.

In the control room on the top floor of the Space Fortress, Panama, facing a wide element mirror and hidden in the black fog, said, "Gaia, how are you preparing there?"

At the other end of the element mirror stood a giant in gold armor.

"My Hellfire Legion is ready, but..." The golden armor giant paused and then said, "what I\'m worried about is, can AGUS and Azul hold on?"

"I\'ve sent Jose to support, but he\'s entangled by a powerful digital beast, and brand can\'t get away for the time being. They can only rely on themselves." Panama said faintly.

Gaia, the golden giant on the other side, heard the silence. He said that he was unhappy with two level four knights, Odyssey and zekray, because of the dark blue prison fire world some time ago.

However, we are all old friends who have known each other for nearly ten thousand years. The unhappiness dissipated after they made certain concessions and compensated him.

Now in the words of the Panamanian master, the indifference to the lives of the other two level-4 knights and their demigods makes it difficult for the level-4 knight, who is famous for his upright character.

Although Odyssey and zekray have not participated in the plundering of this low-level level level for the time being, and the first and second level Knight legions of their Knight palace have not yet reached this level, they both sent several demigod knights to explore the way.

It goes without saying that Argus, who has the blood of a bronze man, is the only recognized disciple of the Odyssey, and Azur, the knight of light, is also the number one general under zekray.

"Why don\'t I send Felix?" The golden armor giant proposed.

"Oh? Are you sure to do this? He has only released the semi divine power twice. If he uses it once here..." The Panamanian master didn\'t say everything, but the meaning was already obvious.

The golden armor giant said in a deep voice, "Warren, Duncan, Bello and Dickens can\'t get away from the war now. Sending Felix is the best choice. Moreover, my reconnaissance Knight sent intelligence. It seems that there are more than three semi divine digital beasts there."

Warren, Duncan, Bello and Dickens are all the semi divine Knights under Gaia. As the main force of the knight palace in this plane, these four semi divine knights are famous in the digital world. Two research digital beasts have fallen under their feet one after another.

At the critical moment when the top-level four strongmen have not determined the victory or defeat, the fall of demigod creatures is already the highest level of biological war damage.

Concerning the plot planned by Israel against the death cliff of the clown emperor, Panama agreed to Gaia\'s decision after a moment of meditation.

"Since Odyssey has given Felix to you and is still a notary of my old bone, of course, I have no objection to Felix\'s choice." Panama in the dark fog said.

"OK, I\'ll send him now!" Gaia said.

After the outbreak, Felix, who is also a level 3 sky knight and a level 3 magician, is probably no less impressive than Jos, the No. 1 general under the Panamanian master.

Gaia is confident to win the local raid war and complete the plan to surround the Joker\'s death cliff!

"You just said there were more than three semi divine digital beasts?" The Panamanian master suddenly asked as if he remembered something.

"I haven\'t reached a conclusion on the specific situation. The level-3 sky knight in charge of investigation just said that there was something that made him very uncomfortable, which was a bit similar to the effect of plane suppression." Gaia said.

"Hum, can the holy angel beast come to this continent? I still have this confidence in the Earth Dragon of the Dragon warlock family." Panama sneered in the dark fog.

No one knows the oppression of a level 5 blood warlock better than him. It\'s only a matter of time before the holy angel beast is defeated. If there is any variable, it\'s the time it takes to defeat it.

The level 5 blood Warlock of the Dragon warlock family turned into a Earth Dragon who is good at defense and weak in attack.

There is no way to fall into a long struggle in the face of the highly restorative optical digital beast - the holy angel beast.

"Order your Hellfire Legion on on standby outside the throne. I can\'t wait to see a grand meteor shower." Panama master "Jie Jie" smiled.

The Hellfire legion, which has helped the three western islands create brilliant achievements in succession, is one of the trumps of the Gaia knight and a terrible nightmare in the eyes of countless bullied Aboriginal creatures.

"OK." The knight Gaia said concisely.

The image in the element mirror gradually disappears.

After a long time, Panama snorted coldly under the black fog, "no matter what there is in that place, since it is the Hellfire corps, it will smash everything."

"Cough... Cough..." Intermittent coughing came from the black fog.

A bright card throwing knife is inserted into the black fog. No matter how corroded by the surrounding black fog, it will not be affected.

"Clown emperor? Hum, you really have two skills!" Panama said calmly.

This is a secret that all low-level knights and magicians do not know. That is, before the opening of the main battlefield in the thorns wilderness, level 4 magician Panama and level 4 Knight Gaia had a fierce war with the most powerful clown emperor of the continent.

As a result of the war, only the three parties themselves knew that the clown emperor was seriously hurt, and he was no better than Panama and Gaia. It was a losing battle.