Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 592

Here is an altitude of 20000 meters from the ground, and the gray clouds block Locke\'s view.

The climate characteristics of the digital world have obvious regionality. Dark areas are famous for cloudy and rainy seasons all year round.

For a general micro plane, an altitude of 20000 meters is already the limit height of the internal space of the plane, close to the plane barrier, but in the digital world, there is still a long distance from the plane barrier.

Fortunately, Locke got rid of the stage of observing the surrounding environment with the naked eye. Through the spiritual reflection and the hint of the regional center in the Knight Medal, Locke accurately flew to the yakura beast in a very short time.

Young, growing, mature, complete and extreme, these are the common levels of all digital animals in the digital world. After arriving at the Space Fortress, Locke touched his cold left abdomen. Locke\'s face remained unchanged and came forward to clean up the remains of the yakura. Half a minute later, there was nothing here except the blood left on the deck.

Not only on this deck, but also on the outer deck of the wind element power furnace, there are many such bloodstains. Each bloodstain represents the solution of a digital beast rushing into the fire network of the space fortress.

Through the emergency passage on the deck, Locke returned to the lower corridor of the Space Fortress five minutes later.

"Are you hurt? Come to the divisional task center. You are allowed to rotate in advance today." In the knight\'s medal, the officer\'s voice came.

"I see." Locke replied.

At the mission center of the left chord area of the Space Fortress, Locke saw his officer as soon as he arrived here, a knight with a long breath.

"If it\'s frostbite, you can go to the trading area. There\'s a good magic shop selling healing potions." The local knight was named SOM and was very tolerant to his men. Locke didn\'t resent working under such people.

"No, I have my own recovery medicine." Locke shook his head and refused, handing SOM the space ring containing the remains of the agura.

This type of harvest is not counted in the booty of the garrison knights. Locke can only get two dead wages of the essence of primary energy in that month.

"Here you are. You deserve it. Take it." SOM gave Locke a first-class digital Orc core.

Seeing SOM\'s seriousness and feeling the frostbite on his waist, Locke accepted the reward.

"You don\'t blame me for transferring you to that area." Somme said. He looked into Locke\'s eyes as if he wanted to see if Locke was telling the truth.

"No, the area where the wind element power furnace is located is very suitable for my practice. Some dangerous tasks will only make me stronger." Locke said without blinking.

Seeing what Locke said, SOM breathed a sigh of relief and said, "if only all my boys were as sensible as you."

Patted Locke on the shoulder, and SOM motioned Locke to treat frostbite. The knight who took over Locke\'s patrol has just come to report that SOM needs to explain something to him.

Out of the district task center, Locke walked to the rest area assigned to himself and Angelina.

Locke knows the difficulties of SOM. The knight who can get the garrison mission on the Space Fortress has no power.

Some of the elders of the first-class knights were the same level partners SOM used to know. These acquaintances stuffed their nephews in. SOM had to take care of one or two anyway.

However, since it is a dangerous war, how can there be a safe place? There are several accident prone areas in the patrol area of the space fortress.

Those areas correspond to the loopholes in the fire network of the magic guide cannon. A large number of land Knights have been sent on them, but the defense is still not strong enough. There are always some tricky characters that are difficult for the first-class knights to deal with.

Many of the fallen Knights Locke knew were killed by such hard roles.

Therefore, many knights in these areas are unwilling to garrison, and even some big backstage Knights dare to confront Somme head-on.

Locke has always peed in less than a pot with these aristocratic knights. As the saying goes, he prefers to associate with people with true temperament.

In this case, Locke stood up and expressed his willingness to take charge of one of the dangerous areas, which made SOM feel very sad.

In return for his kindness, SOM assigned Locke to a garrison area near the wind element power furnace that helped him practice.

The land knights in the mission division of the Space Fortress have not low rights. Under each land knight, there are at least 20 or 30 ordinary first-class knights. Locke naturally wants SOM to owe him a favor.

Today\'s early leave is only a small part of SOM\'s return.

For the weekly rotation of garrison tasks, Locke has two days off, one more day than Angelina who rotates every three days.

Today is Angelina\'s day off.

"I told you to be careful. Why are you hurt again?" Angelina complained and dealt with Locke\'s abdominal frostbite.

The magic reagent with volcanic crystal ash, blood crow bone, red inflamed grass and other materials was prepared by Angelina herself for Locke, which is much more useful than any general recovery potion.

A warm feeling came from the lower abdomen. Under Angelina\'s care, Locke, who was in a comfortable mess, couldn\'t help but bow his head and kiss the beauty\'s sweet lips.

It was not until Angelina\'s little fist hit him on the shoulder that Locke reluctantly released.

"I\'ll make something to eat." Angelina, whose face was filled with intoxicating red, bit her lips and stuffed the remaining reagent into Locke\'s arms, "apply it yourself."

Watching Angelina rabbit run away, Locke laughed.

This is the nostalgic warmth in the war. Both Locke and Angelina cherish the present very much.

Angelina, who has been promoted to a first-class magician and manipulated the magic guide cannon for more than two years, has changed a lot from when Locke left the three western islands a few years ago.

There are at least dozens of digital beasts who die under Angelina\'s magic guide gun every day. This bloody record makes Angelina more and more like the character that a formal magician should have, rational, indifferent and lack of humanity.

Only on the day when she gets along with Locke every week will Angelina change back to her original character.

The reason why Yale Sha, the magician in the same position with Angelina, secretly loves Angelina should not be because of Angelina\'s beauty, but because of Angelina\'s liveliness and vitality.

After all, 235 years ago, he also had his first love and the vitality when he first learned magic.